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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow What Is the Best Rice for Weight Loss? 4 Types to Choose From

What Is the Best Rice for Weight Loss? 4 Types to Choose From

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: May 15, 2023
6 min read 1459 Views 0 Comments
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Losing weight focuses partly on your healthy diet. Certain foods might disrupt your progress completely, including the wrong types of rice. So, what rice should you actually eat? We explain the best rice for weight loss and how this food might benefit your health.

Best rice for weight loss

There are certain types of rice that may help you lose weight. 

People often have the misconception that any rice contains too many carbs, making it the culprit behind increased belly fat. This isn’t always true, as brown rice has extra nutrients to feed your body. Understanding what rice is best for a strict diet can hugely benefit your progress.

Some low-carb diets might avoid rice, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad product to have in meals. Losing weight is all about consuming the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The more you feed your body, the more it works to burn those stubborn pounds.

You might think – what are the best types of rice to eat?

In this article, you’ll discover the best rice for your weight loss diet.

Best Rice for Weight Loss

Sometimes, you might want a rice-based dish, but you don’t know what rice is healthy. There are plenty of options that play unique roles in your digestive system. Eating the best rice ensures you’re gaining enough nutrients without going over your daily calorie intake.

Let’s take a look at the four best types of rice for weight loss:

#1 Brown rice

Brown rice is probably the most common choice when it comes to healthy diets. It contains plenty of dietary fiber that keeps you full between and after meals. Foods that promote satiety often stop you from snacking or binge eating, which prevents any future weight gain. 

You should always opt for brown rice instead of white rice. This is due to how nutrient-dense brown rice actually is. In just a 100g serving, there’s 3.6g of fiber, 116 mg of magnesium, and 250 mg of potassium. All three of these nutrients help to strengthen your fat metabolism

Just be aware that white rice contains at least 675 calories in just one cup (185g). Going over your calorie intake could hinder weight loss progress or lead to potential belly fat. Brown rice is a much better option if you want something containing only 248 calories in one cup.

#2 Black rice

Black rice is a great source of protein and fiber – two important nutrients that help to reduce your appetite. It’s very important that you eat protein-rich foods to lose fat and build muscle. There are only 356 calories in 100 grams of black rice, making it great for your weight loss diet. 

This type of rice has many other health benefits, including the antioxidants that improve energy metabolism. A stronger metabolism means your body burns extra calories throughout the day. Pairing this food consumption with high-intensity exercise will eliminate unwanted pounds easily. 

#3 Red rice

Red rice has almost zero fat content, meaning it can’t disrupt your weight loss diet. Foods with less saturated fats typically keep you full for longer and prevent any sugar cravings. However, be aware that healthy fats are still good at suppressing your appetite.

 You should reach for red rice instead of white rice, since it contains lots of protein that reduces hunger hormones.

Eating red rice also ensures you’re getting enough soluble and insoluble fiber. These fibers support bowel movements, prevent constipation, and help the body to absorb nutrients. If your body doesn’t get the right daily minerals, it might slow down the fat-burning process.

#4 Wild rice

Wild rice is super effective when it comes to reducing your hunger cravings. It has dietary fiber that fills your gut after big meals. This type of rice also has 177 mg of magnesium – an energy-boosting mineral. More energy leads to better workouts that help you lose weight.

One thing to note is that wild rice contains all nine essential amino acids. One of these amino acids, methionine, can increase your metabolic rate. It has a detoxifying effect that stimulates important fat-burning hormones like leptin, insulin, and growth chemicals.

Methionine is especially great for strengthening creatine in your muscle cells. The stronger you feel, the more likely you’ll perform high-intensity exercise. This amino acid may support muscle development, fat breakdown processes, and energy production during weight lifting.

How to Use Rice for Weight Loss

You can pair rice with lots of different healthy recipes. Just make sure to weigh out the calories of every ingredient before eating them. This ensures you don’t go over the recommended food intake. Remember that from a weight loss perspective, nutritional calories are very important. 

