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Keto Calculator

Keto Calculator

Written by Thalia Oosthuizen | Fact checked by Fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD check
Published on October 30, 2023
4 min
Keto Calculator
Caloric Reduction (Adjust to desired deficit)
Optimal for weight loss
Optimal for weight
Total Calories

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What Should My Macros Be?

If you’re not familiar with macros, the term is short for macronutrients. 

Macronutrients are the three food groups, i.e., carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. While on the ketogenic diet, you need to count the number of macros you consume daily using a keto macro calculator.

The generic keto macros ratio for those following the ketogenic diet is 70–80% fats, 5–10% carbohydrates, and 10–20% protein.

Essentially, it is a low-carb, high-fat diet tailored for losing fat. 

However, this doesn’t mean that the above numbers are suitable for everybody. 

We all have different needs determined by multiple variables. Age, sex, height, body weight, body fat percentage, and physical activity level all impact how many calories you should eat and the optimal macros you require to function at your best.

Carb intake is essential for the keto diet. The goal of keto is to reach the metabolic state of ketosis, which requires a drastic carb reduction. 

When your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, it burns fat and produces ketones to fuel your system instead. This is what makes the keto diet great for weight loss.

If you’re struggling with the keto diet and you’re feeling excessively hungry and exhausted, it may be that you need to adjust your keto macros. 

Many keto dieters forget about the importance of protein intake. While moderate, protein is an essential part of the keto diet, providing energy, appetite management, and reduced cravings.

It takes a little time to adapt to keto and find a balance of macros that works well for you. Our keto macro calculator helps assess your recommended keto macros for weight loss.

How to Calculate Carbs on Keto?

Most people calculate net carbs on the keto diet rather than total carbs. 

Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber and sugar alcohol. As the body doesn’t digest dietary fiber, you don’t need to include it in your total carb count.

Constantly checking food labels can become tiresome. A helpful way to track your carbohydrate intake is with KetoCycle, one of the best-rated keto apps that serves as your keto assistant. 

keto cycle logo
Our rating:
  • Proven scientific data
  • Calorie tracker
  • Customized meal plans and food prep
  • 10,000+ easy-to-make keto recipes (including vegetarian options)
  • Full workout schedule
  • Motivational tips
Start Keto Cycle Quiz

It helps you maintain the keto diet, offering a personalized meal plan and workouts, thousands of delicious keto recipes, and a progress tracker. 

Within the meal plan, users can easily find exact calculations for calorie intake, keeping an eye on carb consumption. 

How Many Carbs Should I Eat a Day?

The driving force behind keto is that it is a low-carb diet. 

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that the average person consumes 45–65% of daily calories from carbohydrates. 

Carbohydrates take up only 5–10% of your daily calories on the ketogenic diet. The low level of carbs allows your body to run out of glucose and begin to burn fat.  

Too many carbs will quickly increase blood glucose and kick you out of ketosis.

To switch to ketosis, most people need to consume under 50 grams of daily net carbs. 

That’s the equivalent of three slices of bread, two bananas, or plenty of low-carb veggies.

How Many Carbs Should I Consume to Lose Weight? 

Keeping your carb count low will trigger ketosis, which promotes fat loss. 

If you want to lose weight, cutting carbs is the first step. 

The average person seeking to lose weight outside the ketogenic diet might cut their usual 300 grams of carbs down to 150 grams or less. 

However, that is still too high for ketosis. 

50 grams of net carbs is the maximum for people following keto.

It’s also worth noting that many carbs come from refined and processed foods. The ketogenic diet helps you eat fewer calories by cutting out junk food and eating keto-friendly foods instead. 

Keto foods emphasize whole foods, which can help you reach a healthy weight. 

How Many Grams of Fat Should I Consume on Keto? 

You should eat around 165 grams of fat per day from healthy fat sources based on a 2000 calorie diet. 

It sounds strange, but eating more fats can assist you in losing weight. 

As well as low-carb, the second principle of the ketogenic diet is high-fat. While cutting back on carbs, you need to increase your fat intake by consuming many healthy fats. 

Fat makes up the majority of your diet on keto. Foods like fatty fish, avocados, and olive oil provide your body with energy, keep you satiated, and ensure you get enough calories.

Without enough fat, you will feel hungrier and risk overeating. 

How Many Grams of Protein Should I Eat on Keto?

Based on the 10–20% protein ratio, 75 grams of protein is adequate for a 2000 calorie diet. 

Your protein intake is just as important as fat intake. 

Protein is vital as it protects and repairs muscle tissue and helps you gain muscle mass while preserving lean body mass.

How much protein you need can differ among individuals. Moderately active people may need more protein than those who don’t exercise. Keto macronutrient calculator can help determine how much you need.

Whether you lift weights or practice light exercise, your body burns more calories when you work out. When you burn more calories than you take in, you create a calorie deficit vital for weight loss. 

The opposite to a calorie deficit is a calorie surplus, which means you consume more calories than you burn. It’s the last thing you want, as a surplus can lead to weight gain

Too little protein can result in muscle loss, while too much protein can kick you out of ketosis.

Take your protein from lean meats, cheese, and eggs.

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