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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Healthy Eating arrow Is Chickpea Pasta Healthy? Nutrition, Benefits, Calories

Is Chickpea Pasta Healthy? Nutrition, Benefits, Calories

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: December 15, 2022
7 min read 2243 Views 0 Comments
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From the preparation of the dough to its use in the kitchen, learn about all the characteristics and benefits of gluten-free pasta.

is chickpea pasta healthy

Pasta is one of those dishes that no home should be without because of how convenient and easy it is to prepare.

Fortunately, we have in the market a wide variety of legume-based kinds of pasta, that substitute whole wheat pasta, such as chickpeas, lentils, or black beans, which provide a gluten-free option for pasta fanatics who want to take care of their diet.

We have put together a compilation of chickpea pasta nutritional facts for you. Also, we left an easy and delicious recipe, so you can start adding it to your weekly menu now!

Is Chickpea Pasta Healthy?

Yes, chickpea pasta is a healthy pasta high in protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, a combination that makes it an ideal gluten-free alternative to regular whole wheat pasta. Its nutritional composition supports digestive health, aids weight loss, and provides energy.

Legumes such as chickpeas have a better nutritional profile when compared to regular pasta, which contains gluten and has only 7 grams of protein compared to the 13 grams of vegetable protein provided by chickpea pasta.

Chickpea Pasta Ingredients

  • Chickpea flour
  • Eggs
  • Water

To prepare the chickpea pasta, only a couple of ingredients are needed: chickpea flour and eggs. When kneading, it may be necessary to add a little water to improve the consistency and obtain a manageable dough.

Chickpea flour is a minimally processed product and can be prepared in an artisanal way without going through the refining process that wheat pasta goes through.

However, whole wheat pasta, on the other hand, is also a low-processed option that retains its fiber, but whole wheat pasta contains gluten.

Once the dough is obtained, it should be rolled out and flattened with a rolling pin or a pasta machine. Once a perfectly flat dough is obtained, you can make any shape you wish, such as linguini, bows, or even stuffed ravioli.

This way of preparation achieves the same texture as whole wheat traditional pasta, but the cooking time is shorter. They should be cooked in boiled water just long enough to be al dente.

You can accompany it with the topping of your choice as you would do with regular wheat-based pasta, and you won’t notice the difference!

5 Health Benefits of Chickpea Pasta

#1 Regulates bowel movements

Its richness in soluble and insoluble fiber allows it to improve peristalsis, which is the natural movement of the intestine, thus favoring the evacuation and being food for the intestinal microbiota.

#2 Prevents diabetes

Chickpeas are high in complex carbohydrates, which are absorbed more slowly, favoring blood sugar control and preventing insulin resistance. Its protein and fiber content balances and increases its nutritional value. That is why chickpea pasta is a nutritious food and suitable for the diet of diabetic patients.

#3 It is an excellent post-workout meal option

Chickpea pasta contains vegetable proteins that promote muscle recovery and is a good source of healthy carbohydrates that help replenish post-workout energy.

#4 Helps regulate cholesterol

Chickpeas are rich in phytosterols. Phytosterols are cholesterol-like lipid compounds found in plants. They act by allowing the excretion of cholesterol during bowel movements, thereby lowering LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels.

#5 It is a good ally for weight loss

Thanks to its resistant starch content, chickpea paste is digested more slowly, promoting satiety. This allows you to be more satisfied after eating and controls anxiety. In addition, being a high-fiber food, it favors metabolism, which increases the burning of body fat.

Being a nutrient-dense food means that you can eat chickpea pasta in low quantities and still get all its benefits, thus consuming fewer calories and helping weight loss.

Chickpea Pasta Nutrition Facts

Chickpea pasta, like other legume kinds of pasta, is high in protein and gluten-free. Its nutritional profile is very complete and positions it as one of the most convenient foods in vegetarian and vegan diets. The following table shows the nutritional characteristics of this interesting protein pasta.

Nutrition table (per 100g)

Calories/Nutrient (per 100g)Amount 
Calories (kcal)333kcal
Sodium (mg)105mg
Net Carbs (g)56,14g
Fiber (g)14g
Sugar (g)8,77g
Fats (Total)6,14g
Protein (g)24,56g
Cholesterol (mg)0mg


At first glance, it looks like a very high-calorie pasta, but the truth is that every calorie is worth gold due to its rich nutritional content. On the contrary, in the market, you find whole wheat traditional kinds of pasta and frozen prepared lasagnas that are a bomb of bad fats and empty calories.

High in calories and fats

Compared to wheat pasta which contains only 1.51 grams of fat, chickpea pasta contains a higher amount of this macronutrient, which contributes 9 calories per gram. In other words, by providing 6 grams of fat, it contains 54 calories from this macronutrient alone.

Nutrient-dense foods become an ideal source of energy for daily workouts, training, muscle synthesis, and repair, and support all vital functions.

