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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow Weight Loss Reward Ideas for Every Budget: 20+ Unique Ways

Weight Loss Reward Ideas for Every Budget: 20+ Unique Ways

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: September 21, 2023
10 min read 1725 Views 0 Comments
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Rewarding yourself is a great way of feeling proud and happy. You can celebrate your achievements when it comes to weight loss, but what are some fun things to do? We provide 20+ reward ideas for losing weight and how you can make this personal journey enjoyable.

weight loss reward ideas

Are you ready to celebrate your outstanding achievements? 

Losing weight is a challenging task that deserves to be praised. You can tell close friends and family all about your upcoming celebration. There are many weight loss rewards, like getting a manicure or buying new workout clothes, that could make you feel especially happy. 

Everyone is unique and will have different interests. Think about fun events that will capture the incredible moment of reaching a weight loss milestone. Celebrations are all down to your personal preferences, so are you ready to discover some fun and crazy ideas?

In this article, you’ll find 20 reward ideas that celebrate your weight loss efforts.

20+ (Non-Food!) Weight Loss Reward Ideas to Celebrate Yourself

Finding the right non-food weight loss rewards can help you celebrate success. You don’t need to feel worried about what you eat when having fun. Since the day should be about your personal achievements, consider rewards that take your interest and curiosity the most. 

Here are more than 20 non-food weight loss rewards to choose from:

#1 Get a manicure or pedicure

Getting your nails done can make you feel glamorous and fresh. This is a great idea for people who want to feel refreshed after the strenuous months of losing stubborn weight. Just book an appointment with a nail technician to spice up your nails and feel extra good when celebrating.  

#2 Buy a lottery ticket

Buying a lottery ticket could make you feel even luckier. You never know – those numbers might match and win you something outstanding. You can even have a lottery night with your family by watching lottery game shows and having some fun!

#3 Do something you have wanted to try for a long time

There’s nothing better than trying a new hobby for the first time. 

You could do extreme things like skydiving or go to fun events like concerts. It just depends on what you enjoy and whether you want to spend money on it. Talk to your family and friends about doing something with them to make even more memories during these celebrations.

#4 Upgrade your workout gear

You could buy a new pair of running shoes or a full outfit that makes you feel confident. This is a chance to stay motivated by wearing something comfortable. Even purchasing new shoes could encourage you to go out for long-distance runs or simple morning walks now and then. 

Research discovered that the right clothes can boost your exercise performance. It’s important to wear comfortable clothes when moving around regularly. Consider looking at high-quality branded gym gear or going on a shopping trip to physically try on clothes that suit your style.

#5 Challenge yourself with a new activity

Challenging yourself is the best way of getting out of your comfort bubble. Some new activities might be boxing, gymnastics, table tennis, rowing, and cycling. You could even take painting classes or learn a new instrument at home to build those healthy habits in your free time.

#6 Go to the pool

Swimming is a relaxing activity that has been proven to benefit your mental health

There are people who enjoy outdoor swimming in lakes as well. Studies have reported calming effects that soothe your mind and release happy hormones. If you want to be alone when celebrating, consider going for a short swim to boost your mood for the rest of the day.

#7 Read a good book

Books are little portals to another wonderful and immersive world. Sometimes, you might feel like picking one up and taking time out to read the whole story. One study found that reading boosts your mental health and releases those feel-good hormones during the day. 

Of course, there are plenty of genres to choose from as well. You could read a drama novel while relaxing in a bubble bath or a horror book that makes you hide in bed. The choices are endless, so take a trip to your nearest library and pick up a few popular reads. 

#8 Book a session with a personal trainer

You should take full advantage of your gym membership when booking a session with one of the personal trainers. This could help you learn more about strength training and other exercises. Plus, working out 4 times a week is another outstanding achievement in itself. 

Some research discovered that personal training can actually give you more motivation and encouragement. A professional is there to carefully guide your weight loss journey. This is one of the best non-food weight loss reward ideas when it comes to improving your health. 

#9 Watch your favorite TV show

Sitting back, drinking tea, and watching your favorite show sounds like a dream.

You can binge-watch an entire series just to feel good about reaching your goal weight. There’s no need to think about the gym or going outside for that day. Take this time to really enjoy the small things, which include popular shows and even whole movie franchises if you feel like it.

#10 Take a day off

Taking a simple rest day might be just what you need. You can stay in bed for longer and read a fitness magazine. Another great thing includes snuggling in a blanket and watching movies. There’s nothing better than taking time off to regain your energy. 

Here are some signs you might need a rest day:

  • Persistent muscle pain
  • Mood changes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depressive symptoms
  • High stress levels
  • Craving comfort foods

#11 Visit a friend

Going to see a close friend may give you some more personal encouragement. Friends are there to celebrate your weight loss milestones and offer some motivational tips. You could also use this time to plan something fun with them that doesn’t require lots of time or money. 

#12 Buy something nice for your home

You can reward yourself by purchasing a new kitchen gadget, house plant, or another kind of decoration that will spice up your home. This can be a regular treat every time you reach your weight loss goals, which might encourage you to work harder and lose weight for good. 

#13 Go trampolining

Trampolining is a recreational activity that allows you to bounce on soft mats and fall into sponge pits. You could even burn lots of calories when trying this type of gymnastics. Bring along family and close friends to a local trampoline park to make the best memories. 

