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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Healthy Eating arrow Is Orange Juice Good for You? Unpeeling the Truth

Is Orange Juice Good for You? Unpeeling the Truth

Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
Last update: November 17, 2023
6 min read 1309 Views 0 Comments
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Can a daily dose of orange juice harm your health?

is orange juice good for you (photo by roman odintsov)

As the most popular fruit juice across the world, fresh orange juice is often marketed as a healthy choice when it comes to breakfast beverages. But is it really good for you?

With some varieties laden with added sugars and preservatives, we’re prompted to ask: Is orange juice truly beneficial, or does it deserve caution?

We explore the nutritional information of this citrus beverage and explain how fresh or frozen orange juice can be consumed as part of a balanced diet.

Is Orange Juice Good For You? Here’s the Truth

Orange juice is undoubtedly packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which are essential for immunity and free radical prevention, but it’s not without its drawbacks. 

It is common for commercially processed orange juices to contain added sugars and less fiber than whole oranges, which can negatively impact blood sugar levels and overall calorie intake. As a general rule, whole fruits tend to be healthier choices due to their high fiber content and lower glycemic index.

When consumed in moderation, fresh-squeezed orange juice can be a healthy addition to a balanced diet for those seeking the nutritional benefits of this fruit. Those with diabetes need to be cautious when consuming orange juice due to its high glycemic index and sugar content.

Orange Juice Nutrition Facts 

To illustrate some of the key drawbacks and health benefits of orange juice, here’s a detailed breakdown of all the important nutrients in one 100-gram portion:

NameAmount (per 100g)
Calories47 kcal
Vitamin C28.7mg

Health Benefits of Orange Juice

Real orange juice is not only a sweet and delicious tangy treat, but the freshly squeezed variety also delivers a wealth of health benefits. Some of its key advantages include:

#1 Supports digestive health

The digestive system and stomach can benefit greatly from drinking orange juice in moderation. 

This juice contains minerals like magnesium and potassium, which promote regular bowel movements and digestion.

Due to its alkaline and acidic properties, orange juice also cleanses the digestive system and stomach. Orange juice also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, preventing and reversing flatulence.

#2 Might promote healthier skin

With one cup containing double the recommended daily value, freshly squeezed orange juice is a great source of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, vitamin C can protect your skin from sun damage caused by UV rays.

It may also encourage the production of collagen, a protein that supports your skin’s structure and elasticity. Fresh orange juice could therefore prevent the signs of premature aging, such as skin sagging, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. 

#3 Boosts immunity

As well as promoting skin health and helping your body better absorb essential minerals like iron, vitamin C can stimulate white blood cells. These are an important part of your body’s immune response, which protects you from diseases and infections like the common cold.

Orange juice is also rich in flavonoids, plant compounds that have great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This allows them to fight harmful toxins that cause illness.

Potential Downsides of Orange Juice

Despite containing a range of beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients, you should only be drinking orange juice in moderation. Below are three reasons why you shouldn’t consume more orange juice than recommended: 

#1 Might cause weight gain

Although many people drink orange juice as part of a juice fast, when it comes to weight loss, whole oranges are a better option.

This is because orange juice contains significantly less fiber, an important nutrient for heart and digestive health. High-fiber foods help to keep you fuller for longer, satisfying cravings and reducing your appetite. 

Despite being less filling, orange juice also contains nearly double the amount of calories than oranges. Replacing whole fruits with fruit juice may therefore cause you to consume too many calories, increasing your risk of weight gain.

#2 Causes blood sugar spikes

Thanks to its sugary carbohydrate content, orange juice is high on the glycemic index (GI) compared with whole oranges.

The glycemic index is an indication of how quickly certain foods and drinks cause your blood sugar levels to rise. As a high GI beverage, the carbohydrates within orange juice are digested quickly, leading to a rapid blood sugar spike. This can promote cravings, which may lead to you overeating and gaining weight.

Chronically elevated blood sugar levels can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly for those who already have diabetes.

#3 Can erode tooth enamel

Another drawback of the high sugar content within orange juice is the damage it causes to teeth. Sugar feeds the bacteria within the mouth, which produce acid and break down your enamel, the outer layer that protects the teeth underneath. 

