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Home arrow Fitness arrow Walking arrow Does Walking Help With Constipation? A Way for Better Digestion

Does Walking Help With Constipation? A Way for Better Digestion

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: January 13, 2023
4 min read 1467 Views 0 Comments
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Regular exercise has many benefits for your body. People usually go on a walk to boost their digestive system, but does it actually work? We explain how walking helps with constipation, other benefits of this physical activity, and when to seek help for poor bowel movement.

does walking help constipation

Going for a nice walk can actually preserve your long-term health. 

People who enjoy brisk walking tend to have better digestion and bowel movements throughout the day. This is because their bodies are moving regularly. Being at home all the time or working in a sedentary job might be the reason why you suffer from constipation on a daily basis. 

A simple walk could do wonders for your digestive tract. Just spending a few minutes outside is key to stimulating your bowel walls.

So, are you interested to learn more? Keep on reading this article to discover whether walking helps with constipation. 

Does Walking Help Constipation?

Yes, walking does help with constipation by encouraging the muscles in your bowels to contract naturally. This can ease symptoms of constipation and help you pass stools. People should walk regularly to gain these benefits and improve their long-term health. 

A nice walk could improve your digestive system. One study found that walking increases intestinal bacteroides – healthy gut bacteria that can support your bowels. Another piece of research suggests that brisk walking may strengthen the gut’s overall microbiome.

Sitting down all day could cause indigestion – discomfort in the upper abdomen due to your body not digesting food properly. Therefore, you won’t experience regular bowel movements. This is another reason to perform cardio exercises when improving the digestion process.

For more guidance on walking, consider downloading the Walking.Diet app. You can find a research-centered fitness program that helps you achieve your health goals. This app is great for people who need extra support when going out for a walk or exercising in general.
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Other Benefits of Walking Aside Constipation 

There are many benefits that derive from walking. You can even try unique walking styles to see what you enjoy and how they positively impact your stomach. 

Below are 7 health benefits of walking:

#1 Supports weight loss 

People who walk to lose weight can burn plenty of calories. The more calories you burn, the more likely you’ll drop a few pounds. Research proves that walking for at least 30 minutes every day could support long-term weight loss by burning fat for energy instead of glucose. 

#2 Boosts the immune system 

Regular walking can increase blood flow and encourage white blood cells to more weakened areas. This is great for boosting immune responses throughout the day. The circulation of immune cells could even stop viruses and unhealthy bacteria from entering your body. 

#3 Strengthens bones 

Going for a 2-mile walk maintains strong bones in the long term. Studies have shown that walking greatly improves bone health while protecting your joints. People who don’t have active lifestyles can incorporate walks into their daily routine to slow the rate of bone loss over time.

#4 Protects your heart 

Any type of aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. This can decrease the risk of heart disease in the future. Even walking at a moderate to vigorous pace could improve your fitness level, body composition, blood pressure, and fat lipid profile. 

#5 Increases muscle endurance 

Simple walks can boost your muscular endurance and strength. People who are looking to build muscle should go for a daily walk regularly to naturally encourage muscle growth. Studies show that physical activity significantly improves muscle quality over a 10-week period.

#6 Lowers blood sugar 

Moderate exercise is also recommended for people with diabetes. Walking increases your heart rate and encourages the muscles to burn glucose for energy. Over time, this lowers the amount of sugar in your bloodstream, which helps the body maintain balanced insulin levels. 

#7 Reduces negative moods 

A walk can reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms. This is because exercise releases endorphins – hormones that promote pleasure and happiness. For those who need that emotional boost, consider going for a walk to eliminate any negative feelings. 

When to Seek Medical Help for Constipation

You should seek medical help if you notice bloody stools, unintended weight loss, chronic pain in the pelvic floor muscles, and a reduced appetite. This might be a hidden medical condition or problem like bowel obstruction, colon cancer, and nerve damage. 

Noticing any strange symptoms when going to the toilet can be alarming, but you shouldn’t ignore them. Your gut is telling you that something isn’t quite right. A doctor could examine you for medical conditions or emergency constipation that just needs the right treatment.

In the meantime, consider following certain home remedies to relieve constipation. This video by Mayo Clinic has all the tips you need to replenish your digestive health. Some include drinking more water, eating high-fiber foods, consuming green veggies, and reducing stress. 

Here are more signs you should seek medical attention:

  • Constant abdominal pain 
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Severe bloating 
  • Frequent vomiting 
  • Chronic migraines 
  • Back pain 
  • Symptoms don’t go away after 3 weeks
  • Blood clots in stools

A Word From Our Coach

You can relieve constipation by going for a simple walk. Physical exercise is key to improving digestive functioning and working the pelvic floor muscles. Make a plan to walk for at least 20–30 minutes every morning if you wish to ease constipation or prevent it entirely.

There are also other yoga exercises for constipation. One includes the wind-relieving pose, which puts some pressure on our gut. A research study actually found that yoga is a remedial therapy for irritable bowel syndrome due to its therapeutic effects on a person’s GI tract.

Get into a comfortable position on the floor for the wind-relieving pose. Lie on your back, bring your legs up to 90 degrees, and bend those knees when pulling your thighs to your abdomen. You should have your arms wrapped around your legs when holding the pose for 20 seconds.

Consider trying deep breathing exercises to calm your body. Stress may be the cause of your stubborn constipation, so it’s important to reduce it as much as possible. Just remember to consult with a medical professional before trying any new techniques or treatments.


So, can walking relieve constipation?

Simple morning walks can prevent or treat chronic constipation. This is because you’re exercising the intestinal muscles and increasing blood flow to your digestive tract. If you have any health conditions, talk to your doctor first before creating a new exercise regimen.

The Walking.Diet program is also there to support your new walking habit. You can find prescribed exercises that are great for beginners and pros.
Our rating:
  • Offers walking training plan
  • Provides warm-up and cool-down workouts before and after walking workout
  • Includes keto desserts cookbook
  • Offers the articles about food and nutrition, walking gear
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: January 13, 2023
4 min read 1467 Views 0 Comments

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