Which Juice Is Good for Diabetes? The 8 Best Options
Drinking juice is an easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, as it comes in many different flavors. You might be thinking – will juice cause those nasty blood sugar spikes? We provide the best juices for diabetes and explain how you can enjoy this drink on your diabetes diet.
Fresh juice contains plenty of nutrients that can support diabetes.
People might instantly think about the sugar content in juice and how it can raise blood sugar. This is true for store-bought drinks, but making your own fruit juice may actually have more benefits. Any type of fruit is believed to contain important vitamins and minerals for your health.
There are certain fruits that are better for managing diabetes, especially ones that comprise calcium, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Finding the right ingredients for your freshly made juice is crucial to reducing diabetes-related symptoms, so which juice is the best for you?
In this article, you’ll discover the best 8 juices for diabetes.
8 Best Juices to Drink if You Have Diabetes
#1 Pomegranate juice
#2 Tomato juice
#3 Carrot juice
#4 Green juice
#5 Karela juice
#6 Amla juice
#7 Fresh orange juice (in moderation)
#8 Watermelon juice
Which Juice Is Good for Diabetes? 8 Options to Enjoy
People with type 2 diabetes are usually advised to drink low-calorie beverages that don’t contain added sugars. This means you can’t have typical juice from your local grocery store. The juice needs to be completely fresh, so you can juice fruits at home using only organic produce.
Let’s take a look at the top 8 juices for diabetes:
#1 Pomegranate juice
Drinking pomegranate juice is one way to reduce your symptoms.
This popular fruit contains lots of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable atoms that cause damage, leading to diabetes-related inflammation. Reducing this internal swelling could decrease the risk of cardiovascular and immune diseases.
Pomegranate seeds can also improve insulin sensitivity. After 3 hours of ingesting the juice, your body moves out of the insulin-resistant state and decreases serum glucose levels. This will help the cells use more blood glucose, which reduces blood sugar levels after meals.
#2 Fresh tomato juice
Tomato juice is a non-starchy, low-glycemic beverage that can support diabetes. This juice ranks 15–35 on the glycemic index scale, meaning it won’t raise your blood sugar. Any food below 55 is great for people who want full control over their sugar levels throughout the day.
One of the best anti-inflammatory foods is tomatoes. They contain lycopene – a natural compound that stops the production of inflammatory cytokines. Reduced inflammation means you’ll be at less risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Consuming tomato juice every day could also lower blood pressure after 8 weeks. Having less pressure in your arteries can prevent heart attacks, strokes, and even heart failure.
#3 Carrot juice
Carrot juice might not be the first option you think of, but it has many great benefits for your overall health. Eating carrots, in general, can lower your blood glucose levels. This is because they are high in fiber, which slows down the release of sugar after your body digests big meals.
The carotenoids in carrots also increase insulin sensitivity. This can help your body produce enough insulin for energy, leading to better glucose management. Drinking more carrot juice stops the body from increasing blood pressure and putting more force on your arteries.
People with diabetes can drink carrot juice for weight loss. Carrots are low in calories, meaning they won’t disrupt your daily diet. You can drink this juice as part of the ketogenic diet, as your body burns fat for energy (the ketosis state) and lowers blood sugar due to the lack of carbs.
#4 Green juice
Green juice is made using the juices of natural green vegetables. This could be celery, kale, spinach, cucumber, mint, and parsley. People often drink this beverage to improve their gut health, but consuming leafy greens is especially good for lowering blood sugar levels.
You can also do a juice cleanse using these ingredients. Certain vegetables, like kale and spinach, can eliminate toxins in your body. Kale is packed with nutrients that keep everything functioning properly in the gut, leading to reduced inflammation from type 2 diabetes.
Just remember that you have to use organic vegetables for this beverage. You could also include lemon juice, coconut water, ginger, wheatgrass, apple slices, and baby salad leaves.
#5 Karela juice (bitter melon juice)
Karela juice derives from the rough-skinned bitter melon fruit. The ample amounts of vitamin C can prevent blood sugar spikes throughout the day. Consuming at least 1,000mg of this vitamin a day can reduce the complications of high blood glucose and lipids in those with diabetes.
