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Home arrow Fitness arrow Training arrow 9 Ways How to Burn 1,000 Calories in an Hour

9 Ways How to Burn 1,000 Calories in an Hour

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: March 15, 2023
11 min read 1821 Views 0 Comments
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How long have you wanted to lose weight? Today, we discuss 9 ways to burn more calories. Follow us.

how to burn 1000 calories in an hour

Burning 1,000 calories is not an easy task for anybody. If it was, everybody would be doing it, and you will find more people on the internet flexing their gains. 

Burning 1,000 calories in one hour takes the challenge to a new stratosphere. In reality, burning that amount of calories is indeed quite possible, with lots of hard work and determination. 

Doing so will result in a plethora of physiological changes, including a lower body fat percentage, increased muscle mass, strength, etc. Still, you must bear in mind that calorie burning differs across people due to the difference in their body composition.

Similarly, other factors influence how many calories a person burns within a specific period. With that in mind, most people try to train effectively and efficiently as that is the only way to yield positive results fast.

Today, we examine the criteria under which burning 1,000 calories in an hour becomes possible. We also look at the impact of burning more calories when looking to lose weight, as well as several workouts that will help you reach the 1,000-calorie mark.

Stick with us as we go over the details. 

How to Burn 1,000 Calories in an Hour?

To keep things simple, running gives you the most calories and bang for your buck in a one-hour window compared to many aerobic exercises that exist.

Not to say that other aerobic exercises do not greatly burn calories within a one-hour timeframe, but when compared to HIIT workouts like sprint interval training and circuit training, the difference in calories burned is major.

According to research, sprint interval training burns about 200 calories per 2.5 minutes. As such, the math affirms that at that rate, you can burn 1,000 calories over the one-hour period. Regardless, the workout intensity demands longer rest periods between intervals.

Still, if you are keen on burning 1,000 calories or more on a daily basis, boxing, bicycling, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, and dancing are top-tier exercises that will help you achieve this goal. 

According to Mayo Clinic, these are the most calorie-burning exercises, burning north of 200 calories an hour. 

The only question you would need to answer would be about scheduling a safe workout session. 

How Long Does It Take to Burn 1,000 Calories?

For the average person, it would take a day to burn 1,000 calories. You are most likely to burn 1,000 calories just from your mundane activities (for those whose activities demand physical labor). 

Still, you most likely eat more than 1,000 calories daily. This leads to an imbalance when it comes to exactly how many calories you burn within a specific period.

As such, you must make a conscious effort to balance your training and calorie intake for the best results.

How Much Weight Will You Lose Burning 1,000 Calories?

According to Today’s Dietitian, in order for you to lose one pound of weight weekly, you need to burn a total of 3,500 calories. This usually translates to burning a minimum of 500 calories daily. Having the ability to burn 1,000 calories daily puts you in the best position for weight loss.

However, being able to lose 3,500 in one week is not a matter of simply creating a calorie deficit. Several factors influence your ability to lose weight.

Age, gender, training type and intensity, dietary needs, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors are some of the key ingredients that affect how much weight you lose and how fast you lose it.

To take things even further, most people fail to realize that at some point, weight loss tends to stall after you have hit a certain threshold. 

Yes, people who weigh more tend to lose more weight by doing the same exercise as those who weigh less, but at some point, the journey becomes a standstill. However, hitting a weight loss plateau is very much possible.

The best option is to strike a balance between a healthy diet and working out. To do so, simply partake in workouts that burn 1,000 calories on some days while limiting your calorie intake

A low-calorie diet’s function is to ensure you do not gain weight if you are incapable of maintaining your workout program. 

Factors to Consider When Burning 1,000 Calories

Being able to burn 1,000 calories in an hour is something any individual will take pride in. However, it is not nearly as simple as those who preach about intense cardio sessions and being on calorie deficit say it is.

To paint the entire picture for you, we have outlined several things you need to know before attempting to burn 1,000 calories.


Age is one of the most interesting factors on this list because it is a dynamic variable that constantly affects your weight loss results. The one aspect it influences is a change in your metabolic rate – it tends to decline after you pass a certain age.