#14 Treat yourself with a proper massage

A relaxing massage could help clear your mind and soothe the body. Studies prove that massage therapy can improve your long-term mental health. There are also physical benefits that range from reduced back pain to a decreased risk of age-related osteoarthritis.

#15 Start journaling 

Journaling is one way to express your thoughts and feelings. 

You can write down future weight loss goals or healthy meals you would like to try. This could clear your mind of any overwhelming ideas. One study found that therapeutic journaling will mitigate mental distress, improve your overall well-being, and enhance physical functioning.

For more guidance on journaling, try the Sensa app. There is a mood journal feature that will allow you to express your daily emotions. Keeping track of your mental health throughout weight loss is important for preventing mental fatigue and other common depressive symptoms.

Sensa also has other features like cognitive behavioral therapy, educational content, and quick-relief exercises for those who feel panicked. Learning about CBT methods could help you change unhealthy habits and cope with stress better throughout your daily routine.

#16 Write a letter to your future self

Consider writing a personal letter your future self can read. You might set a new weight loss goal or talk about which healthy habit needs to be maintained. Knowing you’re going to read this again in a few months or years could give you that little extra boost of motivation. 

#17 Set up a picnic

A small picnic may help you socially connect with friends or family. It might even be worth subscribing to a healthy meal service when choosing the right snacks. You can go outside on a sunny day to enjoy the picnic and catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while.

#18 Buy yourself a balloon

Buying a balloon might sound pointless at first. 

Of course, it’s not a necessary award, but it’s a great reminder of what you have achieved recently. This balloon might show the number of pounds you’ve lost. It may just be a celebratory symbol that friends and family can see every time they enter your house.

#19 Plant something

You could plant something and monitor how much it grows while you’re losing weight. This is a small reward that may remind you of your outstanding achievements. A great idea might be to plant fruit and vegetables in your garden to gain fresh food for your healthy meals. 

#20 Subscribe to a workout app

Consider subscribing to a fitness app to boost your weight loss results. 

There are certain apps that have a fitness tracker to monitor any weight changes. This is great for people who want to see their progress over time.

#21 Buy jewelry to remind you of your journey

Getting a nice ring could be a small reminder of your personal weight loss journey. You can look at the piece of jewelry and think about how far you’ve come when losing unwanted weight. There are other options, like necklaces and earrings, that could hold the same positive effect. 

How Can I Make My Weight Loss Journey Fun?

You can plan ahead for social events or change your perception of being healthy to have fun. Think about why you’re doing this and how it will benefit your long-term health. The enjoyment stems from your mindset, so keep that in mind when losing weight. 

Some people might believe that they can’t go out or indulge when achieving sustained weight loss. This is not true since no food group should be totally ignored on a diet. Aim to eat nutritious foods 90–95% of the time and your favorite sweet treats 5–10% of the time.

Life is all about balance and leading a healthy lifestyle. You could also order a healthy meal delivery service just to experience a new delicious takeout. Food rewards aren’t for everyone, meaning celebrations should be catered to your personal preferences and creative ideas. 

Should I Celebrate Weight Loss?

Yes, you should celebrate weight loss to feel honored and celebrated. Dropping those pounds can be a challenging task to complete. Consider finding weight loss rewards that spark your interest and encourage more motivation on your personal journey.

A frequent reward system is better than relying on your scale or treating yourself to some goodies every other month. One study found that non-financial rewards can actually encourage more weight loss and mental happiness while trying to achieve your overall goals. 

There’s no pressure to celebrate, but it’s worth sharing your amazing results with close family. Those who care about you will want to arrange something fun. If you really enjoy running, go for a morning run, as your celebrations should be about what you want to do personally. 

Overall, having fun is the best weight loss motivation. You get to make life-changing memories and feel proud about losing unwanted body fat. The perfect reward should be creative, enjoyable, relaxing, and versatile for people who want to experience the celebration as well.

How to Celebrate Weight Loss?

There are many ways you can celebrate your weight loss journey. You should make a detailed plan of weight loss rewards that bring out your inner child. This may be the time to let loose completely and enjoy the celebrations with close friends and family. 

People who lose weight should be proud of their accomplishments. The time and dedication it takes to achieve weight loss success needs to be recognized in every person. You can think of a non-food reward that sounds the most enjoyable or could easily fit into your weekly schedule.

Consider purchasing some essential oils for your home, taking professional family photos, or exploring a new hiking trail. There are plenty of fun and creative ideas that could take your fancy. Just remember that the plans should be about your current achievements in life. 

A Word From a Personal Trainer

People who lose weight might need that extra motivation to carry on. This motivation can be in the form of celebrations and fun rewards that hype up their achievements. It’s all about feeling confident on your weight loss journey and taking the time to celebrate huge milestones. 

Consider planning rewards in advance to help you meet your goals. Some of them might include booking a relaxing massage, buying a new workout outfit, or having a spa day with family members. These activities would motivate you to reach your goal body weight in no time. 

Remember that non-food weight loss rewards are suitable for everyone. You don’t need to focus on what you eat when having a good time. A relaxing reward should promote positive feelings, so aim to find something that maintains your healthy lifestyle while still being enjoyable.


So, what are the best weight loss rewards?

You should do something that makes you happy. Celebrating doesn’t have to cost money, especially if you want other people to join. Some great ideas that aren’t on the list could be to book an escape room, have a dedicated game night, or take a professional cooking class.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: September 21, 2023
10 min read 1725 Views 0 Comments

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