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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Weight Management arrow How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? 11 Effective Tips for Weight Loss

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? 11 Effective Tips for Weight Loss

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 7, 2023
9 min read 2197 Views 0 Comments
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Debunking rapid weight loss myths. Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in just a month?

how to lose 10 pounds in a month

Wondering how to lose 10 pounds in a month? Hey, we’ve all been there. Losing weight can feel daunting, especially at first. 

Sometimes the best weight loss routine is the one that provides realistic weight loss goals – and results like dropping 10 pounds in a single month. 

But you should know that dropping weight this quickly requires completely reworking the way you eat, the way you work out, and even the way you think. Keep reading to learn how much weight loss you can experience in 30 days, along with 11 effective tips to help you in your journey.

Is It Possible to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? 

It sure is. Unlike the prospect of losing a whopping 50 pounds a month, losing 10 pounds a month is surprisingly achievable. Thousands of people have done it. Thousands more are doing it as we write.

Will you be the next one to reach the milestone?

How Long Does It Take to Lose 10 Pounds? 

Most people with excess weight can lose 10 pounds in a month. Some can lose it even faster than that. Let’s crunch the numbers to see what’s possible. 

There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. Losing 10 pounds of fat (not including water weight), therefore, requires a calorie deficiency of 35,000 calories.

Most people, however, lose both stored fat and stored carbs as they drop down on the scale. These stored carbs, which are called glycogen molecules, are stored with a whole lot of water weight. 

Let’s assume that a person who wants to lose 10 pounds needs to lose 6 pounds of pure fat and 4 pounds of water. 6 pounds of fat contains roughly 21,000 calories. 

Spread over the course of a month, losing this 10 pounds requires a calorie deficiency of roughly 700 calories per day. It’s still worth mentioning that a healthy weight loss is 1–2 pounds a week, so keep in mind that while 10 pounds is a possible goal, it might not be necessarily sustainable in the long term.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? 11 Key Tips

Now that you know what it takes to lose 10 pounds in a month, let’s look at 11 most effective weight loss tips, tricks, and biohacks. These tips should make reaching your daily calorie deficit much easier. Overall, they’re an important part of any healthy weight loss routine!  

#1 Add more vegetables to your diet 

Vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients, essential minerals, and vitamins, which may assist your body’s metabolism and, as a result, burn belly fat. Including them in your diet may aid you in losing weight and living a healthy life. 

This is because they tend to be lower in calories yet pack a way more powerful punch to keep you satisfied. Some of the vegetables that are great in this aspect include spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower.

#2 Include high-intensity exercises

High-intensity exercises are incredibly effective for weight loss. You want to lose fat and develop lean muscle when trying to reduce weight so that you may continue to burn fat. 

High-intensity exercises force your body to burn fat for energy rather than carbs, which improves the efficiency of fat loss. It’s difficult to shed fat while preserving muscle mass on a diet. However, research has shown that you may keep your hard-won muscles while eliminating most of the fat by doing specific workouts.

The following workouts are known to help you with weight loss: 

  • Air squats
  • Push-ups
  • Burpees
  • Reverse pull-ups
  • Jumping jacks

Air squats

If you want to burn fat in your body, doing an unending amount of squats isn’t going to cut it. However, air squats can get you there.

For an air squat, follow these steps:

  1. Maintain a shoulder-width stride with your feet pointed straight ahead.
  2. Move your hips in a downward and backward direction.
  3. Make sure your lumbar curve is maintained throughout and your heels remain flat on the floor.
  4. Your hips will sink lower than your knees in air squats.


Push-ups aid in the weight loss and muscle mass gain of the chest, shoulder, triceps, and core muscles. 

To do push-ups, follow these steps:

  1. Pull your button towards your spine, contract your stomach, and tighten your core.
  2. Inhale as you lower yourself to the ground, carefully bending your elbows.
  3. Exhale while squeezing your chest muscles to return to the beginning posture. Push up with the help of your hands.


Burpees are a great fat-burning exercise that can help you strengthen your muscles and boost your metabolism. After a month of burpees, you’ll feel stronger and tighter, and your core muscles will be more toned.

To do burpees:

  1. Start with your feet apart in a standing position.
  2. Squat down with your knees bent and place your hands on the floor.
  3. Kick or step your legs back into a plank position. 
  4. Return to a squat position by jumping or stepping forward with your legs. 
  5. Return to a standing position and repeat the rep.

Reverse pull-ups

A reverse pull-up is a great way to build strength, confidence, and technique. To do reverse pull-ups, follow these steps:

  1. Step onto a raised platform and adjust it as needed to comfortably grab the bar overhead.
  2. Keeping your head higher toward the bar will result in a more comfortable workout.
  3. Hold the bar with your hands facing outward and your wrists shoulder-width apart.
  4. Step down from the high platform, gently and steadily lowering yourself till your arms are completely extended. Return to your chair or bench and repeat as needed.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks may appear to be a simple exercise, but they have a lot of advantages, like improving your heart and lungs and toning your muscles. Jumping jacks target fat loss in the legs, waist, abdominal area, and arms. 