According to research, metabolism in humans peaks by age one. It gradually declines up until age 20 and remains stable until the human is 60 years old (for females, this remains the case during pregnancy). From age 60 upwards, the numbers begin to decline rapidly.

In simpler terms, the older you get, the slower your metabolism. That is the reason why older people find it more challenging to get rid of stubborn abdominal fat compared to younger ones.

Furthermore, building and toning muscle will require twice the effort come old age compared to when you were younger.


Your genes are perhaps the biggest factor that affects how fast you are capable of burning calories. If, fortunately, you possess good genes, you will be able to burn 1,000 calories without working out for more extended periods.

On the other hand, if you possess inferior genes, you will struggle with burning calories, shedding body fat, and losing weight.

Current weight

Your current body weight is critical when it comes to burning 1,000 calories. If your weight is on the high side, you will easily burn more calories than someone who weighs less. That is because the heft increases the effort it takes to go through a workout session. 

9 Ways to Burn 1,000 Calories in an Hour

There are a number of ways to prompt your body into burning calories. However, the goal here is to figure out which exercise is able to burn 1,000 calories in just one hour.

As such, we shall be drawing inferences from the American Council on Exercise (ACE). That way, we can see the calorie burn of each of the 9 exercises, as well as burning 1,000 calories within a one-hour window.

#1 Sprinting/Running

Running stands as one of the best ways your body burns calories. There is a reason you find more people going on morning runs as the years go by.

According to research by the American Council on Exercise, a 150-pound person can burn 1,000 calories in roughly one hour, running 8 miles per hour. Similarly, a 200-pound person will burn 1,000 calories in one hour if they were to run at 7 miles per hour.

The time taken to burn 1,000 calories begins to reduce significantly as they run faster. These numbers go to reflect the influence certain factors have when it comes to burning 1,000 calories.

Regardless, if you plan to take the calorie-burning effects to the highest level, you need to opt for the highest form of running: sprinting.

#2 Hill repeats 

Hill repeats are most runners’ nightmare because of how taxing they are. The main purpose of this workout is to improve explosiveness and speed, so the training regimen is very strict. 

When it comes to exactly how many calories are burned, a person is able to burn up to 1,400 calories in an hour.

A person weighing 150-pounds will burn about 1,000 calories in an hour. A 180-pound person will burn more calories within the same duration at 1,250 calories.

#3 Rope jumping 

Jumping rope has transcended from being just a leisure activity to an important cardiovascular exercise. In fact, jumping rope ranks among the highest calorie-burning exercises when it comes to burning calories. As such, many fitness experts make it a priority for anyone seeking to lose weight.

You are able to burn anywhere from 708 to 1,035 calories per hour if you go at it at a high intensity. Even for just a short while, research suggests that you can burn as many calories with jumping rope as running

The best part about skipping rope is that it is fairly cheap. All you need is a quality jump rope, and you are good to go. You can also choose weighted jump ropes to increase the resistance and intensity. That way, you burn significantly more calories within the same period compared to a regular jump rope. 

Another great thing about this calorie-burning activity is that you can do it anywhere and anytime – all you need is a little bit of space to go through the full range of motion. Lastly, jumping rope is not monotonous. It is fun, so much so that you can exercise for an hour without feeling bored. 

#4 Rowing

Rowing is one of those exercises that induce a full-body workout. However, you will need to find a gym with a functional rowing machine to benefit from this exercise. 

Rowing vigorously will see you burn between 500 and 700 calories. However, burning 1,000 calories within one hour is entirely possible using the rowing machine. Aside from that, it is also great for building muscle mass, increasing muscular strength and endurance, and is beginner-friendly. 

#5 Kettlebell workout 

The kettlebell workout is an old strength training exercise involving a cast-iron kettle with weight ranges from 5 to 100 pounds. This exercise 

According to a study, participants of the kettlebell exercise are capable of burning over 1,000 calories within one hour. The study’s premise involved 10 men and women ages 29 to 46 performing the standard kettlebell exercise for 20 minutes. 

At the end of the exercise, results showed that the average participant burnt about 20 calories per minute, subsequently equating to 400 calories over the 20 minutes. 

