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Home arrow Fitness arrow Running arrow Running 10 Miles a Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Tips for Weight Loss

Running 10 Miles a Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Tips for Weight Loss

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: November 30, 2022
9 min read 1640 Views 1 Comments
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Running 10 miles a day is a great way to lose weight and boost your mood. Yet, despite the clear benefits, there are major drawbacks, like the risk of injury and chafing.

running 10 miles a day

Running 10 miles a day is an exciting goal and can definitely skyrocket your running experience. In fact, when reaching this point, you’ve probably already hit other milestones, like participating in your first marathon. 

However, now you want to experiment a bit and try out something completely new. That’s cool. A unique challenge might be excellent for you. 

In reality, some running enthusiasts run for 10 miles a day (approximately 16 kilometers) or some days a month or longer. 

While running 10 miles per day will make you a great runner, it may also cause you injury and even burnout. 

This article will explore the pros and cons of running 10 miles every day. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Is It Too Much to Run 10 Miles Every Day?

Running 10 miles every single day is not too much, especially if running is your favorite type of exercise. Also, if you need to rest a bit and restore your energy after or at the halfway point of a 10-mile run, you can try running supplements for fast recovery.

4 Benefits of Running 10 Miles a Day 

Daily running has many benefits. Running 10 miles a day has even more. From weight loss to increased endurance to building up muscle, hitting 10 miles every day is a well-worth milestone. 

Not to mention the runner’s high makes you feel happier, more motivated, and stronger. 

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of running 10 miles a day: 

#1 Weight loss 

Running is one of the most popular aerobic exercises and is perfect for burning calories and losing weight (advice: sweating by itself doesn’t burn calories). As a demanding activity, running burns lots of calories and is considered one of the most efficient exercises regarding the number of calories burned per minute. 

If weight loss is your primary goal, running can help you create the ideal calorie deficit to burn fat. 

Keep in mind that running 10 miles a day is a great way to challenge your perception of your abilities as a runner. No matter your place in your running journey, being able to set new goals and milestones, such as burning a specific number of calories or completing a long run, can give you a unique sense of accomplishment.

#2 Builds up muscles 

Running for 10 (or less) miles per day is an excellent way to build up muscle and grow muscle mass. As long as you’re consuming enough protein to support your workout, jogging will help you build muscle and increase your strength. 

Besides, running is total-body training, meaning it strengthens your core, upper body, legs, and arms. Also, studies have shown that running or jogging increases bone density. 

Running increases the production rate of your bone-building hormones and stimulates it to create additional bone cells. At the same time, jogging inhibits the cell cavity that breaks down bone cells. When your bones are stronger, you feel more powerful since they’re more resilient than before, with minimal chances of fracture. 

#3 Increases endurance 

Running regularly helps you build endurance and become stronger. In other words, running 10 miles a day at least 3 to 4 times a week will definitely make a difference in your body. 

If you’re wondering how long you should run to increase endurance, know that running for 10 miles a day is enough. 

However, if you’re new to this type of excessive exercise, then aim for 15–20 minutes 3 days per week. If you’re more fit, you can run for 20–60 minutes a day for 5–7 days per week to increase and boost your cardiovascular endurance. 

Above all, though, remember to maintain balance.

#4 Increased energy levels

Running is a form of cardiovascular exercise, and just like all types of cardiovascular exercises, it can increase your energy levels and keep you up throughout the day.

But how does it do that?

Running, like walking, releases feel-good hormones, such as endorphins. These boost your energy even hours after your run is over.

This is also known as runner’s high, a rapid increase of mood-boosting hormones endorphins. Generally, endorphins are brought on by long-distance runs. 

And there’s a good reason for that. 

Finishing a run leaves you feeling capable, proud, satisfied, and ready to conquer anything that may come your way. In fact, if you’re facing depression, jogging helps you alleviate symptoms and improve your mood. 

So, if you’re feeling hesitant and sluggish or even tired and sad, going out for an early run might be what you need to improve your day. 

3 Drawbacks of Running 10 Miles Every Day

Sure, jogging 10 miles a day is a great accomplishment for any runner. However, there are some drawbacks when choosing this type of exercise instead of a more balanced workout. 

#1 It might be boring

Running every day can get boring after a while. And if you don’t change the environment or running routes or have the same goal, then boredom and lack of motivation will reach you sooner than later. 

Now, don’t fret because this is normal. You want to spice things up a bit by finding new routes to run. If you’re living in a city, running around a new area or neighborhood might help you feel less bored and more excited about your runs.

Besides, you never know what new things you will discover in your new runs, like well-hidden cafes, antique shops, clothing stores, or secret dine-ins.

Avoid getting bored by changing your running route for a few months and you may even see an increase in your running ability, too.  

#2 Possibility of injuries

The longer you run, the greater the chance of you getting injured. Hence, running for 10 miles a day means that you can get exhausted and injured. 

The thing with constantly jogging for 10 miles each day is that you don’t let your body rest enough. To put it differently, you’re not giving your muscles time to rest. 

