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Home arrow Fitness arrow Training arrow 10 Tips and Exercises to Have a Jiggly Butt

10 Tips and Exercises to Have a Jiggly Butt

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: May 9, 2023
11 min read 1482 Views 0 Comments
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More and more women want to have a jiggly butt. If you’ve been trying to grow your booty but haven’t been having any luck, don’t fret. Building a big booty doesn’t have to be difficult, and following the tips and tricks outlined in this article will make the process a whole lot easier.

jiggly butt

Let’s face it. Big booties are in. 

Everyone seems to be looking for new ways to make their booty look juicier, whether they’re investing in ruched leggings as seen on their favorite fitness influencers or going a more surgical route.

If you want to experience real booty growth and aren’t interested in quick fixes, your journey to building a jiggly butt might involve more work but is sure to be even more rewarding.

In this article, we will be sharing with you 5 tips to help you grow a jiggly butt, as well as 5 of our favorite glute-building exercises. 

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5 Tips to Make Your Butt Jiggly

Building the body of your dream is something that happens both in and out of the weight room.

If you’re consistently working out and not experiencing the gains you want, implementing some of the following tips, in addition to your butt exercises, can help. 

#1 Lift heavy weights

Many women are afraid of lifting heavy because they don’t want to have a bulky or masculine body composition, but the truth is, you can’t build glute muscles large enough to be jiggly if you’re afraid to lift heavy.

Most influencers and women whose round booty you aspire to have are hitting the gym regularly and lifting as heavy as they can manage. They’re also generally not afraid to eat big meals.

Big glute muscles result from lifting heavy weights since it causes microscopic tears in your muscle fibers. After your workouts, when you eat nutritious, high-protein foods, you provide your body with everything it needs to repair these muscle tears. This is how your muscles rebuild bigger and stronger.

If you want to maximize muscle growth of your butt muscles, you should use progressive overload. This training technique has you gradually increasing the weight or number of repetitions of the exercises in your strength training routine.

Weight progression is a tool you can use to ensure that you continue challenging yourself and don’t experience any plateaus on your journey to get a jiggly butt.

#2 Increase your calories

To experience the muscle growth necessary to get a jiggly butt, you have to be willing to increase the number of calories that you eat per day.

Intermittent fasting and eating in a calorie deficit are excellent for when you want to lose weight and make your muscles appear more toned. Still, neither of these techniques will be especially helpful for building larger muscles.

Many professional athletes who are trying to build muscle will go through what is called the “bulking phase.” This is a phase where you intentionally eat more calories than your body needs for a set amount of time, usually between 1–6 months. 

During this time, your muscles will have the fuel they need to make significant increases in their size and strength, and though the bulk won’t be specific to only your butt cheeks after you’ve experienced your desired gains, you can taper your calories. 

This tapering period is called “cutting” and should be carefully calculated so that you give your body everything it needs to maintain your new muscle growth while also shedding belly fat and allowing more of your new muscle to shine through. 

#3 Do more leg days

This probably goes without saying, but building your gluteus maximus in order to have a soft and round booty won’t happen unless you’re willing to spend time working on these muscles.

When trying to increase the size and strength of a certain muscle group, it’s a good idea to pencil in 2–3 workouts a week focused on that specific muscle group. The number of workouts you do will depend on things like your schedule, as well as how quickly your body recovers post-workout.

Don’t be upset if one week you only manage to work your lower body once since seeing results from any workout routine depends more on consistency than anything else. 

It’s also important to remember that exercising every day won’t help you build muscle and can actually have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health. 

Instead, giving yourself 24–48 hours between working certain muscle groups is a good idea to allow them to recover completely.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but rest days are as important as days spent in the gym to build muscle. This is the time when your muscles have a chance to focus on repairing and rebuilding to be bigger and stronger than they were before.

If working out 7 days a week is a goal of yours, you can always pencil in a recovery run to stick to your workout regime while also giving your body a much-needed break. 

#4 Try glute activation exercises

Doing glute activation exercises pre-workout can be a big help in building your round booty for several reasons.

First and foremost, some people have stubborn glutes that don’t respond well to exercise. The glutes are often a part of the body that many people have very little neural connection to since they spend so much time seated with their hips forward and glutes soft. 

For those people activating the gluteus maximus muscles before they start their training, creating mind-body awareness, and waking this muscle group up can be the difference between them getting their jiggly booty and not. 

Another reason these exercises can be so beneficial to anyone wanting to build their booty muscles is that when the glutes aren’t activated, we often tend to rely on other muscles to carry the load of our butt exercises instead.

This can not only put unnecessary pressure on supporting muscles like those in our lower back, but we also can’t expect to build muscles when we aren’t actually working them. 

Several exercises, such as step-ups, hip thrusters, and regular squats, are clinically proven to activate the gluteus maximus muscles effectively.

#5 Eat nutritious foods

As we discussed earlier, eating in a calorie surplus is essential to building a jiggly booty. But that doesn’t mean you can eat foods full of empty calories, like fast food, and expect to get a jiggly butt.

Instead, it’s better to focus on eating foods that are calorie-dense, high in protein, and full of vitamins, like some of the foods listed below.

Protein shakes

Drinking protein shakes is an easy way to increase the amount of protein you have every day and can be especially useful for anyone who tends to eat a low-protein diet.

Most protein powders have between 20–25g of protein in a single serving, which is 1/3 of the daily recommended serving for a 165-pound person.


Eggs can sometimes get a bad rep since they are fattier than some other foods, but most of the fats found in a whole egg are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, also known as healthy fats, and can help you get your calorie count up.

On top of that, by eating eggs, you’ll also be consuming a whopping 13g of protein and an amino acid called leucine, which is supposed to help with post-workout recovery. 

