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Home arrow Fitness arrow Running arrow Running 10 Miles a Week: Benefits, Reasons, Results

Running 10 Miles a Week: Benefits, Reasons, Results

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: August 1, 2022
11 min read 2143 Views 0 Comments
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If you are a beginner and planning to start your running career by running 10 miles per week, you’ve come to the right place. Read the below information to learn more.

running 10 miles a week

Runners know that training for a marathon or just running for fitness is more than just your run. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, running for 10 miles a week can be an incredible way to get in shape and feel healthier.

Running has become more prevalent in our culture as people are looking for ways to make healthier choices. Running is such a simple activity, yet it has a tremendous amount of benefits for your health, fitness level, and life.

A lot of people find that running for 10 miles per week can provide them with the energy and motivation they need to continue their healthy lifestyle. 

This guide will explain why you should start running 10 miles a week, what benefits you receive from it, as well as how results are attained.

Is Running 10 Miles a Week Good?

Running 10 miles per week is a good start and can be quite challenging for you as a beginner.

Those weekly few miles will improve your running abilities, so you may take on a variety of running tasks as long as you can avoid injuries, exhaustion, and burnout.

Running helps in losing weight since it helps burn calories in a short amount of time, it’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends, it’s a great stress reliever, and it may even lower your chance of certain types of cancer.

How Long Does It Take to Run 10 Miles?

The average mile time for men is 6 minutes and 37 seconds to 6 minutes and 44 seconds, and for women, it is 7 minutes and 44 seconds. 

Every runner is different. Age, exercise level, and physical appearance are possible differences. When compared to someone well-trained, it can take you longer to run 10 miles if you are just starting out.

The runner’s gender also plays a major role while determining the running performance. According to a study, testosterone levels have an impact on muscle mass and strength and are mostly responsible for variations between male and female athletic performance.

This is why many athletic competitions have separate events for male and female contestants.

Your running cadence is also an important factor in determining the time taken for you to complete a particular run. It increases as you go further in your running challenge.

9 Benefits of Running 10 Miles a Week

Running 10 miles a week offers numerous health benefits to people of all ages. Another good thing is that you do not need any equipment to start running. All you need to have is a perfect pair of shoes.

Below are the benefits of running 10 miles per week.

#1 Running keeps your heart healthy

Running is a type of aerobic and cardiac exercise. These exercises are the best for your cardiovascular system because they involve the repeated contraction of big muscle groups to increase your heart rate. A more powerful heart can circulate blood and oxygen more effectively throughout the body.

According to a 2014 study, persons who frequently run have a lower risk of dying from heart disease than others who lead more sedentary lifestyles.

#2 Improved sleep

Running is good for your body and mind, and it also promotes restful sleep. However, some people find that running too late in the day affects how well they sleep at night. 

The quantity of slow-wave sleep you get is increased by moderate aerobic exercise. Slow-wave sleep is a type of deep sleep that gives the body and mind a chance to regenerate.

#3 Builds bone density

Osteoporosis is a disease that makes bones thinner, more fragile, and more prone to breaking from commonplace activities, small accidents, or falls. Our bodies continually manufacture new bones, reabsorb old ones, and replace our whole skeleton every ten years. Age, however, causes this process to be sluggish. 

Running has been demonstrated to help slow down the process by helping create stronger bones, even though there is little we can do to stop this process.

#4 Keeps osteoarthritis at bay 

Some individuals are worried that this practice might induce conditions like the runner’s knee or arthritis since runners frequently complain about knee and joint problems. But to what many people think, running is not terrible for your joints or knees.

People who regularly exercise, especially over longer distances, have a lower risk of developing knee osteoarthritis than those who do not.

#5 Protection against cognitive aging

Running helps in improving your mental health. It may increase the brain’s capacity to lessen and halt the cognitive deterioration that starts around age 45, even while it may not “treat” Alzheimer’s.

Exercise increases the chemicals in the brain that maintain and protect the hippocampus, a crucial component of the brain for memory and learning, from degenerating, especially in those between the ages of 25 and 45.

#6 You can make new friends

While some runners like the peace of jogging alone, others see it as an opportunity to socialize. Develop a feeling of camaraderie by finding a jogging partner or joining a club. Together, you can run to achieve your goals.

