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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow How to Lose 40 Pounds: Realistic Workout and Diet Plan

How to Lose 40 Pounds: Realistic Workout and Diet Plan

Written by Dennis Njoroge
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: June 14, 2023
7 min read 1435 Views 0 Comments
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Losing 40 pounds may sound daunting. However, with the right mindset and a good workout and meal plan it’s not that hard!

How to lose 40 pounds

People want to lose weight for various reasons and sometimes fall into fad diet traps that promise tremendous results. However, this article will share scientifically backed data on how to lose 40 pounds healthily.

Healthy weight loss is more about the journey rather than a scale-based destination. Here, we will share expert advice on losing weight and effectively keeping lost weight off.

How Long Does It Take to Lose 40 Pounds?

It is best to lose weight at a healthy and safe rate on a weight loss journey. Experts say that the healthy weight loss rate is 1–2 pounds a week. Factors that affect the rate of weight loss include metabolism, diet, and activity levels.

Consuming less than enough calories sometimes leads to slow metabolism and causes loss of lean muscle mass, especially if one avoids workouts. This eventually leads to weight loss at a slower rate.

When you start your weight loss journey, you lose a lot of weight, mostly because of water weight. However, as you move toward your weight goal, you will lose weight slower due to reduced metabolism if you stick to your activity level and diet.

How Long Does It Take to Lose 40 Pounds?

If you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, it will take roughly 4 to 5 months to lose 40 pounds.

Is it possible to lose 40 pounds in a month? 

Unfortunately, there is no safe way to lose 40 pounds in a month. Some programs promise such results using diet pills or detox teas but are detrimental to your health and will probably get you hospitalized before attaining your goal.

The best weight loss strategy is long-term and involves physical activity and dietary changes. However, fast weight loss leads to unwanted side effects like gallstones, extreme fatigue, and muscle loss.

Studies suggest that dieters who lose weight too fast also experience rapid weight gain and cannot keep off the lost weight.

How to Lose 40 Pounds? 7 Easy and Effective Tips

Losing 40 pounds is not an easy feat – the best weight loss strategy combines lifestyle changes in exercise and diet. But, first, you need to eat on a calorie deficit that limits your calorie intake without depriving you of nutrients.

Below are some easy and practical tips you can use to shed 40 pounds.

#1 Eat regularly

Many dieters try reaching their weight loss goals by skipping breakfast, dinner, or lunch. However, skipping meals is an ineffective weight loss strategy as it potentially triggers overeating later in the day.

People generally eat the same amount of food daily. Skipping meals also slows down your metabolism as the body burns calories when it digests food. As a result, the body can go into starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism.

It is easier to regulate your calorie intake by planning to eat regular meals. Eating regular meals also helps control your appetite as the body can “learn” when you get hungry.

Restricting your meals also makes it hard to stick to a clean diet plan as it takes away the pleasure and enjoyment you get from eating. However, you can avoid skipping meals by eating smaller frequent meals rich in protein and fiber as they keep you full longer.

#2 Control your portion size

Controlling portion sizes is essential for shedding weight, as it helps you have a tight grip on your calorie intake. This way, you will only eat what your body needs rather than overindulging.

Portion control can help you lose fat as it helps manage your blood sugar levels. Healthy eating balances blood sugar levels by offloading the excess glucose from the body and accelerating fat loss.

Large portion sizes also contribute to indigestion, bloating, and cramping. The digestive system works best when it is not overloaded. Read the labels in foods and measure your serving sizes. Regulating your portion sizes also helps you easily track your weight loss progress over time.

#3 Stay hydrated

Research suggests that drinking water helps in weight loss independent of physical activity and diet. Taking enough water increases satiety and combats sugar cravings. Water also plays a crucial role in lipolysis, the body’s process of burning fat and stored glucose.

When hydrated, the body expends more energy while resting. Water also helps remove waste and toxins from the body. When the body is tired, it cannot filter waste, urine, and feces.

The build-up of waste may make a person feel tired, swollen, or bloated, which adds inches to a person’s waist. Proper hydration helps one avoid retaining waste that may contribute to a few extra pounds.

Most people ignore their liquid caloric intake, but taking water helps regulate the accumulation of liquid calories and gives long-term weight loss benefits.

The biggest change in your hydration practices is cutting alcohol. Consuming alcohol affects your health by disrupting sleeping patterns and increasing your liquid carb consumption.