The bitter melon fruit also contains high doses of insulin and anti-diabetic substances. Drinking this every morning can regulate blood sugar before you start eating meals. The potassium in karela juice will lower blood pressure, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
All you need to do is mix the bitter melon juice with some plain water. You can also use lemon water to enhance the flavor, but that depends on how bitter you want the juice to taste.
#6 Amla juice
Amla gooseberries are known to be very good for type 2 diabetes.
They have immune-boosting properties that support your health. These Indian gooseberries contain chromium – a mineral that keeps your blood sugar levels in check. It can also regulate carbohydrate metabolism and make the body respond effectively to insulin production.
There are many other benefits of consuming amla juice. The several flavonols and natural chemicals especially slow down the rate at which your body absorbs sugar. Gooseberries especially soothe bowel movements and help reduce inflammation from diabetes.
#7 Fresh orange juice (in moderation)
You should only drink orange juice if you make it yourself. Store-bought orange juice contains added sugars and chemicals that spike your blood sugar levels. People often buy fresh oranges and use a citrus juicer to rinse out the liquids, as this ensures you’re getting all the nutrients.
Oranges are good for diabetes management because they score low (40–50) on the glycemic index scale. They also contain important minerals like calcium, potassium, and vitamin B1. Consuming lots of B1 could reduce kidney disease in people who have type 2 diabetes.
You could also eat oranges or drink orange juice for weight loss. The nutrients can help you shed a few pounds without raising your blood sugar levels. For example, oranges are high in fiber and water content, which can fill you up after meals and prevent binge eating episodes.
#8 Watermelon juice
Consuming small portions of freshly-made watermelon juice can reduce diabetes-related symptoms. This is because watermelon comprises magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C, B6, and A. People with type 2 diabetes especially need vitamins to support their long-term health.
Magnesium is one mineral that reduces your blood sugar levels. It decreases insulin resistance, helping the body regulate strong insulin production. This mineral also has the capability to prevent diabetes by fueling your cells and maintaining functions in your pancreas.
Watermelon is another great fruit that can help you lose weight. Due to the minimal calories, it can’t contribute to future weight gain. The high water content flushes out toxins from your body and helps reduce inflammation, which is great for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.
Is Drinking Juice a Good Idea for People With Diabetes?
Drinking fruit juices can be good for people with diabetes. You should only drink juices that are made with fresh fruit, so try to avoid buying them at the grocery store. Always monitor how much fruit juice you’re consuming in one day to prevent hyperglycemia.
There is a common misconception that all fruit juices are bad for your health. This is only true if you buy packaged cartons full of added sugars and preservatives. You can still drink fruit juice every day, but only if you freshly make the beverages using organic produce.
Always stick to fruits that support diabetes management. For example, mango juice contains too many natural sugars, so you have to avoid that. Your homemade fruit juice should include ingredients from the suitable list above, as you don’t want to experience a blood sugar spike.
One thing to remember is that drinking more water is better than fruit juice. Water keeps your body hydrated and can remove excess glucose through your urine. Regularly drinking fresh water also lowers blood pressure, leading to better overall health in the long term.
What Are the Drawbacks of Drinking Juice for Diabetes Patients?
Certain fruit juices are going to cause side effects for those with type 2 diabetes. This is due to the high amount of fructose – a type of natural sugar that overwhelms your liver and heart. A diet that includes too many natural sweeteners may lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases.
Let’s take a look at more drawbacks of drinking fruit juice:
#1 Hyperglycemia
The main reason you may want to drink natural juice is to avoid hyperglycemia symptoms. However, there are some fruit juices that can worsen your diabetes. Apple juice is a good example of how natural sugars (like fructose) promote high blood sugar levels in your body.
Just be careful of which fruit juice you want to drink on your diet. You might even choose vegetable juice that contains diabetes-friendly ingredients. If you experience nausea, weakness, or abdominal pain, stop drinking fruit juice and speak to a medical professional for advice.
