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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Keto Diet arrow 34 Ketogenic Diet Statistics, Facts & Trends

34 Ketogenic Diet Statistics, Facts & Trends

Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
Last update: October 11, 2023
6 min read 3180 Views 0 Comments
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keto statistics

We have been researching the increasing popularity of the keto diet across the internet and social media and have handpicked our favorite findings for you. 

From the rising market of keto products, increasing popularity amongst younger generations, to its growing influence on other medical issues.

Key Keto Statistics

  1. In 2020, “keto” was the most Googled food-related topic globally, with 25.4 million searches. Keto has overtaken popular diets such as the Atkins Diet and intermittent fasting.
  2. The worldwide ketogenic diet market size was 11.54 billion USD in 2021.
  3. Compared to 2016, the number of searches for “keto foods” was 1807.69% higher in 2019.
  4. The hashtag ‘keto’ has appeared in over 21 million Instagram posts.
  5. In every decade since the 1920s, studies consistently show that 50-75% of infants through adults with difficult to control seizures of all types are helped by the diet.
  6. Users of the ketogenic diet experienced rapid weight loss of up to 10lbs over two weeks.
  7. The supplements segment emerged as the largest product segment, with a share of more than 50.0%. The segment is expected to maintain its lead over the forecast period due to a wide range of products available in the market.
  8. The keto diet is often referred to as being 10-25% more expensive than regular diets because of its high fat and animal protein content.
  9. According to Google Trends, search frequency for keto remains strong. In the U.S., there was an 850% increase in search volume between January 2016 and January 2020.
  10. The ketogenic diet market is predicted to reach a global value of USD 15.6 billion by 2027

Keto Diet Popularity Statistics

Here, we have insights into the popularity of the ketogenic diet across the globe. The US and Canada have historically been the market leaders for keto, mainly due to the former struggling with record levels of obesity. The European market is also rising, with a predicted market growth of 32% over the next few years.

Below are some statistics on the ever-increasing popularity of the keto diet:

1. 5% of people said they had tried the keto diet. Surveys suggest that about 4%-5% of Americans and Canadians follow the keto diet.

2. Historically, the US and Canada have been the market leaders due to keto’s popularity, with 4% of Canadians currently trying the keto diet, compared with 3.9% of Americans. With North America accounting for 43.5%.

However, this is set to change over the next few years, with Europe expected to hold the highest projected market growth of 32%.

3. Compared to 2016, the number of searches for “keto foods” was 1807.69% higher in 2019. However, Compared to 2019, the number of searches of the term “keto diet” was down 64.95% in 2021. 

Keto statistics facts finding

The initial increase came during the pandemic when more and more people gained weight (48% of Americans said they gained weight during the pandemic.)

4. In 2021, the number of searches for the term was only 53.5% of the 2019 total. Comparing January of each year, only 67%. Compared to 2016, the number of searches for “keto foods” was 1807.69% higher in 2019.

In the years after that, keto terms, in general, took a hit. The spikes in January are caused by the new year’s resolutions surrounding getting fit.

5. In 2020, “keto” was the most Googled food-related topic globally, with 25.4 million searches. Keto has overtaken popular diets such as the Atkins Diet and intermittent fasting.

Keto statistics facts finding

6. 69% of people use keto to lose weight, 48% were concerned with overall health and wellbeing, 15% started a keto diet because a friend recommended it, and 5% looked into the keto diet because a celebrity or show influenced them.

7. 70% of keto dieters don’t track their blood ketone levels.

8. 85% of dieters turn to websites for guidance, and 55% use cookbooks for help, inspiration, and great taste.

9. The keto diet saw an artificial boost in interest during the Covid pandemic when 8% of Americans followed the keto diet. In 2021, about 5% of Americans followed the diet. The interest in numbers, on average, has been relatively stable.

10. According to Google Trends, search frequency for “keto” remains strong. In the U.S., there was an 850% increase in search volume between January 2016 and January 2020.

Keto statistics facts finding

11. The phrase ‘Keto Diet’ is the second-highest searched term with just short of 300,000 average monthly searches in the UK, making it the most popular non-branded diet.

12. The hashtag ‘#keto’ has appeared in over 21 million posts on Instagram.

Keto statistics facts finding

Sources: Weight Loss Made Practical, Grandview Research, Canadian Grocer

Keto Market Values

The keto market value has soared to record levels in recent years, particularly by the global pandemic. 

