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Home arrow Beauty arrow Hair arrow Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Growth: Is It Right for You?

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Growth: Is It Right for You?

Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Fact checked by Edna Skopljak, MD
Last update: May 10, 2023
7 min read 828 Views 0 Comments
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Pumpkin oil has an untapped potential for healthy hair growth. Learn how to use it for the best results.

pumpkin seed oil for hair growth

Have you ever come across pumpkin seed oil while searching for a natural way to promote hair growth?

Pumpkin seed oil is becoming a go-to natural alternative for commercial hair growth products due to its multiple benefits. To name one, it contains antioxidants that protect hair from free radical damage that could otherwise cause premature aging or thinning of the locks.

Delve deeper into the benefits of pumpkin seed oil and how it can aid in stimulating hair growth.

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Growth: Does It Help?

Yes, this oil promotes faster and healthier hair growth. Studies suggest it works by inhibiting DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone production, the hormone associated with hair loss, which means its effectiveness may be confirmed.

DHT is responsible for shrinking hair follicles and leads to brittle and thin locks. By blocking its effects, the oil from pumpkin seed aids in promoting the growth of healthy, strong new hair.

Pumpkin seed oil contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids that may aid in the formation of strong and healthy hair. Moreover, consuming pumpkin seeds can also provide essential nutrients such as protein, iron, and biotin.

Researchers reported that giving men with mild to moderate hair loss tablets containing pumpkin seed oil for 24 weeks resulted in increased growth of hair.

In addition to promoting hair growth, this oil has also been studied as a potential remedy for hair loss, including male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss.

Specifically, male pattern baldness, a kind of hair loss, is brought on by a combination of hormonal and hereditary factors. This process affects approximately 50% of men over the age of 50, making it a common concern for many individuals.

What Is Pumpkin Seed Oil?

Pumpkin seed oil, extracted from pumpkin seeds, has been used for centuries for its health benefits. Not only does it promote the growth of your hair, but studies suggest it also aids with prostate health, lowers cholesterol, and improves skin hydration.

Pumpkin seed oil is packed with essential nutrients, such as:

  • Zinc: Helps build and repair hair tissue while keeping the oil glands surrounding follicles functioning optimally
  • Vitamin E: An antioxidant that shields hair from free radical damage
  • Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids: Essential fatty acids which may improve hair elasticity and reduce breakage

It contains vitamins A, E, and K, as well as minerals like zinc and magnesium – all of which have been scientifically proven to promote hair growth while nourishing the scalp and reducing irritation.

In addition to vitamin E, pumpkin seed oil is rich in other antioxidants like carotenoids, tocopherols, and phenolic compounds that help protect hair follicles from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Additionally, phytosterols – substances from plants – in pumpkin seed oil have been believed to have a beneficial effect on hair development.

The oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce scalp inflammation, prevent hair loss, and encourage healthier hair growth.

It helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, transporting essential nutrients directly into the follicles of hair. Furthermore, its ability to reduce inflammation on the skin can significantly improve both hair and scalp health.

Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil offers numerous advantages for hair growth and health. Here are a few ways pumpkin seed oil can aid your hair:

1. Stimulates hair growth: Pumpkin seed oil contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that stimulate hair growth. Plus, it’s packed with zinc – an essential nutrient for healthy hair development.

2. Strengthens hair follicles: Pumpkin seed oil contains nutrients that strengthen the follicles of your hair, helping prevent them from falling out prematurely and creating thicker, fuller locks over time. This may contribute to an overall increase in hair thickness and fullness over time.

3. Moisturizes the scalp: Pumpkin seed oil is an excellent natural moisturizer for dry and itching scalps, which may lead to dandruff or other conditions that restrict hair growth. 

Not only does this seed oil help prevent these conditions, but since it contains various vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, the oil also moisturizes existing dry patches on your head.

4. Adds shine to hair: Fatty acids found in pumpkin seed oil can add shine to hair, making it look healthier and more vibrant.

5. Improves hair texture: Regular use of pumpkin seed oil can soften and smooth out the texture of your hair for healthier-looking locks.

Pumpkin seed oil can be an excellent addition to your haircare regimen for encouraging healthy hair growth and maintaining overall hair health.

Side Effects of Pumpkin Seed Oil

While using pumpkin seed oil on your hair is typically harmless, some people may have negative reactions.

These are a few possible negative consequences of using pumpkin seed oil to promote hair growth:

  • Allergic reaction: If you are allergic to pumpkin seeds, using pumpkin seed oil could cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms such as redness, itching, swelling, and hives are possible signs.
  • Oily hair: Pumpkin seed oil can be a rich oil that, when applied excessively, may leave hair feeling greasy.
  • Clogged pores: Excessive topical use of pumpkin seed oil can clog pores and hair follicles, leading to buildup on the scalp and possible hair loss. Because pumpkin seed oil is considered a low-comedogenic oil, it is easily absorbed by the skin and is unlikely to cause clogged pores when used in moderation.

