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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Intermittent Fasting arrow Does Celery Juice Break a Fast? Explaining the Fasting Process

Does Celery Juice Break a Fast? Explaining the Fasting Process

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
4 min read 1835 Views 0 Comments
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Pure celery juice is one of the most refreshing drinks on the planet. While the green beverage isn’t short of health benefits, it’s good practice to question everything when fasting intermittently. So, find out here whether drinking celery juice will disrupt your progress and end your fast prematurely.

Does celery juice break your fast

Most people don’t drink celery juice for the flavor. Like celery, it has an acquired taste.

Instead, people drink celery juice for the many health benefits it brings. It is highly nutritious, packing multiple vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in a single glass. It makes a refreshing morning beverage, helping to flush away toxins and providing feelings of cleanliness.

Celery juice is low in calories, but that’s just it – it has calories. For those practicing intermittent fasting, it raises the question of whether consuming celery juice will break a fast.

In this article, you can discover the reality of drinking celery juice during the fasting window and the impact it may have on your fast.

Does Celery Juice Break a Fast?

Celery juice will break your fast because it does contain calories (33kcal per cup). It also has low amounts of carbohydrates (3.23g net carbs) and protein (1.63g). All of these elements can cause an insulin response and raise blood glucose levels, breaking your fast and shifting your body out of the fat-burning mode.

It shouldn’t impact your insulin levels if you significantly reduce the calorie total with no more than one sip. However, if you want to mitigate the risk of interrupting your fat loss progress, it’s best to avoid drinking celery juice during the fasting window.

Can you eat celery while fasting?

Although a very low-calorie vegetable, celery contains carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and other nutrients that can kickstart your body’s digestive processes and end your fast

Celery is a great choice to include in a weight loss diet, but like most foods, you should keep it out of your intermittent fasting diet until your eating window arrives.

Can I Drink Celery Juice to Break My Fast?

Celery juice is a no-no in the fasting period if you want to sustain a strict intermittent fast, but it makes a great choice for breaking your fast intentionally. It is perfectly safe to drink celery juice on an empty stomach – it may even give your digestive system a boost and enhance the benefits.

Celery juices are approximately 95% water, delivering a refreshing drink that boosts hydration. It’s good to ease your body out of an intermittent fast with foods that don’t upset your empty stomach. 

Juices with high water content, like celery juice, are easier on the digestive tract. Plus, the low sugar and carb content will not cause a sharp blood sugar spike.

Is Celery Juice Good for You?

Absolutely! Celery is one of the healthiest vegetables, and its juice is no different. Celery juice is made by juicing or blending the celery stalks. It contains mostly water and plenty of nutrients to keep your body healthy. It will break your fast, but there is no reason you shouldn’t enjoy this green juice in the eating window.

Celery juice is low in carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sugar, with a fair amount of fiber. Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that aids digestion and supports your gut health. It also promotes satiety, keeping you from feeling hungry. This may help you abstain from eating other foods and drinks with a higher calorie count.

Celery is a good weight loss food because it is low in calories. You burn more calories eating and digesting celery than you take in, making it an excellent zero-calorie snack to help you lose weight. Although celery juice is lower in fiber than whole celery, it is still full of health benefits to aid weight loss.

You can find lots of micronutrients in celery juice, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. It also has vitamins A, C, and K. These essential vitamins and minerals greatly support your body during your intermittent fasting journey.

Who should not drink celery juice?

Celery juice isn’t the best choice for everyone. People with digestive health issues or sensitive digestive systems may not tolerate celery juice. It contains FODMAPs – types of carbs that the body can’t digest. This may worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, gas, and bloating.

Those with irritable bowel syndrome are often advised to follow a low-FODMAP diet.

3 Benefits of Celery Juice

Still curious about celery juice and how it might support your overall wellness? 

Here’s why you should include celery juice in the eating window of your intermittent fasting plan.

#1 Has anti-inflammatory properties

Drinking celery juice has positive effects on reducing inflammation. Celery contains many antioxidants that decrease oxidative damage. It has phytochemicals, plant chemicals that prevent inflammation, and flavonoids that can suppress cardiovascular inflammation.

Decreasing inflammation in the body can help with many health issues. Chronic inflammation is associated with many conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

#2 Eases bloating

Celery juice may irritate the digestive tract and worsen bloating for some people with digestive issues. For others, celery juice in moderation can ease the discomfort of bloating and support digestion after fasting.

Celery is an alkaline food. Alkaline foods help neutralize stomach acids and ward off heartburn. Celery’s high water content and anti-inflammatory properties can also help calm the stomach, reducing bloating and discomfort.

#3 Source of antioxidants

Celery has many healing properties as it is a rich source of antioxidants, with ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, and saponin, among others.

Antioxidants support your entire body by inhibiting oxidation and protecting you against cellular damage from free radicals. They boost the immune system and decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

A Word From Our MD

Celery juice can bring your fast to an end.

Any amount of calories, carbs, protein, and other nutrients will break your fast. A clean fast means not ingesting anything besides water and other non-caloric beverages. This will keep your body in lipolysis, aka fat-burning mode, and allow access to all the intermittent fasting benefits.

For refreshments other than water, many people drink coffee while fasting. Of course, it must be black coffee to keep the caloric count low. Green tea and lemon water are alternatives to plain water that you can consume freely while fasting.

You should opt for the best foods and drinks to break a fast. The last thing you want is a big meal or junk food that will upset your stomach. Celery juice provides a gentle way to reintroduce nutrients. Bone broth and raw fruits, such as watermelon, are also great examples.


So, is celery juice bad for your fast?

The trick is to savor the benefits of celery juice for your eating window. When doing intermittent fasting, you shouldn’t eat or drink anything containing calories that may cause an insulin spike if you want to remain tapped into those fat-burning mechanisms.

You can enjoy this hydrating juice on an empty stomach when you want to break your fast with something nutritious purposefully.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
4 min read 1835 Views 0 Comments

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