High in carbohydrates and fibers

Chickpea pasta is a high-protein pasta. In 100 grams, there is even more protein than in 100 grams of canned tuna. The problem with including it in some diets is that it is also high in carbohydrates, as this is its main macronutrient.

Despite being high in carbohydrates, chickpea pasta is a great source of fiber, which allows it to be digested more slowly, thus promoting satiety and controlling glucose levels. Its 14 grams of fiber is well above the 3.2 grams contained in traditional wheat pasta.

Because some people may be sensitive to legumes, you can substitute chickpea pasta for brown rice flour pasta for a gluten-free option or opt for wheat-based pasta, which contains gluten.

Healthy Chickpea Pasta Recipe

Chickpea pasta lends itself to a wide variety of hot dishes, fresh pasta salad, and easy or complex recipes. Its protein and fiber composition makes it not only nutritious but also versatile in the kitchen. Here is a perfect minestrone recipe that we bring for you:

Navy beans and chickpea pasta minestrone


  • 150 grams of short chickpea pasta
  • 1 can of navy beans
  • 150 grams of lentils previously soaked for 3 or 4 hours
  • 8 boiled and peeled tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 1 branch of celery cut into small cubes
  • 1 green bell pepper cut into cubes
  • 1 red bell pepper cut into cubes
  • 3 potatoes cut into small cubes
  • 2 carrots cut into small cubes
  • Half a cup of finely chopped fresh parsley
  • Half a cup of finely chopped fresh cilantro
  • 8 cloves of crushed garlic
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt and pepper
  • Water or chicken broth
  • Extra virgin olive oil


Boil the lentils, potatoes, and carrots in enough chicken broth or water to cover them. You can use half broth and half water.

In a frying pan, add a little extra virgin olive oil and sauté the peppers, garlic, onion, and celery. Chop the tomatoes into medium pieces and add them as well. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are reduced.

When the lentils are cooked, add the sautéed vegetables, the can of beans, tomato sauce, and the chickpea pasta. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Be careful not to add too much liquid. You must obtain a thick broth without overcooking the legumes. If you add too much water or broth, you will have to wait for it to evaporate enough to get a thick broth, but the beans will start to fall apart.

Ideally, add a little liquid at the beginning and add a little more if necessary if the preparation begins to dry out.

Finally, add the fresh cilantro and parsley and serve hot in a deep dish. Recipe for 4 servings.

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Are banza and chickpea pasta the same?

Yes, Banza chickpea pasta is a brand that sells chickpea pasta. However, different brands of chickpea pasta are available in the market.

Where can I buy chickpea pasta?

You can find chickpea pasta in large supermarket chains, convenience stores, and small artisan markets. Banza chickpea pasta is one of the brands with the widest variety of chickpea pasta.

Does chickpea pasta contain gluten?

No, chickpea pasta does not have gluten and is, therefore, safe for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Does chickpea pasta taste good?

Yes, chickpea pasta has a characteristic nutty, slightly sweet flavor. It does not have a very strong flavor, so it is suitable for a wide variety of recipes.

Is banza chickpea pasta keto-friendly?

No, chickpea pasta is high in carbohydrates, so it cannot be eaten freely on a keto diet. However, it can be consumed as part of the 20–50 grams of carbohydrates allowed during the day. It should be noted that 100 grams of chickpea pasta provide 56 grams of carbohydrates.

Is chickpea pasta processed?

Chickpea pasta is a minimally processed product since it is required to convert chickpeas into flour to elaborate the pasta in its different shapes.

A Word From a Nutritionist

Fiber is the fundamental basis for excellent gastrointestinal health, so by consuming whole-grain pasta, we are providing what is necessary for this purpose.

However, those who have gastrointestinal problems can benefit not only by choosing whole-grain options but also from gluten-free ones. This is why legume pasta has become an excellent option for diets specialized in improving the digestive system.

When choosing legume pasta such as chickpea pasta, lentil pasta, pea protein pasta, or black bean pasta, make sure they come from unrefined flour. Healthy pasta is made from minimally processed pulse flours without refining, as is the case with traditional pasta.

By eating chickpea pasta made from 100% chickpea flour, you will be providing your daily diet with all the nutrients necessary to take care of your overall health. Its complex carbohydrates and highly bioavailable vegetable protein content make it a complete and healthy meal.


Chickpea pasta, as well as lentil, pea protein, and black bean pasta, are alternative options to wheat pasta. Their main advantage is that they do not have gluten.

Whole wheat pasta is a healthy option widely used in weight loss diets. Whole wheat pasta should only be avoided by people who are sensitive to gluten, but it is a healthy option for the general population.

Whatever your nutritional plan, both wheat pasta and chickpea pasta are high-calorie foods that should be eaten in moderation. They contain a high carbohydrate content, and in the case of whole wheat pasta, it retains its fiber content, so it controls blood sugar.

Chickpea pasta has a higher protein content than regular pasta and is rich in fiber. This advantage makes it a better choice for weight loss diets, digestive health improvement, blood sugar control, and energy intake.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: December 15, 2022
7 min read 2243 Views 0 Comments

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