A regular running partner or group is also a terrific method to maintain your running motivation.

#7 It is affordable and versatile

Running may be done practically anyplace and requires very little equipment. Even a membership to a gym is not required. You can go for a run just outside your door if you have a nice pair of running shoes.

Running enthusiasts have a wealth of free areas to explore, from forest paths to city sidewalks. Packing your running shoes and going for a run when you’re traveling is simple if you travel frequently.

#8 Running can be stress-relieving

Like other types of exercise, running is a fantastic way to relieve stress, emotional strain, and even moderate melancholy. Anyone who has experienced a “runner’s high” would agree.

A runner’s high is a short, extremely calming feeling of well-being. A feeling of intense happiness called euphoria. 

Runner’s high is usually known to have been caused because of endorphins, but a study in 2015 found that mice showed higher amounts of both endocannabinoids and endorphins after running. 

The mice’s desire to spend time in well-lit regions of their cages rather than hiding in dark corners was another sign that running had reduced the mice’s sensitivity to pain, anxiety, and stress.

#9 You’ll live a life with greater discipline

Running will become a habit for you, so your runs will take center stage during the week. Your days will be more structured since you’ll schedule other activities around them.

Additionally, you’ll develop greater discipline, particularly if you choose to adhere to a training program. You’ll be able to accomplish objectives unrelated to running, thanks to your enhanced organizational abilities and discipline.

#10 You’ll notice improved skin

Yes, you’ll tone up more and have healthy-looking skin on top of that. Exercise can boost blood flow, which will provide more nutrients to skin cells, remove waste, and reduce stress hormone levels, which can cause oilier skin.

Running 10 Miles a Week Results

You should anticipate being painful for most of your first month of jogging. If you improve your diet and consume fewer calories than you burn off via exercise, you can expect to lose 2 to 10 pounds, assuming you run a couple of times each week.

Your endurance will soar, and even though you’ll first feel exhausted, your improved conditioning will probably eventually result in more energy and a generally better attitude.

Running may help you gain muscle in your legs, particularly if you combine it with high-intensity exercises like sprints.

How to Increase Your Weekly Running Mileage?

Getting the most out of your running mileage is crucial when it comes to running. Increasing your weekly mileage improves your aerobic capacity, allowing you to handle harder workouts like weight lifting and go faster over longer distances.

Increasing your running mileage allows you to adapt times over shorter distances to larger races.

Stick to the 10–15% rule

Many injuries occur as a result of runners increasing their distance too soon. New runners who increase their volume too quickly risk injury since their bones and muscles haven’t yet been conditioned to resist the stress of running. Even experienced runners, though, might be harmed by overtraining.

Calculate 10–15% of your weekly mileage goal, then increase your mileage by no more than that amount each week.

If you normally run 10 miles per week at the same pace, increase it by no more than 1–1.5 miles the next week. 

For experienced runners who are preparing for a half-marathon, it is better to follow the same rule. Increase your mileage by 10% every week over a period of 12–14 weeks for a half-marathon.

Increase for three weeks, then rest for one

Giving your body a few rest days is another important aspect of safely increasing your mileage. You shouldn’t aim to increase your weekly mileage in the same way that you shouldn’t run hard every day.

For instance, if your goal is to run 10 miles per week, you might run weeks of 11, 12, and 13 miles before cutting down to 12 miles the following few weeks.

Take your time

As you increase your mileage, you should concentrate more on finishing the distance than on maintaining a specific speed. Running enthusiasts sometimes increase both volume and intensity at once, which can result in overuse injuries or burnout.

Can You Lose Weight by Running 10 Miles a Week?

Running 10 miles per week helps in weight loss, but it is not possible to tell how much weight you’ll lose exactly. The exact count cannot be estimated because no two persons are the same.

They may differ in their age, height, weight, and gender. The rate at which each person will lose weight is highly dependent on these factors.

At a certain point, if you keep on running for 10 miles per week, you will reach a weight-loss plateau. You might have lost all the weight you can on your current diet and exercise routine when you reach a plateau. 

You must modify your weight-loss plan if you want to shed more weight.

