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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow Are Strawberries Good for Weight Loss?

Are Strawberries Good for Weight Loss?

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: May 15, 2023
7 min read 1291 Views 0 Comments
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Find out if strawberries can help you control your weight, lose belly fat, and resist sugar cravings and why they are called a superfood for your heart, gut, and skin.

are strawberries good for weight loss

Weight loss alert! If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your diet, strawberries are just what you need.

Irresistible for their sweet and juicy texture as well as their brilliant red color, strawberries are so delicious. The best thing is that after you eat strawberries, you will not be tempted to grab something unhealthy.

Throughout history, people have used them in every possible way. They made desserts and candies, used strawberries for skincare, and even flavored lip gloss with them.

In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about strawberries and how they can help you lose weight so that you can safely incorporate strawberries into your diet. You will also get a recipe for a strawberry smoothie that will become your go-to weight loss drink.

Are Strawberries Good for Weight Loss?

Yes, strawberry is an excellent choice for weight loss, especially for people with insulin resistance or diabetes who struggle to lose weight. Eat 2.5 servings of strawberries every day for 4 weeks, and you will not only enjoy better moods but can also improve your metabolism because of a reduction in insulin resistance.

With so few calories, strawberry’s natural sugars, organic acids, and fiber are able to satisfy your appetite and help you lose weight. Strawberries can help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels to maintain a healthy body weight, get rid of belly fat, and avoid cellulite.

Nutrients present in strawberries stimulate the production of weight-reducing hormones – leptin and adiponectin – which help burn fat and enhance metabolism. For instance, adiponectin stimulates insulin activity, which prevents the accumulation of visceral fat, also known as belly fat, which covers organs deep within your abdomen and causes chronic inflammation.

Strawberry is safe to consume for people with diabetes because of its relatively low glycemic index (41). Generally speaking, the lower the glycemic index of a food, the lower the blood sugar spike. One cup of raw strawberries can safely satisfy the sugar craving of someone with diabetes without making their blood sugar skyrocket and aid in weight loss.

According to growing research, strawberries are a functional food that offers a bunch of health benefits. It should be noted that strawberry cultivars and agricultural practices have an impact on bioactive factors and the nutritional value of strawberries. Try to consume only sodium-free varieties of strawberries.

The best strawberries to choose are those that are bright red, have a natural shine, and have bright green caps.

Strawberry Nutrition Facts

Strawberry is a superfood low in calories and rich in soluble fiber, which promotes weight loss. It is packed with important nutrients such as vitamin C and A, as well as folate and a lot of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, and zinc.

Macro and micronutrients in 100g of strawberries
Calories: 32Vitamin C: 58.8
Protein: 0.7gVitamin A: 12 IU
Carbs: 7.7gCalcium: 16mg
Sugar: 4.9gFolate: 12mg
Fiber: 2gPotassium: 153mg
Fat: 0.3gMagnesium: 13mg

Did you know that strawberry has the lowest calorie count of all berries? In fact, 100g of raw strawberries has only 32 calories, 0.7g of protein, 0.3g of fat, and 7.7g of carbs.

7 Health Benefits of Strawberry

Strawberries’ bright red color and soft texture have surprising health benefits for your immunity, cardiovascular and digestive system, as well as skin and hair.

Moreover, strawberries promote weight loss since they help fight inflammation, the number one cause and consequence of obesity.

Here are the top 7 health benefits that are hidden in a pack of strawberries in your nearby grocery store.

#1 Good for immunity

Strawberry contains a powerful combination of natural chemicals and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and A, anthocyanin, and fiber, which are essential for the creation of several different immune cells as well as for reducing inflammation.

Researchers have found that obese people who tend to suffer from inflammation benefit significantly when they incorporate strawberries into their weight loss diet. These benefits are particularly noticeable when it comes to blood sugar management, which is directly linked to weight loss.

#2 Has antioxidant properties

Strawberry has a beautiful red hue that is not only captivating but also healing in a way it repairs and protects your body from diseases.

Vitamin C and A in strawberries make your skin soft and supple by promoting cellular regeneration.

The results of prior and ongoing studies suggest that strawberry extracts have significant biological effects on breast cancer cells, meaning they can help prevent cancer.

#3 Might lower your cholesterol

Antioxidants in strawberries help cleanse your blood vessels of plaque, so consuming them as part of a healthy diet lowers your bad cholesterol and promotes weight loss.

Studies suggest that eating one pound of strawberries for a month or two can decrease bad cholesterol by roughly 10%. However, strawberries, as any other food, should be consumed in moderation, to support your goals, rather than be the only means to reaching them.

#4 Regulates blood pressure

Researchers found that anthocyanin contained in strawberries helps unclog the blood vessels and reduces the risk of hypertension and heart disease.

Eating strawberries may cause more bruising and bleeding if taken with medications that also slow clotting. Consult your doctor if you eat strawberries along with such medications.