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is another food loaded with protein, containing around 10g in a 100-gram serving. On top of that, it is also full of calcium, an essential electrolyte needed for healthy muscle function.


For anyone who isn’t a big meat eater, quinoa is a plant-based alternative that provides all 9 essential amino acids – including magnesium, calcium, and iron, just to name a few – that our bodies can’t create naturally.

It also has close to 5g of protein per 100-gram serving, which you won’t find in many other grains of its kind. 

Diet is often the most challenging part of any new workout routine. Just like abs are made in the kitchen, the same can be said about a soft and round booty. Not eating enough protein or eating in a calorie deficit will limit your ability to experience significant booty gains.

If you know that clean eating isn’t your strong suit, it could be a good idea to check on the best nutrition apps for more information on diet planning.

5 Exercises for a Jiggly Butt

If you want to get a jiggly butt, your workouts and how often you do them will make a big difference. When done correctly, the following butt exercises can boost your results and allow you to see them significantly faster than you would otherwise. 

It might sound silly, but your workout clothes can also have a surprising impact on your workout’s efficacy. Find some sets you feel cute and confident wearing and are excited to put on before each workout.

Though seemingly insignificant, feeling confident in the gym can help you lift heavier and get the most out of your workouts.

#1 Glute hip thrust

There are many different ways to do a glute hip thrust, which is debatably one of the best exercises to target the muscles in the gluteus maximus.

In this article, we will focus on hip thrusts done with a barbell or a dumbbell, which are done as free weights, meaning that they move freely and aren’t attached to cables or a machine.

To start, find a weight bench or other surface around the height of your knees that won’t move or tip over, like the bench-press bench, and grab a barbell or a dumbbell. 

If you use a barbell, add a barbell pad or wrap an exercise mat around the bar to protect your hips, then place the weights over your hips.

Keeping your knees bent at 90 degrees, drive your hips up, engaging your glute muscles. Lower your hips back down and repeat this movement 8–15 times. 

#2 Cable kickback

To do cable kickbacks, you need a cable machine in its lowest position and an ankle strap.

Start by putting the ankle strap around your ankle on one leg and attaching it to the cable.  Stand with the other leg completely straight and then lower your torso down until it is parallel with the floor. 

As you become stronger and more stable in this exercise, you also have the option to stand more upright.

From there, find a part of the machine that you can hold onto with your hands for stabilization, and extend the leg attached to the cable straight back, with a slight bend in your knee, until it is parallel with the ground.

Draw the leg back in, and repeat this movement 8–15 times.

#3 Romanian deadlift

Deadlifts are a trickier exercise for beginners but are one of the best butt exercises you can do once you’ve managed to master the technique. 

In this article, we will be covering Romanian deadlifts since they are a deadlift variation that is easier and safer for beginners. 

Start by holding onto two lightweight dumbbells in either hand and with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Engage your abs, keep your back straight, and gaze forward as you start to hinge at your hips.

Focus on keeping your legs relatively straight while you shoot your hips back. Lower the dumbbells down to just below your knees, with the weights as close to the front of your legs as possible. 

Then, press into your feet to bring the weights back up. Repeat this movement 8–15 times.

If you feel tension in your lower back, try lifting lighter weights or not hinging as far forward.

#4 Squat

Squats are a compound exercise that is great for strengthening all of the muscles in the lower body, glutes included.

There are a ton of squat variations, like the heel-lifted sumo squat and squat jumps, that you can begin experimenting with to maintain variety in your workouts. In this article, we will be focusing on a basic squat.

To start, place a barbell on your upper trapezius muscles. Proper placement of the barbell will keep you from needing to use barbell pads, which can be destabilizing.

From there, get into your squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

With your core engaged and back straight, begin bending at the knees while driving them forward, and allow your torso to lean forward. 

Then, push into the ground with your feet to bring your body upright. Repeat this movement 8–15 times.

#5 Bulgarian split squat

Bulgarian split squats, though definitely not a fun exercise, are sure to help you get a jiggly butt and build strength in your quadriceps muscles.

To start, find an exercise bench around your knees’ height and grab two lightweight dumbbells. 

Place one of your feet 2–3 feet in front of the bench, the top of the other foot onto the bench, and grab your weights. 

You should be in a high lunge position with a weight in each hand.

From there, lower your hips straight down, driving your back knee directly down, as close to the bench as possible, and keeping your front knee almost directly over your ankle. 

To target this exercise in your butt cheeks, lean your body more forward. A more upright position through your torso will target the thigh muscles more.

A Word From Our Coach

Growing any part of your body isn’t something that can happen overnight. Many studies suggest that real changes to the size of your muscles won’t occur until 6–10 weeks of consistently doing a new exercise routine.

This means that if you truly want to get a jiggly butt, it will take some dedication.

The good news is, by hitting the gym somewhat consistently – meaning at least 2 lower body workouts per week – you will notice changes, and they will only continue to compound over time.

If you miss a week, don’t get discouraged. A missed workout here and there isn’t the end of the world.

Focus on small, consistent growth over the long term, and soon, you’ll not only have a jiggly butt but a set of lifestyle habits that will keep you healthy and happy for years to come.

Bottom Line

If you want to get a jiggly butt, there are tried and true diet techniques and butt exercise options that will help you streamline the growth process and build a strong but soft butt significantly faster.

Things like eating in a calorie surplus, including more high-protein foods, lifting heavier weights, and including more leg days in your exercise routine can make a world of difference.

You might also want to try some of the exercises mentioned in this article, but plenty of other butt exercises will also help you build your booty, and switching up your workouts is one of the best ways to keep your time in the gym fun.

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: May 9, 2023
11 min read 1482 Views 0 Comments

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