What Is Overtraining? 5 Symptoms to Look Out For

Overtraining is a chronic, unexplained decline in performance that persists even after you’ve received what you believe to be adequate rest.

Although you may be accustomed to experiencing fatigue, aches, and pains during and after intense training sessions, the overtraining syndrome is much more than just fatigue. Your extreme exhaustion may lead to longer-term issues that call for long periods of recovery.

Unexpectedly, underperformance happens to both professional athletes and regular people, especially if you’ve just increased your mileage or are preparing for a competition.

Here are 5 overtraining symptoms to keep an eye out for:

#1 Decreased appetite

Loss of appetite is another symptom of overtraining. According to a study, athletes who were under excessive training suffered from a loss of appetite because of a decrease in a hormone called ghrelin. Ghrelin is also known as the hunger hormone. Low levels of ghrelin cause a decrease in appetite. 

#2 Longer healing times for injuries and aching muscles

Your body won’t be able to heal properly even after plenty of rest days if you labor too hard. You’ll experience more niggles than normal and muscular discomfort that lasts for days.

#3 Increased resting heart rate

As soon as you wake up, make it a habit to take your pulse or check your heart rate on your GPS watch or fitness tracker. If anything has changed, you’ll notice it right away. Your body hasn’t fully recovered from a recent workout if your resting heart rate increases by at least 5–10 beats per minute.

#4 Sleep disturbances

Overtraining may be to blame if you’re feeling tired all the time, having difficulties falling asleep, or having a restless night. Long workout sessions late in the day result in late bedtimes since it takes the body some time to wind down after exercise.

#5 Decrease in immunity

Your immune system is more susceptible because of the amount of training you are doing. If you don’t give yourself enough time to recuperate from diseases you do contract, they will persist and cause more serious issues.

7 Things to Remember While You Are on the Run

  1. Start slowly: If you start too quickly, you’ll tire out before the finish line.
  2. Maintain a steady pace: This will enhance your overall speed and stamina over time.
  3. Establish checkpoints along the way: Set interesting milestones for yourself along the road to keep you from thinking. It will make you feel better.
  4. Fuel up: This doesn’t have to be much, but you should always have water and a few small snacks with you for a quick energy boost and to stay hydrated.
  5. Adjust your form: This is a great chance to try new things and work on getting it just right.
  6. Keep your mind on having fun while running: While proper form is crucial, don’t forget to have fun while running.
  7. Congratulate yourself: After you are done for the day, do not forget to congratulate yourself with a reward for completing a successful run. 


Is running 10 miles a day enough to lose weight?

You could initially lose weight by running 10 miles a day, but if you continue to run 10 miles consistently, you might not notice a difference in your weight. You must adjust your food and exercise routine. You must include runs at a faster pace, such as interval training or tempo runs.

How many miles is it recommended to run per week?

There is no secret number when it comes to weekly mileage. If you are a beginner, running 2 miles a day should be a good idea. Maintain a slower pace when you start. As you attempt to increase your running schedule, keep on adding 10% every week.

What is the average running mile pace?

The average mile time for men is 6 minutes and 37 seconds, and for women, it is 7 minutes and 44 seconds.

A Word From Our Coach

Running’s repetitive nature can be harmful to the health of your feet and knees if you do not have the proper level of support. So, consider investing in a good pair of running shoes.

It’s important to take a couple of days off each week to recuperate and experiment with complementing activities that improve strength and balance.

Overtraining syndrome arises when an athlete works excessively without adequate recuperation. People who overtrain are those who continue to work even when they are utterly exhausted, which leads to extreme fatigue and a decline in their performance when compared to others.

You should not only limit your workouts to running but also remember to cross-train because your body goes into a catabolic state when you do too much cardio.

As you know, your body uses glucose to produce energy, but when you are in a catabolic state, your body burns all your muscles and tissues, and eventually, you have less muscle. 

To avoid this, it is better to include some days in between to cross-train and perform some strength training exercises.


Anyone can run 10 miles per week with enough practice, and when combined with a healthy diet, this exercise regimen will eventually result in weight loss.

As was already mentioned, make sure to start this exercise routine slowly. Before beginning such an exercise program, please speak with your doctor if you have any current joint problems or chronic conditions.

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: August 1, 2022
11 min read 2143 Views 0 Comments

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