It is essential to know that side effects from pumpkin seed oil are rare, and most people can safely use the pumpkin seed oil supplement without any issues. However, if you experience any of the listed effects, stop taking pumpkin seed oil supplements immediately and consult a healthcare provider.

How to Use Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Growth

Pumpkin seed oil can be used in several ways to promote hair health. 

#1 Using it for scalp massages

One popular method is using it as a scalp massage oil for the hair itself. Simply mix some drops of pumpkin seed oil with another carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and rub the mixture into your scalp. 

It is not necessary to wash your hair immediately after applying pumpkin seed oil to your scalp. However, if you have oily hair or scalp, you may want to rinse your hair after a few hours to avoid excess oil buildup.

This helps improve blood circulation, promote the growth of hair, and relax the scalp.

#2 Adding it to shampoo or conditioner

Pumpkin seed oil can easily be added to your favorite shampoo or conditioner bottle. Just add a few drops of the oil and stir well. This will nourish and strengthen the hair, giving it a healthy shine that lasts.

#3 Making a hair mask

Another way to use pumpkin seed oil is as a hair mask. Mix the oil with honey or yogurt and apply it directly on your hair and scalp. Leave wet hair still on for 30 minutes up to an hour before rinsing with warm water.

Moisturizing and strengthening the hair also has the bonus of stimulating the growth of your hair. But if you’re not a fan of using the oil directly on your hair, you can also try pumpkin seed oil supplements to reap its hair growth benefits.

How Much Pumpkin Oil to Use for Hair Growth?

When it comes to dosage, some sources suggest specific doses of pumpkin seed oil for hair health, such as 1–2 tablespoons daily.

A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food examined the effects of pumpkin seed oil on hair growth in men with mild to moderate androgenetic alopecia. The participants were given 400 milligrams of pumpkin seed oil per day in capsule form. 

While this dose was effective for the study participants, it’s important to note that this dosage was specific to the study and should not be taken as a universal recommendation.

Therefore, it’s important to consult a professional healthcare provider that can help determine the most appropriate dosage for each person.


How often should you use pumpkin seed oil on hair?

Using this oil once or twice a week is recommended to avoid making your hair appear greasy and to prevent product buildup.

Can pumpkin seed oil and peppermint essential oil be mixed together?

Yes, you can mix pumpkin seed oil with peppermint essential oil for a refreshing hair treatment. Peppermint has a cooling effect on the scalp which may aid in improving blood flow to the follicles of hair.

Does pumpkin seed oil block DHT?

There is some evidence to suggest that pumpkin seed oil may help inhibit dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone associated with hair loss. However, further study is necessary to confirm this effect and determine the optimal dose of pumpkin seed oil for hair growth.

A Word From a Trichologist

To use pumpkin seed oil on your hair, start by mixing a few drops with regular shampoo or conditioner. Alternatively, you can apply the oil directly onto the scalp, massaging it in to increase blood flow to the follicles of your hair. Leave the oil in place for 30 minutes up to an hour before rinsing thoroughly with warm water.

It is essential to be aware that pumpkin seed oil may have benefits for some individuals but may not be suitable for everyone. If you have any allergies or skin sensitivities, test a small patch of skin before applying the oil to your scalp.

Furthermore, if any adverse reactions such as itching or redness occur, discontinue the use immediately.

Overall, adding pumpkin seed oil to your haircare routine can be an effective and natural way to promote robust hair growth and prevent hair loss. With regular use and proper application techniques, you’ll see stronger, more vibrant locks.


Pumpkin seed oil is an all-natural solution that promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. It contains nutrients such as vitamin E and fatty acids that nourish and strengthen your locks while blocking the production of the DHT hormone, known to contribute to hair loss, which can improve hair thickness.

Many people have experienced success while using pumpkin seed oil for hair growth, despite the paucity of data on its efficacy. If you’re curious to give it a try, start with using a small amount once or twice a week to see how your hair responds.

An expert or a trichologist should always be consulted. If used properly, adding pumpkin seed oil to your haircare regimen can lead to many benefits.

Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Dr. Rosmy Barrios, MD, is a medical advisor for the Health Reporter, the head of the anti-aging department, and a regenerative medicine specialist in several medical institutions with years of experience in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.
The article was fact checked by Edna Skopljak, MD
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Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Fact checked by Edna Skopljak, MD
Last update: May 10, 2023
7 min read 828 Views 0 Comments

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