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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Intermittent Fasting arrow Does Truvia Break a Fast? Nutritionist Answers

Does Truvia Break a Fast? Nutritionist Answers

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
3 min read 1450 Views 0 Comments
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Truvia is a popular sweetener, but how does it work? Does it break a fast in all types of fasting? It’s important to understand the rules of fasting, and we’re here to guide you through it all.

Does truvia break a fast

People are becoming more mindful about their health and constantly looking for healthier food options. Most fasting diets restrict sugar intake, but other alternatives may be taken during a fast. The most common options are sugar substitutes, such as Truvia.

You might wonder if Truvia breaks a fast if you use it in your morning cup of coffee. The answer depends on the reason for fasting.

It is also essential to understand the ingredients of the sugar substitutes and whether it includes ingredients that affect the liver. Food and drinks that affect the liver prevent you from reaching your goals with any form of fasting.

Let’s take a closer look at Truvia, its effects on the body, and whether it breaks fast.

Does Truvia Break a Fast?

It depends on the quantity of Truvia you’re having and the type of fasting – clean or dirty fasting. Truvia doesn’t break a fast in moderate quantities for dirty intermittent fasting as it is not seen to cause an insulin spike.

Truvia produces 0.24 calories per gram, is also low in carbs, and doesn’t trigger insulin spikes. As it is lower than the 50-calorie limit you can consume to stay in a fasted state, you can have Truvia during dirty intermittent fasting.

However, artificial sweeteners will break a fast if you follow clean intermittent fasting. Only non-caloric drinks can be taken during this type of fast, such as water, black coffee, or sparkling water.

What Is Truvia?

Truvia is a zero-calorie (almost) sweetener derived from stevia leaf. While this sweetener is advertised as a stevia-based alternative, they are not the same thing.

It is a blend of erythritol (sugar alcohols), rebiana (A compound from stevia leaf), and natural flavors.

This artificial sweetener is commonly used as a table sugar alternative for baked or cooked foods. It also acts as a sweetener for tea or coffee.

Is Truvia Natural?

Truvia is not entirely natural. Its manufacturing process involves refining corn that yields a specific starch and fermentation with yeast, which is further purified to form erythritol crystals. So, the process is beyond simply extracting the stevia leaf.

Natural sweeteners, such as stevia, are available in the form of herbs or plants. You can dry and powder them at home as they don’t undergo any refinement process. However, this is not true for Truvia, as it goes through a patent process, which is not natural.

Moreover, Cargill Inc., the manufacturer of Truvia, was sued for marketing Truvia as natural.

Does Truvia Spike Insulin?

Research suggests that Truvia doesn’t trigger an insulin spike or affect blood sugar levels. It contains almost zero calories and less than 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving (227g), which cannot affect insulin levels.

Furthermore, as the body does not metabolize Truvia, it can’t cause an increased insulin response or elevate blood sugar levels. According to a study, erythritol had no effect on glucose or insulin levels. More than 90% of the sweetener was absorbed and excreted in urine without affecting the metabolism.

Is Truvia Safe?

Experts believe that moderate consumption of Truvia is safe for almost all individuals, even those with diabetes.

In a 4-week human study, rebaudioside A, a major component of Truvia, was found to have no adverse side effects. Besides, humans and other mammals appear to tolerate it.

While Truvia may cause diarrhea and other digestive problems, most people don’t have these problems if consumed in reasonable amounts. However, it can vary among individuals. People with intolerance or sensitivity to sugar alcohol should be careful with Truvia.

All in all, the primary ingredients in Truvia are safe to consume and have none to minor side effects in most people.

Does Truvia Cause Weight Gain?

Truvia contains minimal calories and carbs, and the body does not metabolize its primary ingredients. Therefore, Truvia shouldn’t have any impact on body weight while used in moderation.

This allows you to stay in a fasted state without altering the weight loss you are trying to aim for through intermittent fasting. Moreover, taking Truvia with tea or coffee prevents hunger pangs, allowing you to stick to the fasting window.

Studies have shown that erythritol is digested and removed through urine and shouldn’t lead to weight gain in healthy individuals.

In addition to intermittent fasting, Truvia is beneficial as an alternative to table sugar. People with diabetes and those wanting to restrict their calories can use this sweetener without any adverse effects.

A Word From Our MD

Overall, Truvia will not break intermittent fasting if taken in moderate quantities and if you are following dirty fasting. It is sweeter than sugar, has fewer calories, and allows you to add fewer carbs to your meals.

On the other hand, this sugar substitute has some calories and is restricted during clean fasting as it will break the fast.

The ingredients of this artificial sweetener are not metabolized by your body and are excreted through urine. This prevents it from affecting insulin or blood sugar levels, making it a good option for those with diabetes or restricting calorie intake.

Lastly, the ingredients of Truvia are not seen to cause side effects in most individuals, including those with diabetes.


Technically, Truvia can break a fast based on the type of fast. It does contain a few calories and will break your clean intermittent fast

However, it can be taken as dirty fasting. Artificial sweeteners are also a good option if you’re trying to cut down your calorie intake or lowering blood sugar levels.

All in all, Truvia is one of the artificial sweeteners most individuals can take in moderate amounts.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: October 22, 2023
3 min read 1450 Views 0 Comments

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