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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow How to Use MCT Oil for Weight Loss: Tips From the Experts

How to Use MCT Oil for Weight Loss: Tips From the Experts

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: March 24, 2023
8 min read 2227 Views 0 Comments
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Below, you’ll learn about MCT and its constituents. Also, you’ll see how to take the supplement correctly (recipes included!), what the benefits are, and what possible side effects to expect.

how to use mct oil for weight loss

Many people portray MCT oil as the golden ticket to fat loss. But you’re not confident it’ll help you lose weight.

Perhaps this is your first time hearing about the supplement. And you’re curious whether you’ll attain a god-like body after ingesting that product. 

Imagine managing your hunger better and reducing food cravings with little to no willpower. Certainly, you would have an easy time on your weight loss journey. What’s more, you would get your dream physique fast.

Here’s how to get lean, fit, and mentally sharp with MCT. Let’s dive in.

How to Use MCT Oil for Weight Loss

Below, you’ll find the four best ways you can take MCT oil to lose weight. Additionally, you’ll get the recipes to make the process easier.

#1 Add it to your coffee

Bulletproof coffee fuels your body and mind with healthy fats. Enthusiasts also call the drink keto coffee or butter coffee, and it’s an outstanding fat loss tool. You can also consume this beverage while practicing intermittent fasting or OMAD (One Meal A Day).

Here’s how to lose weight with the oil in your coffee:

  • Add one or two tablespoons of MCT oil to your coffee.
  • Add one or two tablespoons of grass-fed butter or ghee to that first mixture (you can skip this step).
  • Blend until smooth and fully combined.

The brewing takes about five minutes.

Grass-fed butter and ghee have additional nutrients such as omega 3s, vitamins E, K2, and beta-carotene. You can also add a pinch of salt or cinnamon for a better taste.

#2 Blend it in your smoothie

Smoothies are a fun way to get your MCT oil dosage. 

Some people also use that form because consuming the fat as is may make them feel nauseated. Don’t forget to use low-carb ingredients if you’re on a keto diet!

Here is a simple smoothie recipe:

  • Blend a cup of spinach, 1 cup of water, and 1-inch ginger root for a smooth consistency.
  • Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of MCT oil and cucumber.
  • Blend it and serve.

The smoothie contains 175kcal, 33g of carbs, 5g of fat, 2g of protein, vitamin A, and potassium. This is a great way to start your day.

#3 Mix MCT oil into your salad dressing

Make a healthy and tasty salad dressing that curbs your cravings with MCT. This way, you’ll avoid the added sugars and trans fats present in bought salads.

You’ll love the following recipe:

  • Mix an avocado, ¼ cup virgin olive oil, and 1–2 tablespoons of MCT oil in a blender.
  • Add some fresh basil leaves, ¼ cup apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt. Blend it well
  • Optional: add a garlic clove.

You’ll get 213kcal with the salad dressing. Other nutrients include 0.5g of protein, 2.3g of carbs, 24.5g of fat, and 135mg of potassium.

If you want to keep it simple, just drizzle your salad with plain MCT oil.

#4 Right out of the bottle

Take 1–2 tablespoons of MCT oil for a rapid energy boost before a workout or before your fast begins. If you just started using MCT oil, start with a teaspoon and build up your dosage slowly.

Also, ensure you snack before taking the oil to prevent nausea, diarrhea, or bloating.

What Is MCT Oil?

As the initials spell out, MCT stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides. Your body absorbs and digests the fat fast. Companies extract that product from coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

MCT oil is a saturated fat that gives your body quick fuel. Also, the oil may improve your heart health by optimizing your cholesterol levels. 

You’ll also get increased energy, appetite management, fat loss, and reduced seizures. Those benefits arise from your liver using the oil to create ketones, a potent fuel source for your brain and body.

What Are the Constituents of MCT Oil?

Good companies maintain high concentrations of octanoic and decanoic acid in the MCT oil.  Those processors also remove caproic and lauric acid, which have a faint odor. Hence, a premium product has no smell or taste.

The oil also has fatty acids that help your body create energy and hormones. These lipid molecules then form the medium-chain triglycerides with 6–12 carbon atoms.

MCT Oil and the Keto Diet

Taking MCT oil on a ketogenic diet gives your body rocket fuel. The ketones provide your body with more energy by burning those fatty acids. Thus, you’ll be supplementing your diet plan for a better experience.

Saturated fat also helps you reach ketosis quickly when following the high-fat, low-carb diet. You’ll thus still get keto benefits like fat loss, increased energy, and mental alertness.

MCT oil reduces your appetite and food cravings by promoting satiety.

When you eat more or less than you should, your health might worsen despite your good intentions, and you don’t want that. You must maintain a balance of your calories to thrive. But it’s frustrating to always choose what to eat for weight loss.

What Is MCT Oil Good for?

MCT oil is an excellent nutrient source for people who can’t digest other foods well for nourishment. Many physicians thus prescribe the product for pancreatic insufficiency or small bowel resection.  

