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Home arrow Fitness arrow YzyFIT Review: From Zero to Fitness Hero?

YzyFIT Review: From Zero to Fitness Hero?

Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Last update: November 23, 2023
9 min read 415 Views 0 Comments
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Effortless fitness unleashed?

yzyfit app review

Sometimes, getting yourself to the gym or out on a run can feel like more hassle than it’s worth.

Whether you’ve had a busy day or simply want to stay in bed on a cold morning, feeling uninspired to exercise could be the reason that you’re not reaching your fitness goals. 

That’s where fitness apps come in – many provide a range of features that are useful for creating tailored training plans, tracking your progress, and keeping you motivated each day.

One new app that caught our attention is YzyFIT, which delivers all of these elements and more. But does it live up to its claims of helping women transform their fitness journeys?

We looked at exactly what this app has to offer in terms of helping users get in shape. Join us as we explore the key features, benefits, and drawbacks to decide whether this “lazy girl” app really is worth the hype.

What is the YzyFIT App?

yzyfit app logo
Our rating:
  • Hundreds of personalized workouts
  • Huge exercise library
  • Interactive video guides
  • Recipes for “lazy” meals
Get Started
  • checkmark
    No equipment needed
  • checkmark
    Highly-motivating daily progress tracker
  • checkmark
    28-day exercise plan
  • checkmark
    Can be used at home or on the go
  • checkmark
    Cheaper than a gym membership
  • checkmark
    Only requires a few minutes work per day
  • checkmark
    Tracker isn’t completely accurate
  • checkmark
    May not provide long-term motivation

YzyFIT is a digital fitness app for women. It offers a personalized 28-day workout plan that can be completed anywhere, at any time, with minimal effort. 

Each routine takes just a few minutes per day to complete, allowing you to get in shape wherever is most convenient, including on your office chair, couch, or even your bed.

Along with an extensive exercise library, YzyFIT also delivers a huge range of quick, nutritious recipes. These take less than 15 minutes to make, and are designed to support a more laid-back, yet effective fitness lifestyle.

Who is YzyFIT For?

Although designed with women in mind, YzyFIT is an ideal app for anyone struggling to find the motivation to start their fitness journey. This may be because of money restrictions, a busy work and family schedule, or simply not knowing where to start.

a glance at the yziFIT app

The exercise library offers everything from full-body workouts to more targeted sessions, so works well for a range of health and wellness goals. For example, it can help women looking to lose weight fast, build muscle, or improve their lifestyle.

YzyFIT is especially great for beginners who want to work out from home, without the need for expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment. 

Key Features of the YzyFIT App

As a virtual fitness coach, YzyFIT delivers a variety of features that are designed to help users reach their fitness goals in as little time, and with as little effort, as possible. Here are some of the app’s stand-out elements:

#1 Hundreds of personalized workouts

When first signing up for the app, users are asked to complete a short quiz. This contains questions about your fitness goals, current abilities, and workout preferences, including where you’d like to complete the exercises.

YzyFIT then uses these answers to create a personalized workout regime, which will be built around your schedule and key motivations. The workouts are made from a library of more than 500 exercises for abs, legs, arms, and full body, but are crafted to target the areas that each user specifies. 

#2 Interactive video guides

Proper form is essential for avoiding injury and ensuring that you experience the benefits of every workout. For instance, when performing a squat, it’s essential to push your hips back and squat low to access the movement’s full range of motion, rather than leaning forward and letting your knees cave in.

To help eliminate common form mistakes, YzyFIT therefore provides interactive video guides. All guides feature one of their expert fitness coaches, who demonstrates the exercise and helps users master good technique.

#3 Recipes for lazy meals

Finding the motivation to cook after a long day can be draining, and you may find yourself reaching for ready meals and take outs for convenience. However, these foods are filled with saturated fats, salt, and calories that may prevent you from reaching your fitness goals.

YzyFIT’s “Lazy Meals” offer a solution to this dilemma, with over 300 quick, nutritious recipes that can be put together in less than 15 minutes. From breakfast ideas to healthy desserts, these recipes are designed to support your weight loss or muscle-building journey, but without the restriction of many other diets and meal plans.

Benefits of the YzyFIT App

YzyFIT claims to help users begin their transformative fitness journey, but does it truly offer an easy weight loss and wellness solution? We looked at some of the app’s benefits to help you decide:

#1 You don’t need any equipment

If you’re looking for a weight loss app that helps you get results without the fuss, YzyFIT could be a winner. 

Many other in-person fitness programs require the use of dumbbells, barbells, or cardio equipment that you’d only find in the gym. However, with this app, all you need is yourself and a small space to complete the bodyweight workouts. 

Whilst using no equipment saves time, money, and effort, it is also highly effective. For instance, research found that a 10-week bodyweight exercise program improved aerobic fitness by as much as 33%.

#2 The workouts seamlessly fit into your schedule

According to a nationwide study, one of the biggest perceived barriers to physical activity is lack of time, followed by fatigue. With hectic work and family lives, many of us are therefore put off from exercising, and would rather get a few hours of extra sleep or stay on the sofa.

YzyFIT provides the best of both worlds, allowing users to work out from the comfort of their own homes. Each workout is short, with durations from 5 to 20 minutes, and can be completed in bed or while watching TV. This means that they should fit easily into any schedule. 