Physical activities like walking are one of the most critical components of any weight loss strategy. Staying hydrated helps joints, muscles, and connective tissues move correctly and helps the lungs and heart work effectively. Hydration also reduces the risk of fatigue and muscle cramps.

#4 Avoid carbs

A low-carb diet helps you cut weight by restricting carb consumption. Your body uses carbs as the primary energy source. In addition, the body stores the extra glucose in the liver and muscles as fat.

Restricting the carb intake causes the body to burn the stored fat, resulting in weight loss. Unfortunately, most people try the keto diet independently, but they quickly realize they are not achieving their goal weight.

The KetoCycle app is a personalized assistant that enables you to lose weight through a customized meal plan. The meal plan contains over 10,000 recipes with ingredients readily available in local stores.

The foods are easy to prepare with ingredients readily available in local stores. You can also adjust the meal plans based on your progress. It makes it easy to calculate your calorie consumption and get a balanced diet for every meal.

It is also easy to track your daily weight, change metrics, and take on new challenges. The app has a personalized workout regimen you can use in any environment.

In addition, there’s access to informational content with weight loss tips and tricks and access to a private community that shares success stories and moral support for the weight loss journey. Start with the Keto Cycle app to overhaul your entire life.

#5 Opt for healthy snacks

When trying to lose weight, snacking is a little bit different. It would be best to stick to foods high in protein and fat and avoid snacks heavy in carbs.

Avoid processed foods for snacks as they cause a lot of fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Instead, eat healthy snacks high in fiber and protein that keep you full longer. Healthy snacks also replenish stored energy and hasten muscle recovery after exercise.

Preparing healthy snacks ahead of time makes it easier to do away with junk food. Healthy snacks help you consume nutrient-rich foods that improve your weight loss journey.

#6 Try intermittent fasting

The main idea behind intermittent fasting is to prolong the period between meals for your body to finish burning calories from the meal and start burning fat. Therefore, by practicing intermittent fasting, you will consume fewer calories, resulting in weight loss.

#7 Start exercising

For successful and sustainable weight loss, exercise is essential. It allows your clothes to fit more snuggly, increases lean muscle mass, and helps you reach daily calorie goals without unhealthy restrictions.

All physical activity yields health improvements, but strength training helps increase your muscle strength and tone. More muscle mass leads to a higher metabolism even when at rest.

Adding some form of resistance training such as push-ups to your gym routine helps you quickly get back in shape.

What Is the Best Way to Lose 40 Pounds?

After trying a diet plan and exercising, the inability to lose weight is discouraging. A common reason overweight people fail to shed excess weight is the lack of a proper exercise and diet plan.

Beyond Body offers a personalized weight loss book with tips and tricks, recipes, and meal plans. The meals are from readily available ingredients and take 15–30 minutes to cook.

The weight loss guide comes as an ebook, but you can get a hardcover copy, workouts, and nutritionist consultations for additional purchase costs.

Beyond Body helps users have a clear roadmap to reach their weight loss goals.

A Word From Our RD

Studies show that 70% of Americans suffer from obesity. The best strategy to lose weight is going on a calorie deficit. However, on a calorie deficit, it is vital to track the quality of your food as much as the quantity.

Eating nutrient-dense foods like fiber-rich vegetables helps with weight loss as the body burns more calories digesting them, and they are more satiating. Exercise also has numerous benefits for losing weight, but do not try to out-exercise a bad diet.

Losing weight at a healthy rate will take effort and discipline. Before making any dietary or lifestyle changes, talk to a healthcare professional for medical advice.


How to lose 40 pounds? In summary, it will take you at least 16–20 weeks to shed it at a healthy rate, given you follow the strategies listed in this article. Follow a nutritious diet, work out regularly and check your fluid intake.

Weight loss results vary with individuals, but you will manage to shed off the excess weight with patience and dedication.

Written by Dennis Njoroge
Dennis is a seasoned writer who focuses on writing health and wellness articles. His career goal is to educate people on how to reprogram their lives by breaking free from unhealthy eating habits and fostering new sustainable habits. Dennis tries to give easy-to-follow advice based on scientific research. He strongly believes that regardless of age, fitness level, a person can always learn something new and reach their health goals if they have a positive mindset.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Dennis Njoroge
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: June 14, 2023
7 min read 1435 Views 0 Comments

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