You’ll also treat gut diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. That supplement promotes a healthy gut microbiome. Coconut oil also provides that benefit.

Research shows that diabetic patients experience reduced insulin resistance after taking the medium-chain fatty acids.

MCT oil significantly lowers your heart attack risk. Studies show that the supplement lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol associated with atherosclerosis. You’ll also increase HDL cholesterol and antioxidants, which promote heart health.

Is MCT Oil Good for You?

MCT oil is great for any type of diet, and it is also considered heart-healthy. It’s beneficial for your skin, hormones, and mental health. However, MCT has a lot of calories, so you have to use no more than 1–2 tablespoons of it a day. 

Do you struggle with sugar cravings or fat loss? Then you’ll enjoy MCT oil. Healthy fat also enhances your cognition, and you’ll skyrocket your athleticism.

Reputable vendors give you a high-quality product without omega 6 filler oils or impurities harmful to your health. Be careful before purchasing the product, and always check the label.

Consult your dietitian, doctor, or fitness trainer on whether to ingest the supplement.

You can’t use the oil if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an essential fatty acids deficiency.

MCT Oil Benefits

MCT oil provides four major benefits. You’ll thus improve your brain and body after supplementing with the oil. Below are detailed explanations of each.

#1 Promotes weight loss

Getting lean and fit has never been easier. Medium-chain triglycerides help with fat loss because they don’t spike insulin. Also, you’ll get fewer calories (8.3kcal/g) than if you used the LCTs (9kcal/g).

The fatty acids help you reach and sustain ketosis. You’ll feel less hungry than before and more energetic. MCTs are satiating, so you might end up skipping some meals, which further contributes to cutting calories and creating a calorie deficit.

Instead of breaking your fasting goal early, take MCT to maintain optimal ketones in your body.

MCT enhances energy expenditure, thus speeding up your fat loss goals. To illustrate, scientists gave obese males medium-chain triglycerides in a randomized controlled trial. Those patients burned more calories.

#2 Increases energy levels

Medium-chain triglycerides provide lipids, an efficient and long-lasting energy source. In taking that form, you’ll avoid the slow digestion of long-chain triglycerides. You can use the MCT supplement while fasting for a much-needed boost.

#3 Improves athletic performance

An international journal shows that MCT oil improves your athletic endurance. 

Subjects reported less fatigue after taking 1.5 teaspoons before doing high-intensity workouts. Add the MCT supplement to your pre-workout and enjoy your gym session!

That benefit could be because you’ll preserve glycogen stores and increase mitochondria, providing more fuel. Also, when you start losing weight, you’ll move faster because of the lighter body weight. Still, scientists need to do more research on the area.

#4 Boosts brain and memory function

You’ll learn and remember things faster after taking medium-chain triglycerides. 

The oil leads to your liver forming a ketone known as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). That compound provides energy to your brain more efficiently than glucose.

Ketosis enhances your neuron’s firing rate by increasing mitochondria in brain cells. Those effects occur primarily in the hippocampus, responsible for memory and learning.

Side effects of MCT oil

Newbies and people who drink large amounts of the oil may experience some symptoms. So, take the recommended MCT dosage with a bit of food to prevent diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps.

Ingest a small amount of the oil and increase the dosage by a teaspoon every seven days. Note that experts recommend you consume no more than three tablespoons per day. If you experience any stomach symptoms, reduce the dose until your body adapts.


What does MCT stand for?

MCT is an acronym for medium-chain triglycerides. The supplement contains fatty acids with 6–12 carbon atoms.

How much MCT oil per day should I take?

Experts recommend you consume between 2–54ml per day. That amount is almost the same as half a teaspoon to three tablespoons.

Ingest up to three MCT doses throughout the day with a 4h interval. For example, take your dose right after waking, an hour before your lunch meal, and evening for weight loss. 

How long does MCT oil stay in your system?

Your body will clear out the medium-chain triglycerides in a few hours after consuming the oil. 

A Word From Dietitian

Adding MCT oil to your diet will reduce food cravings, and you’ll burn fat fast. Combine those triglycerides with a sustainable fitness plan for the best results.

The saturated fats in the supplement also promote better hormonal balance. For instance, when you optimize your testosterone levels, you’ll experience a better mood and more strength.

You’ll have better focus, mental clarity, and memory. Also, you’ll benefit most from those effects if you’re on intermittent fasting or on a ketogenic diet. So, use MCT oil to maintain ketosis while undertaking those practices.

Use the oil before going to the gym for more workout intensity without feeling burned out. You’ll thus maximize your gains. Also, you’ll benefit from the quick burst of energy the product will give you if you’re an endurance athlete.


The best ways to consume MCT oil for weight loss are by adding a teaspoon of it to your coffee, smoothies, salad dressing, or directly from the bottle. Start with a teaspoon and increase gradually to prevent stomach irritation or any unpleasant side effects.

MCT works best with a ketogenic diet. As said before, this oil helps shed a few pounds, boost your energy levels, improve athletic performance, and enhance your mental focus and memory.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: March 24, 2023
8 min read 2227 Views 0 Comments

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