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Home arrow Fitness arrow Walking arrow 10 Benefits and Reasons to Start Walking a Mile a Day

10 Benefits and Reasons to Start Walking a Mile a Day

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 19, 2023
8 min read 1251 Views 0 Comments
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Have you ever wondered how walking could help with weight loss? Today, we look at some of the benefits of going on routine one-mile walks. You want to take advantage of this!

walking a mile a day

You must have seen many health and fitness experts preaching about the importance of exercising. Well, it is true. Working out consistently offers impressive health benefits that will improve your life. 

However, you do not need to partake in those intense exercises you see on the internet to kickstart your fitness journey. Something as simple as walking a mile a day can grant you many health benefits.

Likewise, you also do not need to go long hours exercising to gain the benefits. In fact, based on directives issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week is perfect. 

Today, we explore the benefits of walking a mile daily. Is it enough to invoke body transformation? Let us find out.

Is Walking a Mile a Day Enough?

Walking a mile a day has its benefits. For starters, it is a great way to start or maintain an effective walking routine.

Walking even such a small distance daily can improve your physical health, and studies have shown that walking can benefit your mental health and well-being as well. That includes stress reduction, lowered anxiety levels, and improved sleep quality.

To maintain overall health and wellness, make walking part of a larger, more complete healthy habit that includes other forms of exercise such as stretching and strength training. Even if you don’t have much time in the day to exercise, remember that every mile counts toward achieving greater fitness goals!

But that is not all there is to know about walking and its benefits. For more information and guidance when it comes to this exercise, we recommend consulting Walking.Diet.

Walking.Diet is a revolutionary program that helps you get fit without going to the gym. The workout program combines prescribed walking exercises with improved dietary habits to make fitness easy for you.
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It also improves mental clarity and physical well-being by connecting the mind and body more closely than ever before so one can have happier days ahead without constantly struggling against their limitations.

10 Benefits of Walking a Mile a Day

An increasing number of people live sedentary lifestyles, which is a major health concern. This can lead to severe physical and mental effects, including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, negative changes in diet and nutrition, and even premature death.

It is clear that embracing a sedentary lifestyle is inadvisable – instead, it is essential to find ways to introduce regular physical activity into our daily lives. As such, having alternatives to help improve wellness is always a welcomed development.

Walking a mile a day provides various health benefits and should be incorporated into everyone’s daily routine. While it may not be enough to truly transform your health, it offers a mix of positive physical and mental health benefits, making it one of the best workout packages for its simplicity.

In line with that, here are 10 top benefits of walking a mile a day.

#1 Improves bone density 

According to research, the human skeletal system, particularly that of the lower extremity, responds really well to weight-bearing exercises – in this case, going for a one-mile walk daily.

That is because these exercises apply pressure to the bones, causing them to fulfill their natural functions of forming new bone cells.

A growing body of research demonstrates that weight-bearing physical activity helps maintain and even increase bone density, therefore reducing the risk of fractures from falls or stress-related injuries. 

Moreover, because walking is a weight-bearing exercise, it forces bones to adapt and build strength, and this helps to improve the skeleton’s ability to bear loads.

Overall, the nature of this exercise routine prevents the onset of bone-related health issues, including osteoporosis, arthritis, and fractures, among others. The best part about this is that, unlike other weight-bearing exercises, it is a low-impact physical activity, so it does not aggravate joint pain and is perfectly suitable for the elderly.

If you want a challenge, you can wear a weighted vest while walking.

#2 Improves cognitive function 

The physical act of walking has been correlated with improving cognitive functions, including mental acuity, concentration, judgment, and memory.

Not only is it a great way to stay physically active, but regular walking can also help promote mental health and well-being through increased mental clarity and overall mood stability.

By creating space for mental and emotional well-being, clearing the head of distracting thoughts, and focusing on something more concrete – such as one’s surrounding environment during a walk – mental clarity is attained, leading to improved cognitive function.

#3 Helps with weight management 

There is enough evidence that links walking exercises and weight loss and management. It also offers many benefits to the digestive system and metabolism.

Yes, walking a mile every day helps your digestive system by breaking down fat and burning more calories than you would while sitting or standing still. Additionally, walking regularly allows your body to create increased energy levels, leading to you burning more calories than if you were not exercising.

For those looking to lose weight, incorporating 30 minutes of daily walking into their lifestyle can be an excellent first step toward lasting physical health and well-being.

Walking one mile will have you burn between 65 to 100 calories. You can try brisk walking a mile a day, leading to more calories burned. You will burn between 107 to 159 calories in 30 minutes at a brisk pace.