It also boosts your metabolism and helps you burn a lot of calories. To do jumping jacks, follow these steps:

  1. Stand tall with your feet together and arms on your sides.
  2. Jump up while bending your knees slightly.
  3. Spread your legs out to roughly shoulder-width apart as you jump. Extend your arms outward and above your head.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the steps.

#3 Add cardio exercises

Cardio exercise is any strenuous activity that elevates heart rate and respiration while working big muscle groups repetitively and rhythmically to enhance blood and oxygen flow throughout the body.

While cardio burns calories and aids in weight reduction, combining it with strength training activities at least three times per week will help you lose weight faster.

Running is one of the best and easiest cardio exercises. It eliminates many calories, can help you burn calories even after you’ve finished working out, and help control your appetite.

#4 Consistent workouts

Working out consistently will yield more significant outcomes than doing rigorous fitness programs on a regular basis. Muscle discomfort is expected when you first begin working out or adjusting your fitness program. 

Maintaining a consistent workout regimen helps prevent muscle tension, which leads to improved performance. Furthermore, the more sporadic your exercise, the more likely you will become exhausted. Fatigue is among the leading causes of acute and chronic injury.

#5 Consume more fiber 

Fiber is a crucial ingredient that is sometimes overlooked. In case you don’t really make any other dietary adjustments, eating extra fiber can help with weight loss. Fiber is really filling and takes longer to digest than simple carbohydrates and sugars. Obesity is one of the most recognized lifestyle diseases connected with inflammation. Using fiber can reduce inflammation to a huge extent. 

Moreover, high-viscosity fiber may help you feel fuller for longer, reduce your appetite, and lose weight automatically.

#6 Avoid foods with gluten 

A gluten-free diet eliminates protein gluten foods, such as wheat, rye, and barley. Although there is very little research on gluten and weight loss, anecdotal reports suggest that many people who go gluten-free lose weight.  

#7 Try the keto diet 

Keto has specifically been designed to stop major health problems worldwide, including obesity. 

A keto diet has been demonstrated in research to cause dramatic weight loss, not only due to water loss but also because of fat loss. It may seem difficult to switch to a keto diet, but it doesn’t have to be. The goal should be to cut carbs while increasing fat and protein consumption.

If you’re not sure what to eat on a ketogenic diet, our keto foods list will help get you started. 

Note: If you want to lose 10 pounds in a single month, you’ll probably want to stay strictly keto and avoid even the occasional cheat day. Cheat days can be reinstated once you get closer to your final goal weight. 

#8 Get enough sleep 

It’s true; sleep can affect your weight. Sleep may be the missing factor for many people who are having difficulty losing weight. 

Though sleep deprivation is only one cause of weight gain, research shows that it has a detrimental impact on hunger levels, leading to a person consuming more calories from fatty products and high sugar foods. It could do so by changing hunger hormone levels. 

That being said, a bad sleeping schedule may increase appetite by affecting hormones that signify hunger.

#9 Stay hydrated 

Drinking water can help you lose weight, too. It helps to fill up empty stomach space, resulting in the sense of fullness and a reduction in hunger. Water can temporarily boost the body’s calories burned while at rest.

Because the body uses up energy to heat up for digestion, consuming cold water may improve water’s calorie-burning advantages. The body cannot adequately digest stored fat and carbohydrates without water. Therefore, it’s critical to drink enough water to burn fat from your meals.

#10 Count calories

You must consume fewer calories than you use to lose weight. If someone wants to reduce weight, they should keep track of what they eat or drink on a daily basis.

This appears to be straightforward in theory. But controlling your food consumption can be difficult in today’s environment. Calorie counting, which is often employed for weight loss, is one solution to this problem. If you count your calories, you can keep track of how much you gain and lose. As a result, you can act quickly to avoid gaining weight. 

#11 Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a type of eating regimen in which you alternate between eating and fasting regularly. Many diets emphasize what to eat. However, intermittent fasting emphasizes when to eat.

Fasting for a handful of hours every day can aid fat loss. Scientific data also suggests that there are many other health benefits to intermittent fasting. 

A Word From A Personal Trainer

Whatever diet and exercise you used in the first place, the above practices could help you keep the weight off in the long run.

Put yourself in a position for weight reduction success by controlling your eating environment, including when and how much you consume and also what foods you have on hand.

You can prepare home-cooked meals. This gives you complete control over portion size as well as what goes into your diet.

Make smaller portions for yourself. To make your servings appear larger, use small bowls, plates, and cups. Don’t eat from huge dishes or food containers because it’s difficult to gauge how much you’ve consumed.

Make a meal and snack plan in advance. In disposable bags or containers, you can make your own little quantity of snacks. You can refrain from eating when you aren’t actually hungry if you eat on a schedule.


If you want to lose weight in the long term, it’s not enough to consume nutritious foods and exercise for several weeks or even months. These practices must be adopted as a lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle begins with a candid examination of your eating habits and daily routine.

After assessing your unique weight-loss obstacles, devise a plan to progressively change the behaviors and patterns that have hindered your previous efforts. Then, if you’re serious about losing weight for good, go beyond simply recognizing your obstacles and follow our tips to stay healthy.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 7, 2023
9 min read 2197 Views 0 Comments

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