#5 High fiber content

The fiber in strawberries helps slow down the absorption of sugar in your stomach and prevent weight gain. Not to mention that strawberries can easily replace sugary foods and aid in weight loss if used creatively.

According to the USDA, one cup of raw strawberries provides nearly 2.88 grams of fiber per 46.1 calories, while half a cup of whole-grain brown rice with 124 calories has only 1.6 grams.

Generally, men and women should aim for 38 to 25 grams of fiber a day, respectively, to protect gut health and lose weight.

#6 Promotes prenatal health

Strawberries are naturally rich in folate, which is recommended for pregnant women and those who want to conceive since it can help prevent some serious brain and spinal defects.

You can add variety to your prenatal nutrition plan by eating raw strawberries, which have 24 grams of folate in 100 grams of berries.

#7 Helps fight inflammation

It is recommended to eat strawberries regularly to protect at-risk men and women from bleeding disorders and chronic inflammation caused by their eating habits.

Because strawberries are naturally high in antioxidants such as pelargonidin, ellagic acid, ellagitannins, and procyanidins, they have anti-inflammatory properties. It is important to eat strawberries if you are on a weight loss diet and struggling to lose belly fat.

Athletes should also add strawberries to their diet to reduce inflammation, which is a major enemy of their muscles.

Drawbacks of Strawberry

Excessive consumption of strawberries can make you sick and cause heartburn, diarrhea, or reflux. In addition, there is a small but real chance that some people might be allergic to strawberries.

Certain sour strawberry varieties are very acidic and can cause heartburn. Choosing sweet strawberries over sour ones will help you avoid heartburn. Generally, heartburn can be treated by eating alkaline foods like bananas and melons. In case this doesn’t help, you may need to take heartburn medications.

Conversely, sweet strawberries may cause diarrhea when consumed without moderation because they are high in fructose. It is recommended to eat no more than 8 strawberries per day to avoid this inconvenience. If you have diarrhea, eat fiber-rich foods like whole grains, beans, etc.

Strawberry allergy is very rare but severe. It usually manifests as a rash, itchy mouth, breathing difficulties, swelling face, vomiting, or other symptoms that should be treated by a doctor.


Are strawberries high in calories?

Strawberries are low in calories, so you can make them a regular part of your daily diet even if you are on a weight loss regime. Even if you eat as much as a pound of raw strawberries in one serving, you will get only 145 calories, which is much less than any other berries and most fruits.

Do strawberries promote weight gain?

A pound of strawberry contains 25 grams of carbs from fructose, which means that its uncontrolled consumption can lead to weight gain. If taken with caution, it can actually promote weight loss. As one strawberry has only 3–4 calories, it can serve as a healthy, nutritious snack that will not ruin your figure.

Do strawberries help the skin?

Salicylic acid in strawberries acts as a natural exfoliant that clears the skin of dead skin cells and impurities, resulting in a glowing, clear, and healthy appearance. You could just swipe your face with a halved strawberry or strawberry puree to gently clean your skin. However, it’s better to go with skincare products that contain strawberry extract and have the advantage of being both convenient and safe for allergy sufferers.

Are strawberries good for hair?

Strawberry nutrients help treat alopecia and other hair-related conditions. As you eat strawberries, your body gets the chemicals and nutrients it needs to fight harmful bacteria on your scalp and grow healthy hair.

Do strawberries make you poop?

A healthy person eating strawberries and wanting to go potty means that their gut is functioning properly. Dietary fiber in strawberries can make the stomach queasy and cause poop. Strawberries’ mild laxative properties can aid in weight loss. However, if you have diarrhea, it’s probably because you ate too many sweet strawberries.

A Word From Our Nutritionist

Strawberry is an incredibly versatile food. They’re great raw or mixed up with other fruits in smoothies and desserts. In fact, there are many recipes where you can use them.

Make strawberry smoothies that are extremely nutritious and low in calories to help you lose weight. Additionally, they are very delicious, leaving you satisfied for a long time. Here are the ingredients:

Blend these together, starting with the denser ingredients, until they reach a creamy texture. Let it sit for a few minutes and enjoy!

Fresh mint leaves on top and half a cup of ice will make your smoothie cooling and refreshing!

Strawberry smoothies are naturally sweet, so there is no added sugar. If you replace yogurt with the juice of your choice, this will easily become a vegan-friendly drink.

Try this smoothie if you have poor digestion, and your body will thank you! Besides, it promotes weight loss.


Because strawberries are delicious, highly nutritious, and low in calories at the same time, they make weight loss much more enjoyable.

These berries have powerful natural chemicals, vitamins, and minerals, so they’re excellent for gut and heart health, controlling blood sugar, skin and hair care, fighting inflammation, and even aging.

Even when you think of strawberries, there’s something irresistible about their fragrance, texture, and bright color that makes your mouth water.

The key is to choose sweet strawberries over sour ones and limit portion sizes to avoid heartburn or diarrhea.

Get healthy and lose weight in style with strawberries by your side.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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