#3 Daily progress tracker is highly motivating

Another thing that’s great about YzyFIT is the progress tracking feature, which allows you to keep on top of your goals each day. Under the “Goals” tab, you can see how far you’ve come, including how many workouts completed, your active minutes, and calories burned.

If your goal is weight loss, there’s also a chart displaying how many pounds you’ve lost, which acts as a visible reminder of your progress. Studies show that there is a significant link between self-monitoring and weight loss, as it provides the motivation necessary to stick to your fitness routine.

#4 Challenges will help to keep you going

Along with the short daily workouts, YzyFIT also provides weekly challenges. These are designed to boost your motivation to reach your overall goals, by giving you a small target to aim for along the way. 

If you’re tempted to skip your workout, switching it up for a challenge can keep you inspired and will provide you with that sense of achievement needed to carry on with your fitness journey.

Downsides of the YzyFIT App

Whilst signing up for YzFIT has several advantages, it also presents some drawbacks that can’t be ignored. Like with any fitness app, we explain the downsides of this app below.

#1 Tracker is not 100% accurate

Although the app’s array of fitness trackers are great for keeping you motivated, not all of them are completely reliable. 

For example, it can be difficult to monitor the exact number of calories burned per workout.  This will vary based on a variety of individual factors, such as your age, weight, height, and how much effort you put into each workout. 

If you’re concerned about staying in a caloric deficit for weight loss, the best thing to do is track how many calories you’re consuming, rather than burning, through a nutrition app.                                                                                                                                                                                

 #2 Might fail to provide long-term motivation

Despite the vast exercise library, YzyFIT only provides users with a 28-day workout plan. This may be enough to help some users integrate exercise into their weekly schedule.

However, for others, this may not be enough time to help them build new, long-lasting healthy workout and eating habits, which studies show can take up to 254 days

Without the daily motivation provided by the app’s short, personalized workouts, you may feel uninspired to get your body moving. As a result, you could undo any progress made, and fail to reach your final goal. 

YzyFIT App Cost

YzyFIT offers 3 unique pricing plans, with each providing a different subscription length for users to choose from. The best value plan provides a 6-month subscription to the app, but you can subscribe for just one month if you’re unsure about committing for so long.

Based on the website’s current offers, here’s a summary of YzyFIT’s pricing plans:

Original priceDiscounted price
1-month plan$23.99 per month$23.99 per month
3-month plan$20.11 per month$11.66 per month
6-month plan$23.80 per month$6.67 per month

Comparison Table

Comparison Winner: #1 YzyFIT

No equipment needed

Highly motivating daily progress tracker

28-day exercise plan

Workouts fit seamlessly into your routine

Only requires a few minutes work per day

Offers tailored training programs

All plans are scientifically-backed

Integrates with Apple Health to track steps and calories burned

Guided voice supervision allows users to train with real people

Progress automatically syncs after workouts

Suitable for beginner and advanced users

Provides professional, tailor-made workout plans

Provides personalized exercise recommendations

Zero equipment needed

Apple Health integration

Free trial available


Tracker isn’t completely accurate

Requires dedication

Subscription automatically renews without notice

Calorie burn tracker isn’t always accurate

Doesn’t take their preferences into account

No nutrition element

A Word From Our RD

Expert image border HR_author_photo_Edibel
Edbel Quintero, RD
Medical advisor for Health Reporter

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve your strength, or gain some muscle, tracking your progress is essential for ensuring that you’re on the right track.

Rather than writing your results in a journal, apps offer a much more convenient way of monitoring this. They can be especially useful for those with a weight loss goal, as it can be easy to wander off track when you’re trying to shift stubborn fat.

If you are struggling, you could try using a weight loss supplement. However, they shouldn’t be relied on solely, and should only be used as part of a balanced diet. Be sure to eat plenty of healthy weight loss foods too, including lean protein sources, whole grain carbs, and small amounts of healthy fats.


Where to download the YzyFIT App?

You can download YzyFIT on the brand’s official website. Alternatively, get it straight from the Apple or Google Play app stores. 

How long do I need to use the YzyFIT app to see changes?

You should notice some visible changes to your fitness, energy levels, and body composition within 28 days. However, how quickly you’ll start seeing results with YzyFIT depends on a variety of factors, including how well you stick to the program, and how much effort you put into each workout. 

Is YzyFIT safe to use?

Yes, YzyFIT is safe and effective for healthy adults. If you’re under the age of 18, pregnant, or breastfeeding, the app may not be suitable, so consult your doctor before using it. 

Conclusion: Is the YzyFIT App Worth It?

If you’ve been struggling to find motivation, lose weight, or improve your general fitness levels, YzyFIT could be the solution that you’ve been looking for. 

The app’s effortless approach and short workouts make it easy for anyone looking to integrate exercise into their daily schedule, without the added fuss and expense of joining a gym. Plus, users receive a range of healthy recipes that help to support a healthy new lifestyle.

Before starting any new fitness program, speak to a doctor or personal trainer, who can advise you on whether it is right for your individual needs.

Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Edna Skopljak, MD, is a medical advisor for the Health Reporter, a general practitioner who also worked as a medical doctor at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. In addition to clinical work, she has years of experience in medical research as an editor at a prestigious medical journal.
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Written by Edna Skopljak, MD
Last update: November 23, 2023
9 min read 415 Views 0 Comments

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