Running 3 Miles a Day: Should You Do It? Find Out Here
Have you ever thought about running a mile every day? What about 3 miles? Our exercise experts explore the benefits of running 3 miles a day.
Are you on the fence about picking up running? Or are you considering upping your daily mile to something more intense?
We’ve consulted with our health and exercise experts to bring you everything you need to know about running 3 miles a day. You’ll be surprised at how much 3 miles a day can change your health and your entire outlook on life.
Is Running 3 Miles a Day Good for You?
If you’re new to running, you might not be able to make it 3 miles every single day. Instead, try a mile a day and increase running mileage gradually. You may find yourself pushing for more endurance after hitting a single mile. That’s okay! Picking up a running habit takes time, effort, and patience.
You won’t be an Olympic athlete when you put on your running shoes. But, you will encourage a plethora of health changes the more you build up your endurance and stamina to hit that 3-mile mark.
Once you start running 3 miles a day, you’ll find psychological benefits, extended cardiovascular endurance, improved metabolic rate, and a boosted immune system, among others.
How Long Does It Take to Run 3 Miles?
The time it takes to run 3 miles varies from person to person, but the average is from 25 to 30 minutes. A veteran runner will typically be faster than someone just starting.
On average, a good pace for a 3-mile run is about 25 to 30 minutes. However, it can take anywhere from 15 minutes for elite athletes to 45 minutes for beginners, depending on your running routine, gender, age, and fitness level.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Running 3 Miles?
How many calories are burned while running depends individually. People who have healthy habits, a weight-loss routine, and track their calorie intake may burn calories faster than those who don’t.
However, healthy adults should burn about 100 calories per mile on average.
To put it simply, you’re headed in the right direction if you’re thinking about a new running habit to help you burn calories and lose weight.
What Are the Benefits of Running 3 Miles a Day?
Let’s take a look at the top five ways that picking up running is one of the best forms of physical exercise for your health.
#1 Improved endurance
Running is a challenging cardiovascular activity, encouraging your heart and lung function to strengthen.
In turn, a healthier heart and lungs will make it easier for your body to distribute oxygen, which will increase your endurance.
Like with every high-intensity physical activity, you’ll find that running 3 miles a day becomes more accessible with each day you complete your running route.
It’s much like lifting weights: the more you do it, the easier it gets and the longer you can go.
However, at first, you have to prepare your body to avoid injury. Always do a proper warm-up before every run. If you can’t run, try jogging, it will be easier to start with.
#2 Good for mental health
Mental health is often forgotten when talking about overall health. Many mental health experts suggest taking up exercise or sports to improve depression and anxiety.
Running is a great way to reduce stress.
When our minds feel stressed or anxious, those feelings flow into our bodies. Stress, anxiety, and depression can cause health issues, like weight gain, issues with your heart, or even chronic inflammation.
Running 3 miles a day encourages our bodies to have more energy and lowered stress levels. You’ll be surprised by how clear your mind is after getting back from a run.
#3 Strengthening the bones
Did you know that taking up running can help build strength in your bones? In fact, all forms of weight-bearing exercise help strengthen your bones, running included.
Studies have even found that running is better for helping increase your bone density than daily walking.
Running 3 miles a day can also strengthen your muscle tissue and joints, which work together to strengthen your bones and prevent injury.
So if you want to prevent fragile bones it is never too late to start running. when you get older, you should pick up running now.
#4 Weight loss
If you’re struggling with losing weight, you may want to add a few exercises to your routine. Running will help you not only to boost mental and physical strength but also it will promote weight loss by creating a caloric deficit.
After all, the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat in a day. if you want to increase your daily mileage to 4 miles a day, it will help you to burn more than 400 calories every day.
#5 Better sleep
Last but not least: running 3 miles a day will help improve your sleep quality. Not only will you have burned off the excess energy throughout the day, but a good workout can leave you satisfied and ready to rest.
Stress and anxiety are two things that can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. If you find yourself taking your daily stress to bed, then you may need to take up running.
Risks of Running 3 Miles a Day
While running is undoubtedly healthy for you, some risks come with putting your entire body through three miles daily.
Like any exercise, you put yourself at risk of injury if you don’t adjust to your fitness level properly.
For someone who rarely exercises, regular running added to their daily routine may put them at greater risk for injuries such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis. Even seasoned runners are at risk for injury if they’re not prepared.
To reduce your risk of injury, especially if you’re starting, make sure you stretch regularly before your runs. Keep good form and posture to avoid hip, leg, and back injuries.
You also want to make sure you land on your forefoot or midfoot – never land on your heels! The impact of landing on your heel could cause a lot of damage to your knees.
It’s also crucial to understand the mile pace you’re comfortable with – running too fast or too hard can put you out of commission for a few days!
And finally: Don’t forget to include a rest day, especially when just starting.
How to Start Running 3 Miles a Day? Follow These 4 Tips
It’s not easy to go from very little physical activity to running 3 miles every day. However, we all have to start somewhere.
It’s important to give yourself some grace during this beginner’s hump. Take your time, go slow, and work up rather than jumping in headfirst.
Our experts have determined the best way to build up to running 3 miles a day:
#1 Plan it out
Don’t just jump into running without a plan! Take your time to figure out a route around your neighborhood that is exactly 3 miles.
Or, if you prefer to start on a treadmill, get a dedicated gym routine to get yourself out of the house and moving.
#2 Set a goal
Set a goal, but make sure it’s obtainable. Don’t try to commit to running every single day for a year. Setting high expectations for yourself could lead to disappointment.
Start small. Commit to running every day for 10 or 20 minutes until you build up to 3 miles.
#3 Be prepared
Invest in good running shoes and comfortable clothing before you start running.
Quality sneakers will be a lifesaver down the line, reducing the risk of injury!
#4 Build up to it
Don’t jump into your running days with a 3-mile goal in mind. Take your time. Even if that means you have to start with a 15-minute walk around your block, that’s okay.
As long as you’re determined, you’ll get there.
A Word From Our RD
All exercise is good exercise. But there will always be a special place in our hearts for running. Adding a running routine to your daily life will improve your cardiorespiratory endurance and decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
If you’re brand new to running, it’s essential to take your time. While sometimes running can be a race, there’s no need to race when properly adjusting yourself to a new exercise routine.
Of course, it’s always advisable to consult a physician before starting.
Running 3 miles a day is a great way to build up your endurance, keep your heart and lungs healthy, and even lose weight.
While it may depend on each person’s level of expertise and body composition, there are many benefits that running can add to the lifestyle of most healthy adults.
However, it’s also crucial to be careful. If you’re new to running, you’re at greater risk for injuries to your legs, ankles, hips, back, and feet. Make sure you understand the proper running form, have the proper running shoes, and have a plan to reach your goal.
Take it slow! Building up to 3 miles a day can take a while. Consider the help of dedicated running apps.