How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting? Here’s What to Expect
Many people attempt to lose weight by limiting their calorie intake and eating less food. While this approach may help you drop some pounds in the short term, it’s ultimately unsustainable – not to mention unhealthy!
Luckily, there is an approach that could help you break through your weight loss plateau without having to starve yourself or give up your favorite foods completely.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an evidence-based diet trend that is good for more than just losing weight. When practiced correctly, intermittent fasting can not only help you burn fat but also reduce the risk of chronic diseases while energizing you for the entire day.
However, despite its growing popularity, many people still find it difficult to understand how this diet works. In this article, we will delve deeper to see how much weight you can lose with this dietary approach.
How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month With Intermittent Fasting?
The exact number highly depends on the chosen intermittent fasting method. Stay consistent and patient to see results, as it can take up to a few weeks to see noticeable changes. However, most people drop a pound or two each week, so you can expect to get rid of about 10 pounds in a month with intermittent fasting.
Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
If your goal is to slim down, intermittent fasting (IF) might be an effective weight-loss tool. It can help you lose about 4–13 pounds a month – all without counting any calories when practiced correctly.
It’s easy to understand why it works – in short, by skipping meals or eating only during certain hours of the day, you’ll naturally eat fewer calories. Intermittent fasters can burn fat and suppress appetite by going without food for long periods.
Most of us eat throughout the day, starting with breakfast in the morning and ending with dinner or dessert at night. Therefore, the general eating window (the time we eat) is 12 or 13 hours. The idea behind intermittent fasting is simply to shorten the eating window – meaning to eat less often rather than eat less.
The intermittent fasting diet cycles between periods of eating and fasting. There are many different ways to approach intermittent fasting, and often, the options can be pretty overwhelming. So, let us go through some of the most popular IF fasting methods.
The 16:8 method
The 16:8 method is probably the simplest and the most popular IF fasting regime. Experts believe the 16:8 fasting schedule is the best as it is comparably less restrictive.
Additionally, with its flexibility, the 16:8 method is the perfect kickstart if you are just beginning to commit to intermittent fasting.
The idea behind 16:8 is simple – you have your meals for 8 hours of the day, and you don’t eat for the next 16 hours. During those 8 hours, you can eat like any other typical day.
If you’re worried about overeating during your feeding window, consider using smaller plates – it might help without any special effort on your part! Studies show that when people are served larger portions, they tend to eat more than they need.
The 18:6 method
This form of IF involves eating only within a 6-hour window each day. The remaining 18 hours are spent without food or calorie consumption, which should allow your body to fast and break down stored fat. For example, you can follow the regimen where you have an eating window from 1 PM to 7 PM and a fasting period for the rest of the day.
People who practice 18:6 report having more energy and being less hungry on fewer calories than before they started IF. During these 18 hours, your body will go into ketosis, which will burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Since ketosis burns fat, your body gets rid of excess fats, and you start losing weight gradually.
The 6-hour eating window may seem small, but it gives your body enough time to digest your food and burn calories while also giving your body time to rest between meals.
The 20:4 method
The intermittent fasting 20:4 method is also called “The Warrior Diet.” It mimics the lifestyle of ancient warriors, who would battle throughout the day and enjoy a feast in the evening.
During the 20-hour fasting period, one can have small snacks, whereas, during the 4-hour healthy eating window, one can eat whatever they want. Don’t forget that it is essential to hydrate the body with plenty of fluids during the fasting period.
There are no strict regulations on foods or drinks one should have during the feeding window. However, considering the weight loss goals in mind, you should have a healthy and balanced diet that gives your body enough nutrients to work effectively throughout the day.
The 5:2 method
Also known as the “Fast Diet,” this particular method allows you to eat whatever you want five days a week, but on the other two days, you can eat only 500 (for women) or 600 calories (for men) so that your body can promote fat burning faster.
With an easy-to-follow eating plan that can help you lose weight and promote longevity, the 5:2 intermittent fasting is also great for boosting brain function and reducing insulin resistance. Besides, it also decreases inflammation and improves heart health.
How to Fast to Lose Weight?
It might seem odd to ask how to fast. After all, when most people think of fasting, they think of going without food entirely or, in some cases, subsisting on nothing but water and juice for weeks on end. Intermittent fasting (IF) is different. First, there are no specific foods that are restricted; instead, only time frames during which you’re not supposed to eat anything at all.
Secondly, IF is purely focused on helping your body achieve its natural state of optimal health. This includes using fat as your primary source of energy instead of glucose from food sources, thereby stimulating growth in muscle mass and helping you maintain healthy levels of blood pressure and blood sugar.