More and more people were gaining weight, with over 45% of Americans saying they had gained weight during the lockdown. This saw a rise in people signing up for keto diet plans or purchasing apps to help them get this under control. 

New markets are emerging, with supplements and keto food products reaching immense value.

Below are the key statistics on the growth of the keto market:

1. It is estimated that the worldwide ketogenic diet market size was 1.02 billion USD in 2019.

2. The ketogenic diet market is predicted to reach a global value of USD 15.6 billion by 2027

Keto statistics facts finding

3. The global ketogenic diet market size is expected to value at USD 11.54 Billion in 2021 

Keto statistics facts finding

4. The supplements segment emerged as the largest product segment, with a share of more than 50.0% in 2020. The segment is expected to maintain its lead over the forecast period due to a wide range of products available in the market. 

Keto statistics facts finding

5. The snacks segment is expected to expand at the fastest CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 6.1% from 2020 to 2027 due to the rising popularity of keto-specific food items among young consumers worldwide.

6. The ketogenic diet market is set to grow by USD 1.68 billion, progressing at a CAGR of over 6.14% between 2020 and 2025.

7. Distribution channels for keto products will continue to be dominated by online sales, valued at USD 4 billion in 2018, followed by specialty stores.

8. Research found that the U.S. is the largest market for ketogenic diets. And thanks to the strong awareness among the millennials, the diet is expected to expand its reach over the following years.

9. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing regional market with a CAGR of 6.2% from 2020 to 2027. The growth is fueled by the increasing overweight population in countries like China and India.

10. Keto snacks are the fastest-growing keto product segment, mainly thanks to the younger consumers. The snack segment is expected to grow by 6.1% CAGR from 2020 to 2027.

11. The amount of new keto food and beverage launches has almost doubled from 2020 to 2021

12. The keto diet is often referred to as being 10-25% more expensive than regular diets because of its high fat and animal protein content.

13. The keto market growth is fueled by the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity problems among the young generation, millennials, and the working-class population.

Keto statistics facts finding

Sources: Weight Loss Made Practical, Grandview Research, Canadian Grocer

Keto Results

The keto diet is one of the most difficult diets to follow, leading to numerous people quitting, cheating, or stopping altogether. But the quick results it offers to give it a clear advantage over its rival diets for those looking to shed weight in the minimum time.

Below are some statistics on users’ keto diet experiences:

1. More than twice as many Canadians have tried and dropped it (9%) than those who remain with the program.

2. 46% of keto followers cheat on the keto diet – Never cheat 54%, Sometimes cheat 41%, Often cheat 5%

3. The number 1 reason for quitting the keto diet is that it’s too strict – According to a study conducted in 2021, 37% of keto dieters quit because it is too strict. The second reason (34%) for quitting was too expensive. The diet requires too much time, 24%, the diet doesn’t work 12%, and the diet is too confusing 10%.

4. People on a ketogenic diet initially experience rapid weight loss, up to 10 lbs in 2 weeks or less.

Keto statistics facts finding

Sources – Grandview Research, Canadian Grocer

Keto & Other Medical Issues

The keto diet has been touted as beneficial for a host of medical conditions. From cancer to diabetes, research suggests the keto diet can have a positive impact.

Below are some interesting statistics on the keto diets effect on medical issues:

1. One study in 2005 showed a 75% improvement in insulin sensitivity in 10 patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes who went on a low-carb diet.

2. Blood pressure can drop quickly for many people who follow the keto diet. The Virta study of cardiovascular disease markers found that participants’ diastolic blood pressure levels dropped significantly. 11.5% of them were even able to discontinue their high blood pressure medication.

3. It was found that keto improved insulin sensitivity by a whopping 75%

4. Half of the people with epilepsy who tried the keto diet had a seizure reduction of at least 50%. Up to 25% become entirely seizure-free.

5. In every decade since the 1920s, studies consistently show that 50-75% of infants through adults with difficult to control seizures of all types are helped by the diet.

Keto statistics facts finding

Sources: Cardiovascular Diabetology, ACP Journals, PubMed, Charlie Foundation

Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Dr. Rosmy Barrios, MD, is a medical advisor for the Health Reporter, the head of the anti-aging department, and a regenerative medicine specialist in several medical institutions with years of experience in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.
The article was fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
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Written by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Fact checked by Edibel Quintero, RD
Last update: October 11, 2023
6 min read 3180 Views 0 Comments

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