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BAC Calculator

BAC Calculator

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD | Fact checked by Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD check
Published on February 10, 2023
4 min
BAC Calculator
Amount of alcohol consumed
Bac is around0.14%
It will take around more hours to reach 0%
BAC Change with Time
* The shown results are meant for educational purposes only. Always follow the medical advice of doctors or healthcare professionals.
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What Is BAC?

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to how much alcohol is in your bloodstream.

The alcohol content is measured in grams of alcohol per 100ml of blood or 210 liters of breath. Blood, urine, and breath tests are the only way to evaluate intoxication levels. However, urine tests aren’t always accurate, as they don’t show how much the person drank. 

BAC is often used for legal or medical purposes, such as driving limits. It’s illegal to have a concentration of 0.08% or higher in the United States. Police officers can provide breathalyzers to people who are suspected of drunk driving. 

Doctors can also measure your blood alcohol concentration if you’re showing signs of alcohol poisoning. This is a life-threatening condition that can affect your breathing, heart rate, and body temperature. The tests will show how badly your intoxication levels are disturbing your organs.

Understanding your BAC is very important for limiting alcohol intake. Certain environments will encourage you to drink more, but exceeding the recommended limit is dangerous

According to NIAAA, heavy drinking for men is consuming over 14 drinks per week, and for women, it’s more than 7 drinks per week. 

Alcohol and Health 

It goes without saying that drinking too much alcohol can seriously damage your health

Alcohol doesn’t contain any nutrients that are beneficial for your body. It can dehydrate your system and possibly cause hepatitis – a type of liver disease. You may also get high blood pressure, digestive problems, memory issues, and a weakened immune system.

It’s also recommended not to drink alcohol when you’re pregnant. Alcohol may cause problems for the baby, like growth and central nervous system defects. Avoiding this substance will ensure your baby is healthy and safe. 

Even though alcohol isn’t healthy, it’s still safe to drink in moderation. This substance is usually suitable for special occasions or nights that warrant it. Many stores or venues that sell alcohol can present a warning poster about excessive alcohol consumption.

How Long Does It Take for Alcohol to Leave Your System?

The alcohol concentration in someone’s bloodstream will depend on their metabolism. Alcohol percentage figures can also depend on weight, age, and sex. 

If someone has been heavily drinking, alcohol can be detected in their urine from 12 to 130 hours. For breath and saliva, it will be around 12 to 24 hours. It may only last up to 6 hours in your bloodstream as well. 

Hair alcohol testing isn’t very common, but it’s a good way of determining how long ago someone drank alcohol. The U.S. Drug Test Centers states that alcohol can be detected in your hair follicles from up to 90 days after consumption. 

You need to wait at least one hour for your body to digest one standard alcoholic drink. For example, if you have two glasses of wine, you’ll need to refrain from driving for two or more hours. 

However, it’s safer to avoid driving completely when consuming alcoholic beverages.

How Drunk Am I?

Alcohol intoxication can affect your sight, speech, and body movements. This is why it’s important to stay at a safe level when going out drinking. You can monitor your alcohol consumption by limiting the number of drinks you have in one hour.

There are so many signs that show when someone is drunk. Slurred speech, difficulty walking, restless behavior, and droopy eyelids are obvious signs of intoxication. Too much alcohol can also lead to vomiting and fainting. 

You may get a blood alcohol test if you present poor coordination, slow reflexes, mood changes, excessive vomiting, and bad judgment. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the intoxication levels.

BAC 0.02% 0.03%

This is the first “tipsy” stage that will make you feel euphoric, relaxed, and more outgoing. Your eyes and head might start to feel fuzzy, but you still have full control over coordination. 

BAC 0.05% to 0.06%

At this point, you may feel warm and sweaty. You’ll find yourself becoming more confident with your behavior and words. Talking louder is a very obvious sign of this stage.

BAC 0.08% to 0.09%

Reaching this level could affect your speech and body movement. Most of the time, you’ll struggle to walk properly since your vision becomes blurry. 

BAC 0.10% to 0.12%

This is a very dangerous level that disrupts your motor coordination. Your speech is slurred, you can’t stand up straight, and you may react slower to the environment. 

BAC 0.14% and up

You have a high chance of blacking out at this stage. People who drink this much usually end up in the hospital due to their lack of coordination. 

How to Calculate BAC?

You can use our BAC calculator to measure your level of alcohol intoxication.

Blood alcohol concentration is measured by your sex, body weight, time since first drink, and the type/amount of alcohol you drank. All you need to do is fill out these options, and you should find your BAC level and the time it will take for your body to reach 0% again. 

For example, a female who weighs 70kg might be feeling a little tipsy. She wants to know her BAC level since her first drink 3 hours ago. She’s had 3 glasses of wine, which translates to around 450ml of alcohol. The ABV (“alcohol by volume”) is 12%.

Adding this information to the BAC calculator, it shows that her BAC is around 0.048%. Her body needs 4 hours or more to reach 0%. This is a moderate level that only produces mild euphoria, relaxation, and sustainable levels of confidence. 

You should always check how much alcohol you’re drinking. Talk to a doctor if you’re unsure of how to drink responsibly. It’s better to stick with the recommended alcohol limit, as this can prevent accidents or future health problems.

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