While you must eat healthily during the eating period, it’s equally vital to restrict your caloric intake and stick to low-carb meals. Above all, it’s important to realize that combining intermittent fasting with exercise, a healthy diet, and monitoring your blood sugar levels closely will eventually maximize your results.
How Long Should You Fast to Lose Weight?
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to intermittent fasting, but there are some general guidelines that should help you decide what method is best for your goals. If your goal is to lose weight quickly, you should probably stick with shorter fasts, while longer fasts are better suited to muscle building and fat burning.
It usually takes 8–10 weeks of fasting to see the weight loss. But it’s important to note that it might take longer than that since everyone’s metabolism works differently. It might take some trial and error before you find a routine that works best for your lifestyle, preferences, and schedule.
Ultimately, you would see fat loss relatively quickly if you don’t overeat during your feeding window. It is also worth noting that counting calories during your intake is equally important. For instance, if you have a 500-calorie deficit every day, you’ll have lost 1 pound after three days.
Why Does Intermittent Fasting Work?
Studies have shown that those who practice time-restricted feeding lose more weight than those who don’t track their meals at all when it comes to losing weight. But what makes time-restricted eating effective if your goal is to cut off the extra body fat?
There are multiple theories as to why intermittent fasting works so effectively. One theory suggests that intermittent fasting helps regulate hormone levels in our body, including leptin (the satiety hormone) and ghrelin (the hunger hormone).
At the same time, IF lowers insulin levels, which accelerates the fat-burning process. So, intermittent fasting allows people to shed their extra pounds much quicker than other weight loss programs.
Another theory proposes that by eliminating the consumption of one entire meal, the body is forced to go into an extensive fat-burning state called ketosis. This is because burning fat is the only option to gain energy and carry out the daily routine.
On the other side, when you aren’t restricting your schedules by maintaining rigid meal plans, you give yourself more opportunities to make better food choices throughout the day.
Intermittent Fasting Results
Talking about intermittent fasting results, some people said they started IF to lose their extra pounds. In return, they improved their overall digestive system, cleared up their skin, and did not crave a late-night snacks.
The list of people who have reaped health benefits from intermittent fasting is very long and includes a few high-profile names as well. From Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, and Halle Berry, who practice the 16:8 fasting method, to Benedict Cumberbatch and Jennifer Lopez preaching the 5:2 method – intermittent fasting is gaining massive popularity, even among celebrities.
However, celebrities rooting for intermittent fasting does not necessarily mean the procedure works for everyone. The results of IF are entirely different from person to person. Some feel better skipping meals altogether, while others say fasting can cause stress and make sticking to your diet harder.
Intermittent fasting can cause hunger pangs and irritability, so do your best to listen to your body and eat only when you feel physically hungry. Also, keep in mind that intermittent fasting won’t make you immune from binge eating – common among dieters.
A healthy relationship with food will help you along as well. Lastly, it may take some time for your body to adjust from typical eating schedules; but stick through it for incredible results – if it works!
A Word From Nutritionist
As with any new approach, IF requires an adjustment period of about 4–8 weeks as your body adapts to burning fat instead of glucose as its primary fuel source.
During that time, it’s normal to experience some unpleasant symptoms like headaches, muscle cramps, weakness, and fatigue – symptoms similar to what dieters often experience during carbohydrate restriction and sugar detox. To ensure you have enough energy (especially if exercise is part of your IF plan), consume between 500 and 600 calories each day.
With that being said, pregnant or breastfeeding women should refrain from intermittent fasting. The restrictive calorie intake can cause low blood sugar, which can result in lightheadedness and nausea. In fact, intermittent fasting may degrade both the quality and quantity of milk for breastfeeding women.
Also, if you are taking medications or have health conditions such as diabetes, you should not commit to intermittent fasting. This is because blood sugar levels would be severely affected by extreme calorie restriction or repeated bouts of hunger.
All in all, before embarking on an intermittent fasting plan, it is important to consult with your doctor about any dietary restrictions and to make sure that intermittent fasting is safe for you.
How much can you lose in a month with intermittent fasting? Well, IF can be your best bet if you’re looking for a diet that can help you lose weight quickly and safely.
And if you’re still wondering how much weight you can lose in a month, keep in mind that some people have reported losing up to 7–11 pounds in a month.
It all depends on what you eat and how much you work out. Give intermittent fasting a try – it just might help you shed those extra pounds!