How to Stop Hunger Pangs When Fasting: 8 Effective Methods
Do you think that fasting is not for you because you are always feeling hungry? Health Reporter shares nine pieces of advice to leave these unpleasant hunger pangs at bay.
There are many reasons why people would start a fasting protocol, but many struggle with hunger pangs. The obvious choice that comes to mind when you feel hungry while fasting is to eat, but that violates the basic rule of fasting.
We have a few ideas you can use to feel less hungry and to comfortably keep on fasting. No matter your reason for fasting, you need to be determined to stick with it until your fasting window is over. Here’s how to fast without hunger and reach your goal for a healthier life.
Hunger Pangs While Practicing Intermittent Fasting
How many times have you heard people saying that they are fasting to get healthy, and you immediately feel sorry for them? The first thing you think after that is, “I will never stop eating, this is not for me, there must be another way.”
However, researchers have found that there are certain fasting methods that may actually increase your health, which includes the health of your heart. Ongoing research is done in this regard, but you can take note that fasting might just be a good thing for your health.
What about when you start to feel hungry? How do you manage to get past that discomfort so that you can use fasting to be healthy? We take a look at why you feel hungry while fasting.
What causes hunger?
Because we are creatures of habit, the body gets used to being fed at certain times and anticipates food consumption when that time comes. This is when the hormone ghrelin spikes to remind you that it is time to feed your body at a certain time. You experience hunger as a result.
The hormone ghrelin works with leptin to get the energy balance right and manage your weight, as well as to remind you to feed yourself when you feel real hunger.
The general purpose of ghrelin levels is to increase your appetite so that you can eat on a regular basis.
8 Tips on How to Fight Hunger While Fasting
If you are still determined to use fasting as a natural way to increase your overall body health, do not despair. We have a few tips to help you make the most of intermittent fasting so you can feel the positive effects.
#1 Sleep well
Sleep is always good advice for better overall body health and well-being. You need to get enough rest for your body to function properly. A good night’s rest helps balance the hormones and, in the process, reduces the cravings for food.
If you are able to take a nap when you’re feeling hungry, this also helps keep the hunger at bay.
#2 Drink warm liquids
Warm beverages like coffee and tea (without sugar) also help you get past a hunger pang when it appears, to keep you going for however long is left of your fast.
The chlorogenic acids found in coffee have the potential to control hunger and, therefore, the hunger you experience. To prevent calorie consumption and reduce your appetite, drink bulletproof coffee.
Caffeine-free coffee has an even more effective result to help make intermittent fasting more bearable, so you don’t need to worry about too much caffeine.
Black tea and herbal tea are good methods to suppress hunger cravings, but green tea has a more lasting effect. Experts believe that green tea contains a compound that will help to reduce the appetite and also prevent you from feeling hungry.
Apple cider vinegar
Drinking apple cider vinegar is a natural appetite suppressant and helps keep those pangs away on your eating break between your last and first meal. It also helps your digestive system by preventing bloating and gas. Mix one tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water.
#3 Stay hydrated
Drinking water is not the only way to quench your thirst and keep hydrated. Many people prefer to drink plenty of sparkling water (or carbonated water), which provides the same benefit. Sparkling water also gives your tastebuds a break and keeps your appetite in check.
#4 Distract yourself
If you want to stay busy, you can always start a new hobby or play games with someone that keeps your mind occupied. You can also keep yourself busy with gardening errands such as watering the plants or even mowing the lawn should you feel like it. These are good ideas if you want to do regular intermittent fasting.
#5 Schedule your fasting hours at night
We fast at night while we are sleeping anyway, so you can add a few hours to your sleep schedule to aid in organizing an eating schedule and meals.
Most people use intermittent fasting as a method to fast and integrate it in such a way that their hours spent sleeping organically shortens their eating window.
#6 Exercise when you feel hungry
Exercising is great for your well-being and a good way to keep you busy and keep your mind occupied, so you forget about hunger between meals.
When you feel tired, you’ll find that you do not feel like eating, which deters you from emotional eating. Plus, exercise reduces stress and helps fat loss.
#7 Avoid carbohydrates while not fasting
If you want to enter ketosis more quickly than normal, you need to eat a carbohydrate-free meal as your last meal before fasting. This is basically what a keto diet does, but it takes longer for your liver to reach ketosis. Intermittent fasting induces ketosis much faster.
#8 Eat protein-rich, higher-fat foods while not fasting
Another good way to prepare your body is to have more protein and food containing healthy fats in your meal choices. It is also recommended that you drink the bone broth as it is filled with macronutrients.
This helps keep all your bodily functions performing properly during your fasting schedule, and you’ll have more energy and good blood sugar levels. Plus, your stomach will feel satiated.
A Word From Nutritionist
Fasting helps increase your overall health and mindset in more ways you can imagine. If you prepare properly for your fasting period, you may find that you will not have intense feelings of hunger.
Avoid carbohydrates and sugar, and eat plenty of vegetables and foods high in healthy fats such as coconut oil and nuts. A good plan is to start a keto diet a few days before your fasting begins so your body is prepared the right way.
Beginners need to be conscious of how they introduce intermittent fasting until they are in a good fasting habit and reduce their hunger levels. If all else fails, chewing gum is a good distraction too – but remember it must be sugar-free gum.
How to stop hunger pangs while fasting? It has been determined that fasting has a lot of positive aspects and is a natural way to become more healthy. The best way to fast without many intense feelings of hunger is to prepare your body in advance, go to bed early, and drink herbal teas during the day.