At the same time, running 10 miles impacts your lower body a lot, and unless you have conditioned it properly, the chance of injury is increased. A good way to avoid injuries is to include proper warm-up and stretching exercises or shorter runs at a faster pace. 

#3 Chafing 

Chafing can ruin your runs and make things worse, and it takes time to recover from it. 

Sometimes, even if you take a break from running, you can get greeted again by the same pain when you head back. 

Chafing affects unusual spots, like the nipples or your inner thighs. A simple solution to chafing is to wear longer shorts or wear compression shorts under regular running shorts to prevent friction between your thighs. 

Additionally, using a moisturizer or similar lotions, like a hyperallergic balm, can reduce the effects friction has on your skin. So, cover your usual chafing spots before running, including nipples, inner thighs, groin, and armpits. 

Last but not least, keeping jogging accessories tight to your body can prevent chafing, too. Ensure the straps are tight so your equipment can’t move around or bounce. 

Tips That Will Help You With a 10-Mile Run

Going on a 10-mile run is not easy. Not at all. Yet, there are some smart tips to follow to make running 10 miles a day easier. 

Stretch before and after the run

An effective way to increase your endurance while running is to stretch before and after each run. 

Stretching helps you reduce the risk of injury since your muscles will be able to move and flex more easily. Also, stretching reduces post-run soreness. 

So, warming up before you begin jogging and stretching after jogging can make a difference in your workout. 

A good warm-up includes active movement in order to get your blood flowing faster and use the hamstrings, quadriceps, and hip flexors. After a dynamic run, your muscles will have lactic acid. Stretching helps your blood flow reach your muscles and remove the lactic acid, improving recovery. 

Finally, stretching lets your heart rate gradually decrease and become normal again after intense running, which is super important to your health. 

Choose a comfortable running gear

For such long runs, you should wear comfortable gear, like moisture-wicking clothes or spandex to prevent chafing as well as running accessories to carry your mobile phone or activity tracker. On top of this, wearing high-quality running shoes means your feet won’t get sore, plus you will have good traction while running. 

If you need help choosing the right gear, the Joggo app is for you. Thanks to its consultation service with experienced runners, you can ask them for professional advice regarding your running gear, so you’ll be ready for your short or long-distance runs. 

Besides this, the Joggo training running app can help you with your warm-up, stretching, and cool-down exercises, offer you a personalized running plan based on your goals, and a personalized meal plan for greater weight loss. 

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Practice shorter distances before a 10-mile run

If a 10-mile run is too hard for you, switch to shorter runs at a faster pace, at least until you get used to running longer distances. 

For example, instead of running 10 miles, you can start running 3 miles and take it from there. Over time, you will reach 5 miles, then 7, and eventually 10 miles. Also, short and slower runs allow more time for recovery, meaning you won’t stress your body. 

Be certain that the longer you run, the better you will be at it. So, by being dedicated, you will reach your 10-mile-a-day running goal. 


What is the fastest 10-mile speed? 

The fastest 10-mile speed belongs to Haile Gebrselassie. The Ethiopian long-distance runner completed the Tilburg Ten Mile race at 44:24, a world record. 

What is the average 10-mile running pace? 

The average speed of a 10-mile run is approximately 10:29 per mile. This might seem a very fast pace, yet it is enough to complete a 10-mile run in less than 2 hours.

If you wish, you can count your average speed to improve your running form. 

What’s a good 10-mile finish time for beginners? 

A good 10-mile finish time for beginner runners is 1 hour and 45 minutes. However, a lot of people cannot keep a standard pace when running 10-mile distances. As such, the average jogging enthusiast will need from 1 hour and 30 minutes to 1 hour and 50 minutes to complete a 10-mile run. 

Keep in mind you’ll need to factor in time for warm-ups, stretching, and cool-downs when planning your running route. 

A Word From Our Coach

Running 10 miles a day can help you lose weight, burn fat, build muscle, and increase your endurance and energy levels.

Suppose something’s certain, jogging on a day-to-day basis will improve your mood (i.e., runner’s high) and even alleviate symptoms of depression. To put it differently, daily running isn’t only good for your body but also your mental health.

Yet, as mentioned above, running 10 miles a day can also negatively affect your body.

Running the same distance or in the same environment every single day can become boring, resulting in a loss of motivation.

So, our advice would be to avoid overdoing it, especially if you’re not an experienced runner, and always perform proper warm-up, cool-down, and stretching exercises to prevent injuries.

And do have rest days. If you don’t, you will get tired too soon and won’t reap the physical benefits of running or reach your ideal fitness level.

Above everything, though, remember to enjoy it!


Whether you want to run for a few miles or actually manage to run 10 miles a day, running is an activity that does only good for your health.

If you’re not a professional or experienced runner, feel free to begin slowly, and once you get the hang of it, try to complete a long run. Then, consider your new milestone. 

This could be from a half-marathon to an ultramarathon to going running an extra day per week.

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: November 30, 2022
9 min read 1640 Views 1 Comments
  1. user
    19 Apr, 2023 at 10:00 am

    Very nice article inspiration for me will start now 10 miles on working days. Can you please tell me how long average it takes to finish 10 miles

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