Many people boil small portions of rice before adding that to a stir-fry, curry, or chilli. Steamed rice is another good option if you prefer to use it with sushi-based meals. Anything that goes into a steamer comes out thick, so high-density rice might satisfy your hunger quickly. 

A wholesome weight loss meal might be brown fried rice, leafy veggies, onions, chicken, and tomato sauce to mix it all together. These ingredients are perfectly healthy for losing weight. Just simply use any kind of brown, black, wild, or red rice in your low-calorie meals.

How Much Rice Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?

People who are between 18 to 50 years old should consume 37g-50g of rice per day to see weight loss results. However, this amount will depend on your exercise level, gender, and current diet. It’s important not to exceed your rice intake when trying to lose weight.

Eating rice every day may not be a great choice if you’re trying to reduce fat. Rice in smaller portions is perfectly fine, but you might want to consume other fiber-rich foods throughout the week. This includes chickpeas, spinach, lentils, and broccoli, which contain essential nutrients.

You can eat 37g-50g of grain rice once or twice a week with high-density meals. This amount should keep you full and prevent any snacking during the day. Remember to avoid white rice completely, as this can exceed your calorie intake and cause potential weight gain.

Is Rice Good for Your Health?

Yes, rice has many health benefits that support your weight loss progress. It’s packed with dietary fiber – a type of nutrient used in reducing the risk of heart disease. Fiber especially works to lower blood sugar levels that might otherwise cause heart problems.

Whole grain rice or any type of unprocessed rice can strengthen natural functions in your body. The high-fiber content feeds your gut healthy bacteria, leading to smoother digestion. This prevents painful constipation or uncomfortable bowel movements from non-absorbed foods.

Eating brown or black rice instead of white rice may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Magnesium helps your body to metabolize carbohydrates. A better metabolism can strengthen insulin sensitivity, preventing high blood sugar that causes damage to heart vessels.


Can you lose weight eating rice?

Yes, consuming rice on a low-calorie diet can help you lose weight. You should pair this dietary routine with high-intensity exercise to notice more visible results. A restricted diet might encourage the fat-burning process, but it won’t be enough to keep the fat off long term. 

Does rice help to burn belly fat?

Eating any kind of food won’t target belly fat directly, including rice. Only cardio-based workouts will efficiently burn fat. However, reducing the portions of rice may prevent future weight gain. Aim to have below 50g of rice a day and you should notice a change in your body weight.

Can I eat rice every day and still lose weight?

Eating any kind of rice-based meal shouldn’t disrupt your weight loss, but it’s better to spread those meals out throughout the week. Try to have more green leafy salads or chicken dishes. The human body needs plenty of other nutrients that you might not get from just whole rice. 

A Word from Our Nutritionist

Rice is a great food to eat on your nutritious weight loss diet. It contains plenty of nutrients that fuel your body, further supporting the fat-burning metabolism. Just remember to avoid white rice entirely when losing stubborn weight, as this might slow down any weight loss progress.

Black, wild, red, and brown rice are the best types of rice to eat. They have high-fiber content that reduces your appetite. It’s always better to feel less hungry on a diet, rather than crave unhealthy foods. People who have sugar cravings are more likely to binge eat and snack.

You can talk to a professional nutritionist if you’re not sure what to eat for weight loss. Getting the right nutrients is important for strengthening the metabolic rate. Rice that has more fiber will naturally benefit your overall health and support weight management in the future.


You should definitely incorporate rice into your diet. 

Magnesium, fiber, protein, and calcium are the perfect nutrients for supporting weight loss. Rice contains plenty of these, making it great for improving your overall health. Just eat a small portion once or twice a week to experience the appetite-reducing effects.

Remember – always eat minimally processed rice to avoid exceeding your daily calories. There are several rice varieties, like red, black, brown, and wild that make delicious meals.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: May 15, 2023
6 min read 1459 Views 0 Comments

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