As such, going over a one-hour workout routine will confidently burn over 1,000 calories.

#6 Boxing 

What a good majority of trainees have failed to realize is how good boxing is at burning calories. Still, exactly how many calories you burn will depend on your weight and the intensity of your boxing sessions.

For example, a 200-pound individual is capable of burning around 525 calories in one hour of boxing a punching bag. 

Likewise, the same 200-pound individual will burn 745 calories in one hour if they were to spar with another person. Lastly, a full-on one-hour boxing match will lead to burning 1,222 calories. 

Regardless, it is important to stress the need to learn from a qualified professional to avoid hurting yourself, especially when sparring.

With most of the impact going to your head, you must strive to remain safe at all times.

#7 Dancing 

Today’s fitness world has seen the inclusion of dancing as a form of intensive cardiovascular exercise. Anybody can dance, maybe not professionally, but the concept of dancing to burn calories is open to everybody.

The number one objective when it comes to this aerobic activity is to increase your heart and metabolic rate, increasing calories burned.

When it comes to the number of calories burned within a one-hour window, the style of dance you do will greatly influence the numbers. The intensity of your dance routine also plays a huge role. 

To get started, simply find yourself a routine. You could join a dance crew or work out at the gym; the choice is yours.

#8 Swimming 

Swimming is one exercise that works out every muscle in the body. It does this without putting much stress on your skeletal system, making it one of the few exercises to burn more calories without skeletal repercussions.

According to Harvard Health, doing vigorous swimming laps will see you burn 420 calories in 30 minutes. Based on this data, you will be able to burn 1,000 calories over an hour of vigorous swimming.

You must also keep in mind that different swimming styles and strokes burn calories more than others, so capitalizing on that can reduce your total workout time. To put this into perspective, evidence points to the butterfly stroke as the leader of the calorie burn list. It is also the hardest swimming style to learn.

Another trick to improve the time it takes to burn 1,000 calories is by swimming in very cold water. The reasoning behind this theory is that lower temperatures increase your basal metabolic rate, meaning your body has to work harder to warm up everything. 

When combined with the calories burned from the swim session, the numbers easily exceed the 1,000-calorie count.

#9 Other HIIT exercises 

Aside from the exercises listed above, there are other high-intensity interval training that you can partake in to burn 1,000 calories within a one-hour window. A combination of the following exercises will result in burning more calories efficiently. 

  • Sidestep pulls
  • High knee pulls
  • Jumping jacks
  • Burpees
  • Crunches
  • Sit-ups
  • Planks
  • Jump squats
  • Jump lunges


How many steps to burn 1,000 calories?

On average, you burn about 40 calories when you walk 1,000 steps. Given that calculation, you will need to log in 25,000 steps to burn 1,000 calories. 

Still, you must factor in the influencing variable to predict your step count accurately.

How long does it take to burn 1,000 calories?

If you are running at 7 miles per hour, it will take you about 70 minutes to burn 1,000 calories. You should note that the faster you run, coupled with running on uneven surfaces, the more calories you burn.

Is it safe to burn 1,000 calories a day?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with burning 1,000 calories daily, especially if you practice good living habits. Still, not everybody should venture down this path. That is because you can quickly lose control when you try to do too much, and that can result in health problems.

A Word From Our Coach

Burning 1,000 calories is no easy feat. Yet, it is not impossible either. With proper training and diet, you will be able to burn more calories and lose weight within a specified time.

Still, a wise option is to diversify your training routines. Mix in strength training with your cardio so that you lose weight and build muscle and strength over time.

However, you must remember that overtraining can lead to multiple health issues. For starters, your injury risk increases if you train more than your body can recover.

Therefore, rest days become mandatory for those doing high-intensity training. Regardless, you must link up with a certified personal trainer. They have all the tools and the experience to guide you down the weight loss path.


Whether you intend to burn a certain amount of calories in half an hour or an hour, doing so using the right techniques is what will eventually make the difference.

Regardless, we hope you find this article helpful in finding a new exercise program that will help you burn as many calories as you desire.

Stay healthy, train diligently, and you will see results!

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: March 15, 2023
11 min read 1821 Views 0 Comments

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