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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow Peptides for Weight Loss: Are They Worth Your Money?

Peptides for Weight Loss: Are They Worth Your Money?

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 7, 2023
5 min read 1330 Views 0 Comments
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If you’re struggling to shift stubborn fat, peptide therapy could be the answer you’re looking for. This article covers all things peptides as an addition to your weight loss journey.

Peptides for weight loss

Peptides are compounds with short chains of two or more amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and while similar versions of proteins, peptides are distinguished by their shorter length. Peptides help the human body instruct cells to function correctly.

There are a bunch of them, and you’ll find different peptides in a wide range of health products and cosmetics. Although peptides are naturally found in protein-rich foods, they’re frequently obtained as dietary supplements from plant and animal sources for various purposes. 

Peptides gather much attention for their health-promoting properties like anti-aging, anti-inflammation, and muscle growth. They are synonymous with strengthening bone density, improving skin elasticity, and promoting wound healing. There is also talk of peptides as a potential weight-loss drug.

As unwanted weight gain is something we’re all familiar with, this article explores peptides and their role in the weight loss world. 

Peptides for Weight Loss – Are They Safe?

Peptides can be safe for healthy persons under medical supervision. Some types of peptides are FDA-approved. This means they have undergone strict testing to ensure their safety. However, peptides only won’t help you lose weight as you have to combine any supplements with a nutritious diet and physical activity.

Many online websites sell peptide supplements without a prescription that may not be safe. It’s best to avoid shopping online for peptides. You should always consult your healthcare provider before using peptides to lose weight.

What are the benefits of peptides?

Peptides can help your body’s natural processes by improving a variety of bodily functions. In terms of weight loss, some may prevent oxidative damage and reduce inflammation, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure

They may also increase the release of hormones that activate muscle growth, muscle recovery, and fat loss and enhance physical performance. 

Several of the best peptides for weight loss instruct the body to release growth hormones. The human growth hormone does several jobs, including increasing the oxidation of free fatty acids, instructing the muscle cells to enhance muscle growth, and increasing the repair of the body during sleep. 

These peptides are linked to metabolic health, exercise capacity, and muscle gain, all tasks which can aid your weight loss efforts.  

Do Peptides Burn Belly Fat?

It is possible that peptides can help burn belly fat. With the increase of the human growth hormone, peptides can help burn fat in the abdominal region by improving lipolysis (fat breakdown).

It can also promote lean muscle mass, promoting a healthy metabolism by improving your resting metabolic rate, and enabling the body to burn more calories throughout the day.

A study of diet-induced obesity in mice revealed that collagen peptides might lower visceral fat content or abdominal fat. Tesamorelin, in particular, is used to treat stubborn belly fat.

What Are the Three Main Peptides? 

There are three main peptides; CJC 1295/ipamorelin, tesamorelin, and MK-677. Here’s a summary of each.

#1 CJC 1295/ipamorelin

CJC 1295/ipamorelin combines the two peptides, CJC 1295 and ipamorelin

It is a highly effective growth hormone-releasing hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland, where the growth hormone is produced. This helps improve decreased levels that occur naturally with aging quickly.

It can help grow muscle mass, increase strength, reduce body fat, aid injury and muscle recovery, and regulate body composition. It also contributes to improved sleep and better immune function.

It may also support weight loss by improving insulin resistance and lowering high blood sugar. 

#2 Tesamorelin

Tesamorelin is another peptide that significantly increases human growth hormone. It is an effective peptide treatment for adults with HIV to reduce abdominal fat accumulation.

This is one of the best peptides for individuals with a lot of unwanted weight to lose. Lowering the amount of adipose tissue in the abdomen can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 

#3 MK-677

MK-677, or ibutamoren, mimics the growth hormone action of the hormone ghrelin.

It aids the body in burning fat and supporting muscle development and muscular growth. It’s important to note that MK-677 can lead to an increased appetite due to stimulation of the ghrelin receptors.

Who Should Use Peptides for Weight Loss?

Peptides may be suitable and effective for healthy individuals seeking to lose weight. 

Although many health and cosmetic products are peptide-rich primarily for their anti-aging properties, the extent of research into peptides for weight loss is lesser-known. More scientific research is needed to confirm their safety and effectiveness. 

You should exercise caution before using peptides for weight loss. As there is limited research, pregnant and breastfeeding women, those taking other medications, and people with health conditions should avoid peptide therapy without medical supervision.

Do You Need a Prescription for Peptides?

Yes, peptide therapies should only be used as prescribed by your doctor. CJC 1295/ipamorelin, tesamorelin, and MK-677 are only available via prescription. 

Many online stores promote and sell peptides for weight loss, but it’s critical to be cautious of who and where you’re buying from. Many are still in the research stages and are not yet approved for long-term use.

Other peptides like collagen and creatine are readily available in cosmetics and supplements.  

What Peptides Should I Take?

If you’re thinking of using peptide therapy to combat weight gain, CJC 1295/ipamorelin, tesamorelin, and MK-677 are peptides that may be useful for your weight loss journey.

Additionally, the type of peptide therapy depends on the outcome you are hoping for. Different peptides act in different ways – for example, some help with regulating fat metabolism, while others target food digestion. The peptides mentioned above are involved with fat burning.

However, more research is needed to determine the relationship between peptides and fat loss. Finding suitable peptides can take time. It’s important to review the possible side effects of those available, and it is essential to discuss the options with your doctor.


How much do peptides cost?

Peptides tend to be expensive but vary in cost as there are many kinds of peptides. Peptide treatment costs can range from $100 to $300.  

How long does it take for peptides to work?

How quickly peptides work depends on the type and brand you’re using. Results also vary from person to person. Most people will see a change or notice positive benefits within 3–6 months. 

Are peptides worth it? 

Peptides can be very effective for skin health and fueling muscle tissue growth, but more research is needed to determine if peptides for weight loss are worth it.

Are peptides like steroids? 

No, peptides are not like steroids. Although peptides and steroids can provide similar goals, they are not the same. 

A Word From Our Dietitian

Peptides are short chains of amino acids that regulate various functions and processes.

They occur naturally within the body as well as in certain foods. They are also produced by manufacturing companies and sold as supplements you can inject or ingest orally.

As specific peptides can contribute to body fat loss, they are often promoted as a boost to help you lose weight. They may help reduce weight, control metabolism, boost immune function, and aid the development of lean body mass while improving energy levels.

As we age, the body’s natural growth hormone secretion declines. Peptide therapy refers to restoring peptides to stimulate the body’s cellular systems to treat some conditions. It increases the production and release of growth hormones.

Peptides are present in various cosmetics and healthcare items, primarily to slow down the aging process. More evidence is required to determine their effectiveness and safety for weight loss purposes.


Specific peptides, primarily growth hormone-releasing peptides, can help with losing weight by mimicking the body’s natural processes to decrease fat gain and increase muscle mass.

However, more efforts are required to demonstrate the long-term safety of peptides to confirm the drugs as a safe and effective weight loss remedy. You should always exercise caution when taking any supplement and seek advice from your medical professional.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 7, 2023
5 min read 1330 Views 0 Comments

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