Depending on the speed and grade you choose to walk at, you can customize your fitness goals as well – helping to work less or more rigorously toward reaching your desired size.

#4 Reduces stress

Going on a leisurely stroll can improve mental health and reduce stress hormones. The release of endorphins offers mood-boosting effects while helping to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 8 out of every 10 adult Americans claim to be dealing with stress consistently.

Walking is scientifically proven to reduce stress levels and reduce the cortisol hormone (the “stress hormone”) that builds up when we are overworked and overwhelmed.

Studies have found that those who went for a brisk walk for 30 minutes 3–4 times a week reported improved mental health and elevated moods due to the combination of physical activity and relaxation while walking.

#5 Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases 

According to reports, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. That is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week to reduce the risks of heart-related diseases.

Walking a mile every day can be an easy way to meet the CDC’s physical activity recommendation and improve your heart health. Also, making the small commitment to walk a mile every day can have enormous long-term advantages for your cardiovascular health.

Research shows that walking for just 15 minutes daily can help lower systolic blood pressure, strengthen the heart and lungs, and ultimately decrease the risk of suffering from coronary artery disease or having a stroke; all the more reason to make regular walking part of your daily routine!

#6 Improves energy levels

A brisk walk of one mile a day provides more than just physical benefits – it also acts as an energy booster and can significantly improve your overall energy level.

Studies have shown that walking regularly increases your natural alertness, boosts your mood, and revitalizes your energy levels more effectively than a cup of coffee or other sugary stimulants.

When you are more active, your body is better able to create more ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is necessary for more energy and endurance. In addition, walking increases the flow of oxygen throughout your body and brain, giving you more energy to do more activities throughout the day.

#7 Increases muscle development

Walking a mile each day provides numerous benefits for muscle development. It is a practical, low-impact exercise capable of increasing muscle mass and strength in all muscle groups.

When walking, specific muscles in your legs and feet need to work hard to propel you forward, developing muscle tone in ways far different than when using machines or weights while at the gym.

Furthermore, you may walk at any intensity level based on your muscle development goals. If you want to acquire muscle mass, stride out and increase your speed to achieve those muscle-building goals faster.

However, if you want to pack on more than lean muscles, you must incorporate strength training specifically geared toward that. One such exercise routine is weight lifting, as it leads to better muscle hypertrophy.

#8 Boosts the immune system

Walking a mile a day is an excellent way to boost immune function. It helps promote circulation and lymphatic drainage, which are key components of immune function.

Research has shown that walking can help improve your body’s ability to fight off viruses and bacteria and guard against illnesses like the common cold.

Physical activity helps to increase the production of immune cells that are essential in combating immune-related challenges such as infection and inflammation. Therefore, incorporating moderate exercise into your daily routine will help keep you more resilient against immune system attacks.

#9 Improves cholesterol levels

The American Heart Association reports that high cholesterol increases your risk of suffering from any cardiovascular disease, including stroke, heart attack, and coronary artery disease, among others. That is because, among other things, high cholesterol levels can lead to the development of plaques on the walls of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Likewise, having high cholesterol and blood sugar levels contributes to an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, and other high-level health threats.

Walking just one mile a day can significantly impact your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In general, regular aerobic exercise helps to increase the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in your blood while reducing the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

Plus, walking promotes weight loss, which is essential if you risk developing high cholesterol levels.

#10 Increases lifespan

Studies affirm that routine exercising is one way to live longer, as it reduces many mortality risk factors. The result from the said study reveals that people that started walking benefited from, aside from getting a healthy body, a 0.4–6.9-year lifespan increase.

As stated above, walking helps improve heart health, lower blood pressure, burn calories, and promote weight loss, not to mention plenty of other health benefits.

A Word From Our Coach

The journey to physical and mental fitness always starts somewhere. For many, walking is a great place to start. A few miles once or twice a week can soon transform into 8 miles a day as your fitness improves. You do not need any fancy equipment or an intense training regimen – a pair of running shoes, water for hydration, and dedication will see you through to the finish line.

However, for many, the finish line simply means transitioning to other high-intensity exercises. Regardless, if you want to be efficient with your training, you must enlist the help of a certified personal trainer.

These specialists have the skills, knowledge, and tools required to guide you through your journey. That way, you can level up faster and hit your goals.


You do not need to engage in any intense exercise to gain positive health benefits. Walking is a low-impact cardio form that has a long list of health benefits. It can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, improve your mental health and memory function, lower your blood pressure, and even improve your bone density. 

So lace up those sneakers and hit the pavement for a mile (or more)!
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 19, 2023
8 min read 1251 Views 0 Comments

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