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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow Is Pineapple Good for Weight Loss?

Is Pineapple Good for Weight Loss?

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: August 3, 2023
4 min read 1443 Views 0 Comments
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This article will examine whether pineapple is good for losing weight. You’ll also learn about five other health benefits of eating this fruit.

Is Pineapple Good for Weight Loss

Are you always hungry and fantasizing about your next meal?

Indeed, weight loss is proving trickier than you thought. Or perhaps you’re looking for a healthier snack.

You can’t give up on chasing your dream body when some pineapple slices can ease your cravings. This fruit also provides your body with vitamins and minerals that improve your digestion and boost your immunity.

Below, you’ll find out whether pineapple helps you lose weight, burn belly fat, or stop binge eating. Let’s dive in.

Is Pineapple Good for Weight Loss?

Pineapple or any other fruit won’t help you lose weight.

On the contrary, you’ll gain weight when you eat a lot of fruits, which you don’t want. However, the CDC says you can manage weight loss better by eating fruits as they are better alternatives than sweets and desserts.

So, taking one small cup of this fruit will help you in two ways. First, pineapple curbs your appetite as it’s sweet and filling, and second, it is a low-calorie snack

So, take a few pineapple slices instead of eating cake or donuts.

Does pineapple juice help you lose weight?

Pineapple juice won’t help you cut those extra pounds, but drinking a small amount will supply you with the bromelain enzyme. That catalyst has lipolytic and proteolytic effects that promote protein digestion, therefore you will absorb amino acids faster and enhance your metabolism.

The fiber in pineapple also promotes satiety, which helps you control your appetite.

Does Pineapple Burn Fat?

Pineapple won’t help you burn fat. Cutting weight will result from calorie restriction with a diet like keto and an intense exercise plan. Both factors increase your metabolism, hence the fat-burning to supply energy to your muscles and other organs.

But you might wonder, is there any way pineapple can support your weight loss program?

The fruit can only act as a supplement to healthy food. You’ll thus benefit from micronutrients such as vitamin C and zinc that prevent mild flu, heal tissues, and relieve arthritis pain.

Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple is not only a sweet and tasty addition to your diet. This fruit also has plenty of benefits. There are five ways eating pineapple will improve your health:

#1 Suppresses inflammation

Pineapple helps with fat loss by reducing gut inflammation. You’ll get that effect from bromelain and other anti-inflammatory elements; therefore, patients with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis may benefit.

Do you have the flu? Bromelain and manganese in pineapple suppress inflammation and help stop a running nose. Those molecules also activate and promote a healthy immune system. So, you’ll fight off infections better.

#2 May help relieve the symptoms of arthritis

The fruit is good for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis swelling and pain. So, take some slices and enjoy the benefits! Those anti-inflammatory effects are because of bromelain and vitamin C.

#3 May promote tissue healing

Pineapple is an excellent food choice for helping your skin heal from acne. Your body will absorb the antioxidants and vitamin C from this fruit. Then, those constituents will help your dermal layers form new healthy cells, toughened by collagen.

You’ll recover faster from workouts, thus maintaining consistency. Studies show that bromelain also reduces post-workout muscle soreness for that effect. So, blend pineapple and lime juice in your protein shake and include more intense workouts!

#4 Aids digestion

You’ll digest and absorb nutrients faster by adding pineapple to your diet. 

Bromelain, the proteolytic enzyme, breaks down protein molecules for this benefit. You can also soften your meat for easier digestion by marinating it in pineapple.

#5 Loaded with fiber

Pineapple is rich in fiber content, and you’ll get about 2.3 grams in every 165g you consume. Therefore, you can supplement your daily requirements with this fruit.

Why do you need fiber?

Optimal dietary fiber promotes proper digestion and helps you feel full. You’ll thus promote nutrient absorption and control cravings. This practice enables you to stay in a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss.

Easiest Way to Increase Your Fiber Intake

Pineapple only provides a 10% value of your daily fiber intake. But what about the other 90%? Doctors recommend you supplement your diet with soluble fiber.

A good macronutrient such as psyllium husk can help you reach the optimal dose and detoxify your gut. You’ll also cleanse your digestive system in less than 24–72 hours.

ColonBroom is a fiber supplement that helps you reduce junk and sugar cravings. Also, imagine satisfying your taste buds with a zero sugar product. Indeed, you would control your blood glucose levels and enjoy getting fit.

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  • Promotes good gut health and a healthy digestive system
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Is pineapple good for the diet?

Yes, it’s a healthy summer fruit, but you can’t survive on pineapple alone for weight loss.
Eat the fruit as a snack. You’ll thus provide your body with zinc, vitamin C, fiber, and bromelain, which aid proper digestion.

What happens if I eat pineapple every day?

Pineapple causes heartburn and stomach sores when you exceed your daily intake. However, a few slices every day might give you some benefits. Examples include better digestion and arthritis management, and you’ll heal your skin and muscles faster.
You’ll also get a good portion of your daily fiber intake, helping you control your appetite.

Is pineapple good for keto?

No, you shouldn’t eat pineapple on a low-carb diet. This fruit may exceed your recommended carb intake and kick you out of ketosis. Alternatively, enjoy some nuts and seeds. These snacks provide you with a good amount of healthy fat, helping you stay on track.

A Word From Our Nutritionist

A pineapple snack is good for weight loss, as it’s low in calories.

This fruit is sweet, and it’s an excellent hack that will help you control your hunger pangs. You’ll also improve your satiety through the fiber content you’ll have added to your food.

This tropical fruit has vitamin C and zinc, which will enhance your gut health. Bromelain also helps you digest and absorb protein molecules better and faster. These effects will further stimulate your metabolism, and you’ll burn more fat.

However, don’t expect to lose weight by only adding pineapple to your diet. Also, you might cause weight gain by consuming a high amount of sugar while overeating this fruit.

I recommend eating pineapple only as a snack. If you want to lose weight, focus on a healthy diet and exercise.


Pineapple stimulates your taste buds, and it’s a good snack for weight loss. This fruit helps you with better digestion, and you’ll get crucial micronutrients such as vitamin C and zinc. Those elements thus relieve gut inflammation and arthritis pain and enhance tissue healing. 

You’ll get some roughage from pineapple. ColonBroom can help you optimize that macronutrient to cleanse your gut and treat constipation and bloating. Also, the best part of supplementing fiber is that you’ll feel fuller, maintain a calorie deficit, and thus burn fat after.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: August 3, 2023
4 min read 1443 Views 0 Comments

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