How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Week? The Final Answer
What is the safe weight loss rate and why you should always aim for a long term results?
Before embarking on a weight loss journey, it is important to know how much weight you can lose. There are limits to the maximum weight your body can shed before it becomes unhealthy or downright dangerous for you.
While it is possible to shed quite a few pounds in one week, we must make sure it is done in a controlled manner.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the best and healthiest ways to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time.
Stay with us and find out how much weight you can lose in a week to stay positive and if eating low-carb food is the answer.
How Much Weight Should You Lose in a Week?
When it comes to safe weight loss, experts recommend that it is safe to shed around 1–2lbs per week.
When you first start out, you may have significant weight loss and lose several pounds; some people lose three pounds in a week, but some lose less, only losing around 5 pounds per month. This is all fine.
If you are serious about weight loss, you should keep in mind that it cannot be done overnight. This is going to take a considerable effort and a lot of determination from your side, even with the odds against you.
You must aim for steady weight loss and have a good weight loss plan that is focused on your physical health and promotes weight loss in a healthy way.
Why Is Losing Weight Too Quickly Bad?
Losing weight too quickly can cause the calorie-burning process in your body to slow down drastically to prevent you from starving.
This is also the reason why people who lose more weight than they should, regain weight quickly when they return to their normal diet.
Your body is simply not used to the calorie intake after being subjected to the lower amount of calories from the diet. Also, the total weight you lose when cutting back on the calories is not just fat, but you lose muscle mass as well. This kind of weight loss isn’t good. Slow weight loss is the best way to lose excess weight.
5 Tips How to Lose Weight Fast
Now, we are going to give you a few pointers that will help you with weight loss fast but in a healthy way. Follow these healthy lifestyle changes closely for the best results, and you will feel much healthier while you shed that extra pounds.
#1 Eat real food
What is real food? And how can you tell if you are eating real food or not, and what is so good about it anyway?
Fresh fruit and vegetables are produced organically without the use of chemicals and are considered real food or whole food. The best way for healthy weight loss is by eating low-carb food and avoiding unhealthy fats in a plant-based diet.
Refined food and processed grains are also not whole foods, so it needs to be avoided to increase your chances of losing weight. Your eating habits should include a large variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, and avoid high-fat foods in a daily balanced diet.
#2 Get more sleep
Almost every healthcare professional involved in health and weight loss will tell you that a good night’s rest is the place to start.
Getting enough sleep will provide you with more energy and give you the positive mindset you will need.
Rest is also the best medicine for your body to repair functions and naturally sort out any problems in the body. It is also found that lack of sufficient sleep is closely related to weight gain and a higher body mass index.
Getting more sleep is key to long-term weight loss and better health and will help you get rid of extra body fat fast.
#3 Stop weighing yourself every day
Losing weight fast, healthily, and with a positive mindset requires getting your head right, and weighing yourself daily is a negative measure.
Some days, you may find that you lost nothing, and other days, you get positive feedback from your scale. Those negative days may just cause you to lose faith in your achievements, so avoid them by not weighing yourself daily.
Note your starting weight and focus on your overall health.
#4 Liquid calories are also calories
Most liquids, such as alcohol, sodas, and juices, contain more calories than you should have and are not good for anyone on a weight-loss mission. Healthy eating also includes any type of liquid diet with fewer calories.
#5 Set realistic goals
Set realistic long-term goals for yourself so you can stay positive and not get discouraged by small setbacks. For daily exercises, you can get yourself one of those step counters to start with walking 5,000 steps per day.
Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight; you must count how many calories you’ve burned, do physical activity that is good at burning fat, and keep your desired body weight in mind.
A Word From Personal Trainer
Following these rules will get positive results fast, maybe not as quickly as you wanted, but at least it is in a healthy way. Make sure you do everything possible to not stray from them and keep your mind focused on the long-term goal.
Eat as healthy as your budget allows you and get that very needed sleep on a daily basis to give yourself a chance. This will help your body slowly get used to the new lifestyle, and it will fight with you to keep your weight at healthy levels.
Keep true to yourself and your own goals, and forget about the scale. Try to weigh yourself only at the end of each week. Completely avoid any saturated fat and high-fat food, such as full-fat cream, while healthy fats, lean meats, and fresh fish are recommended.
It is possible to lose that weight fast and keep it off your body with the right set of rules and a positive mindset. Avoid rapid weight loss, and aim for sustainable weight loss.
Remember the health risks of rapid weight loss; it’s not worth it. With all the information in this article, you are off to a good start, so what are you waiting for? Go lose that weight!