#2 Weight gain
Juice may contain lots of calories that contribute to weight gain. These calories are often unhealthy and increase the fat around your stomach, face, arms, and thighs. To avoid gaining weight, stick to drinking low-calorie fruit juice that only contains water or other organic fruits.
You can also track how many calories you consume each day. This may encourage you to have 1–2 drinks before or after meals. Having too much natural sugar in your diet can worsen diabetes and increase blood sugar levels, leading to extra glucose that damages cells.
#3 Low in protein and fiber
Fruit juice alone doesn’t contain much dietary fiber or protein. You can only gain these nutrients from eating whole fruits and not drinking them. A lack of these important nutrients might cause you to feel weak, as your body is reducing muscle mass and slowing down your metabolism.
Not getting enough fiber could also lead to severe constipation. Fiber is very important for regulating bowel movements and removing toxins from the gut. Always eat whole fruits throughout your diet since the food itself retains more nutrients than the juice.
4 Tips to Enjoy Juice if You Have Diabetes
You don’t have to worry about drinking fruit juice on your diabetes-friendly diet. There are many ways you can enjoy these delicious beverages and not feel concerned about potential side effects. Just start by choosing the right fruit juice that maintains blood sugar levels.
Below, you’ll find 4 ways to enjoy fruit juice if you have diabetes:
#1 Drink juice with your meal
Natural fruit or vegetable juice can have strong flavors, so it might be best to drink them with your meal. This helps your gut absorb the nutrients while digesting food. Some people like drinking juice in the morning, as it helps the body eliminate excess glucose during the day.
You could have a small glass of juice with breakfast to maintain low blood sugar. Tomato juice is a great option if you want to prevent inflammation after big meals. Always choose a fruit beverage that doesn’t contain added sugar and only uses water or low-fat milk.
#2 Choose natural (fresh) juice
People with type 2 diabetes should only drink natural juice that contains organic produce. This stops you from increasing your sugar and carbohydrate intake. Diabetes-related complications often derive from fruit juices that use artificial sweeteners to preserve that delicious taste.
Creating your own fresh juice at home could have many great benefits. Since you aren’t throwing in unhealthy ingredients, your blood sugar level will remain normal. Just remember that buying fruit juice from the grocery store won’t support or treat symptoms of diabetes.
#3 Drink juice in moderation
Any type of healthy fruit juice won’t do any good if you drink too much of it.
The only beverage you should be having all the time is water, as it hydrates your body and reduces inflammation. Consume juice in moderate amounts and try to drink at least 8–10 cups of water a day. If you don’t like water, add slices of lemon or lime to enhance the flavor.
#4 Always check the label
You can check the label of each fruit you’re buying before juicing them.
The nutritional label will tell you more about calories, natural sugars, carbohydrates, and other important minerals. Most people would choose fruits that are low in carbs, as this prevents your blood sugar level from rising and triggering common hyperglycemia symptoms.
For example, in a 100-gram portion of apples, there are 14.1 grams of carbohydrates. This is too much for your diabetes-friendly diet, so you wouldn’t be able to make apple juice. Instead, choose other whole fruits that have a low-carb, calorie, and overall sugar content.
A Word From a Nutritionist
One thing to note is that drinking fruit juice all the time isn’t healthy. You should opt for other low-calorie drinks or just plain water on a balanced diet. However, beverages like pomegranate juice and fresh tomato juice still offer many health benefits that support diabetes management.
Try to consume whole fruit that contains vitamin C and other important nutrients. Vitamin C has much less effect on raising blood sugar levels. It may also minimize spikes after consuming large meals, so it’s worth drinking juice that holds plenty of essential vitamins.
Just remember that not all juices are good for diabetes. If you’re unsure about what beverages to drink, speak to a registered dietitian about building a healthy diet. They can suggest good fruit or vegetable juices that don’t raise your blood sugar level after consumption.
There are at least 8 great juice options to have when managing diabetes.
You should choose a fruit beverage that doesn’t contain high amounts of sugars and carbs. A healthy juice needs to benefit your health in the long term. Remember to speak to a medical professional about reducing diabetes-related symptoms while building a healthy lifestyle.