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Home arrow News arrow Health Reporter Has Launched the 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index

Health Reporter Has Launched the 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index

HealthReporter author Nadzeya Sankovich
Written by Nadzeya Sankovich
Last update: September 11, 2023
1 min read 1203 Views 0 Comments
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See how your state ranks for diet, health, and happiness.

Health Reporter Has Launched the 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index

The quality of life largely depends on one’s nutritional status. The 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index, conducted by Health Reporter, examined the impact of dietary patterns on the health and welfare of Americans. What are the highest and lowest-ranking states, and why?

Research Logic

A wholesome diet is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent most diseases. Proper nutrition supports the growth and development of a child’s body, ensures optimal performance in adulthood, and promotes longevity in old age. Rational eating is one of the leading criteria for quality of life, determining the nation’s health.

However, a person’s diet depends not only on themselves but also on their environment. This includes complex factors such as the social climate, physical activity, and governmental interventions, among others.

Top 5 States for Nutritional Well-Being
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Methodology of Indexing

Considering this, the Nutritional Well-Being Index categorizes the main aspects impacting eating habits and general well-being. It evaluates 4 core pillars: nutrition, psychological well-being, physical health, and the interplay of social connections with lifestyle choices.

These metrics include 20 subfactors, ranging from daily nutrient intake to obesity rates and predominance of specific diets. A final ranking was calculated by evaluating the importance of each element from 1 to 5 and adding up the state subscores.

Overall - 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index
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Results and Outcomes

Researchers compared each state’s eating habits and well-being indicators to showcase the nutritional panorama of the US and pinpoint possible improvements.

According to the 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index, Massachusetts ranked first for nutritional well-being. It excelled in access to healthy food options, high consumption of fruits and vegetables, perceived wellness, and low obesity rates.

Bottom 5 States for Nutritional Well-Being
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Meanwhile, Mississippi bottoms out of the list, showing improvement areas for alcohol consumption, daily nutrient intake, and self-reported happiness.

Expert image border Nadzeya Sankovich
Nadzeya Sankovich
VP of Communications at Health Reporter

Through our research, we aim to increase awareness of nutrition’s role in health and well-being. The Index is multi-purpose and of great social importance since factors contributing to proper nutritional well-being increase the nation’s working capacity and life expectancy.

The release of the Nutritional Well-Being Index serves as a call to action for state policymakers, healthcare providers, and the general public to prioritize nutrition-related initiatives. It provides a holistic view of the dietary profile of US states and its interaction with overall well-being.

Written by Nadzeya Sankovich
Nadzeya Sankovich is the Vice President of Communications at Health Reporter. Previously a professional journalist, she continues to write scientific articles and conduct research. With a background in sociology and medicine, she has worked with various healthcare organizations, from charities to telemedicine platforms.

Nadzeya is also a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and a volunteer for a non-profit organization that helps underserved communities. Through her work, she empowers people to take charge of their health and well-being.
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HealthReporter author Nadzeya Sankovich
Written by Nadzeya Sankovich
Last update: September 11, 2023
1 min read 1203 Views 0 Comments

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