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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Intermittent Fasting arrow Does Magnesium Break a Fast? The Great Debate

Does Magnesium Break a Fast? The Great Debate

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
4 min read 1428 Views 0 Comments
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Fasting is a way to get rid of that extra fat, can you can take magnesium supplements while fasting? Your stomach will be empty when fasting, so can you still take it on an empty stomach?

Does magnesium break a fast

While fasting, your body excretes magnesium at an increased rate, so is it safe to take magnesium supplements? The quick answer to this question is: yes. You can take magnesium as a supplement while you are fasting to help replace what you lost.

But there is more to it than what this simple answer gives us, which is what we are interested in. Read on and find out for yourself how adding magnesium supplements while fasting can be of benefit to you and your overall health.

Does Magnesium Break a Fast?

No, magnesium does not break a fast. In fact, magnesium and other electrolytes don’t contain any calories, but can help increase your energy levels while fasting.

As mentioned before, the human body starts getting rid of magnesium at an increased rate when fasting to keep the levels of other electrolytes at the right levels.

During fasting, your body will start getting rid of magnesium before eliminating electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, which are essential for heart function and can be important for bone health.

As you can see, there are many reasons you would want to get enough magnesium in your body while fasting.

Why is Magnesium Important While Fasting?

One of magnesium’s many benefits is that it helps manage blood sugar levels for those with diabetes. It is also true that chronic low magnesium levels may cause type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis if not taken care of early on.

Magnesium helps to transport potassium and calcium ions across cell membranes, reducing the chances of muscle cramps. 

Low levels of magnesium cause low energy levels, and muscle cramps, another reason magnesium is important while fasting. As such, it is essential that you get enough magnesium in while you are fasting, even for just one day.

Your meals should include magnesium-rich foods such as beans, nuts, and milk products like yogurt before and after fasting.

When Should You Take Magnesium While Fasting?

You should take magnesium as often as possible in the mornings, so your body has as much as it needs during the day.

Because our bodies do not naturally produce magnesium, it is vital that we get it through the food we eat. When fasting, you don’t consume food, so the only way to increase the magnesium levels in your body is through supplements.

Taking a supplement for magnesium while fasting will help to reduce negative symptoms while helping to improve your blood pressure and blood flow.

If the electrolyte levels in your body get too low, you will experience cramps and low energy levels, which is a sign that it’s time to replenish them.

There are ways to increase the magnesium levels and different electrolytes, such as potassium, while fasting, which will not cause you to break a fast.

Can Magnesium Make Intermittent Fasting Easier? 5 Amazing Benefits

Taking a supplement that includes magnesium will help to make intermittent fasting much easier without the nasty side effects of fasting.

There are many benefits when taking a supplement while you are busy with intermittent fasting.

Take a look at the following list of health benefits of taking a magnesium supplement:

#1 Improved sleep

Taking a supplement to help regulate electrolytes, especially magnesium levels, will help you sleep better at night.

Low magnesium levels may make it difficult for you to fall asleep or even stay asleep, especially if you are hungry. These low levels can also result in uncomfortable muscle twitches.

#2 Improved mood

While you are intermittent fasting, you will find that you may experience mood swings, which might be a sign of low levels of magnesium. Increasing your magnesium levels will improve your overall mood and prevent depression and other symptoms while fasting.

#3 Increased energy levels 

One of the nasty effects you experience when you are intermittent fasting is low energy levels, which can be improved by increasing your magnesium levels. Magnesium helps in the production of energy in the body which means you can do physical activity with more ease.

#4 Reduced risk of heart disease

Risks of heart disease have been linked to low magnesium levels, so higher magnesium levels may reduce the risks. Taking magnesium while fasting will keep your heart rate at the required pace to burn that extra fat.

#5 Helps with weight loss

It is also known that having higher magnesium levels while fasting will help improve fat burning to aid in weight loss. Magnesium also helps to improve the human body’s fat-burning mechanisms while fasting. Plus, it can help you with your digestive issues and can reduce bloating.

Can You Take Magnesium on an Empty Stomach?

Magnesium is quite gentle on the stomach and does not need other substances to help with absorption. So taking magnesium on an empty stomach while fasting or intermittent fasting will not cause any side effects and will not break a fast.

You can get supplements in pill or powder form – stir in powder to water and you have just what the human body needs from a supplement: minerals!

A Word From Nutritionist

Magnesium is readily available in many different types of food. It can be added through various supplements as well. This mineral plays a very important role in our body by assisting about 300 enzymes in carrying out different chemical reactions.

While you are intermittent fasting, your body will start getting rid of electrolytes at an increased rate, which is why you have all those side effects while intermittent fasting.

You need to put it back in your body by replacing the magnesium supplementation through the food you eat and other methods.

We also know that magnesium oxide is an essential mineral our body needs to function properly, whether we are fasting or not.

While our body needs essential vitamins, it will not be good to add that to our bodies while fasting. Electrolytes, on the other hand, are more important in this case to improve essential functions such as muscle recovery.

Make sure you read the supplement facts label as some contain higher doses of some minerals and a lower dose of the ones your need. If you can find an option that contains two minerals or more with electrolytes, you are on the right track.


So does magnesium break a fast? The answer is a resounding no and you should ake it, especially during your fasting window. During prolonged fasting, you deplete electrolytes and your amino acids may not be at optimal levels.

Now that you know that taking a magnesium supplement will increase your chances of losing extra fat, it’s time to consider adding it to your fasting food list.

Especially as it will not break your fast, and it will prevent magnesium deficiency or possible electrolyte deficiency. Your blood sugar also won’t be negatively affected as it doesn’t trigger an insulin response.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
4 min read 1428 Views 0 Comments

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