Juices containing citrus fruits such as oranges are also highly acidic. This can cause erosion by damaging your enamel, therefore causing cavities, which are tiny openings in your teeth.

How to Incorporate Orange Juice into a Healthy Diet

Despite its drawbacks, orange juice can be consumed as part of any healthy, balanced diet, if you stick to the recommended portion size. When choosing juice over low-calorie whole fruits, it should make up only half of your daily intake, which equates to 240 ml for an adult.

Although freshly squeezing your oranges at home is the healthiest option, it’s not always the most convenient. 

So, if you do buy orange juice from the grocery store, be sure to choose organic juices over those that have been pasteurized or processed. Select brands that offer 100% orange juice, and check the label to make sure that they don’t contain food colorings or corn syrups with added sugar.

Processed orange juices are often stored in large tanks for up to a year before making their way onto grocery store shelves. This means that they are stripped of essential nutrients such as vitamin C and folate, yet contain added preservatives that prevent them from spoiling. 

Fruit juice also shows significantly less antioxidant activity after undergoing heat processing and being kept in storage.

Special Considerations

There are some instances when monitoring your orange juice intake is especially important. 

For example, although rare, citrus allergies can cause skin redness, burning, itching, vomiting, and trouble breathing. If you encounter any of these symptoms after drinking orange juice, seek emergency medical help immediately. 

As a low-fiber, high-GI beverage that causes blood sugar levels to spike, orange juice may not be suitable for those with diabetes. If you do choose to drink it, you will need to closely monitor your carbohydrate intake throughout the day, which is where a nutrition app may come in handy. 

As a result of orange juice’s high sugar content, blood glucose levels can rise rapidly, resulting in hyperglycemia. However, it can be helpful in cases of hypoglycemia, when blood sugar levels drop too low.

If you have any of the conditions mentioned above, you should consult your doctor before drinking orange juice to find out how you can consume it safely. 

A Word From Our RD

Expert image border HR_author_photo_Edibel
Edibel Quintero, RD
Medical advisor for Health Reporter

Offering consistent flavor and quality all year round, fresh or frozen orange juice concentrate is a great option for those looking to boost their vitamin C and general fruit intake. It also counts towards your daily fiber goal, which, unfortunately, 95% of us fail to meet.

However, with such a high sugar content, be sure to monitor how much you consume. For a lower sugar, lower calorie alternative, you could try replacing some of your daily orange juice intake with lemon water.

To keep yourself feeling full and satisfied, you should also only drink orange juice as part of a balanced diet packed with other essential vitamins and minerals. Include lean protein sources such as chicken and turkey, whole grain carbohydrates like brown rice and oatmeal, as well as small amounts of healthy fats, including avocado.


Does orange juice have vitamin C?

Yes, orange juice is well known for its high vitamin C content. It contains around 28 milligrams of this nutrient per 100 grams.

What vitamins are in orange juice?

Orange juice is packed with a range of essential nutrients including vitamins A, D, and C, along with several B vitamins like folate. 

How much sugar is in orange juice?

Orange juice is very high in sugar, with around 100 grams of pure orange juice containing around 8 grams.

How much orange juice is too much?

It’s recommended to consume no more than 240 ml of orange juice per day. Drinking large amounts can increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, and tooth cavities.                                        



As part of a balanced diet, orange juice is good for you because it contains vital nutrients like vitamin C that keep your body working smoothly. Choose freshly squeezed, non-processed varieties to experience the health benefits and avoid any added sugars, colors, or preservatives.

Are you an orange juice lover? Share some of your tips for monitoring your consumption and tricks for curbing that sweet craving below. 

It should be noted that the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Only healthcare professionals can offer personalized advice, especially to those with specific health conditions such as diabetes.

Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Edna Skopljak, MD, is a medical advisor for the Health Reporter, a general practitioner who also worked as a medical doctor at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. In addition to clinical work, she has years of experience in medical research as an editor at a prestigious medical journal.
The article was fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
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Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
Last update: November 17, 2023
6 min read 1309 Views 0 Comments

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