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Home arrow Fitness arrow Walking arrow How Long Does It Take to See Results From Walking?

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Walking?

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: January 4, 2023
6 min read 2924 Views 1 Comments
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Discovering how many calories you can burn with a low-impact exercise and how long you need to achieve it.

how long does it take to see results from walking

Many times, the anxiety of losing weight defeats us and pushes us to give up on our goal.

When it comes to losing weight by walking, at the end of each routine, you suddenly ask yourself: is it worth what I’m doing?

If you stay focused, you can reach your weight goals and improve your health dramatically by walking a few days a week.

The Health Reporter team invites you to start a walking program so you can experience all the science-backed benefits of this activity. Learn more details and tricks with us to get desired results faster!

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Walking?

According to a study conducted with obese women following a Nordic walking program, it takes 10 weeks. The results you can notice in your body, such as weight loss, less belly fat, and better muscle tone, appear progressively.

Without obvious body changes, you can experience the results of walking from day one: more energy, less stress, and the feeling that you have achieved something important.

Walking improves physical health, which is why the World Health Organization has established guidelines for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 that recommend 150–300 minutes of physical activity per week. This activity can include anything from walking to aerobic exercise of varying intensities to burn calories and stay fit.

How Much Should You Walk to Reduce Weight?

The amount of calories you can lose depends on your weight. A person weighing 160 pounds can lose as much as 348 calories during a 40-minute walk. 

The time to lose weight may vary if combined with a low-calorie diet. Also, the intensity you put into each walk will determine the amount of fat you will burn in the process.

For best results, walking should be done following specific recommendations. The pace is important; it should be fast and steady at an intensity where you feel your heart beating faster but still being able to breathe easily.

You should maintain this pace for at least 30 minutes to burn more calories. If you feel energized after walking, you can do an extra activity such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or an anaerobic routine. This is a powerful combination to lose weight.

Implementing the right diet program, such as Walking.Diet, is a fundamental point since it allows you to sustain a safe caloric restriction. This program offers you a walking training plan along with a specialized weight loss meal plan, plus access to different informative articles about nutrition and accessories to raise the level of your habits.
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Get Your Personalized Walking Plan

What Are the Benefits of Walking? 

Walking is an enjoyable, cheap, and safe activity because you can complete your workout on a treadmill at home or a mountain while spending time enjoying the weather. You can control the intensity and increase it as your physical capacity improves.

Here’s what benefits walking brings in addition to weight loss:  

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Walking helps remove body fat, which assists in controlling the levels of harmful cholesterol, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular events. In addition, it improves the aerobic capacity of the heart, achieving a better distribution of oxygen to all body parts.

Improves cognitive performance

Exercise improves cognitive functions such as attention and memory. Consistently exercising prevents the risk of cognitive decline, stopping the progression of dementia in older adults.

Strengthens bones and muscles

A sedentary lifestyle wreaks havoc on the body due to lack of activity, while frequent walking promotes better blood circulation, which ensures stronger muscles and bones.

Walking improves posture and helps with muscle tone, giving way to a more defined body. 

Signs That You Are Losing Weight

When you practice walking, enjoy the moment without stressing too much about the results. Soon, you’ll be delighted with how good you feel.

Burning calories is about much more than achieving a dream physical appearance; it’s also about your well-being.

Here are some signs that you are already achieving weight loss:

Clothes are a different size

One of the first signs that you are losing weight is to see how your clothes are getting looser even when the scale has not yet shown a decrease in weight. By eliminating fluid retention due to increased sweating during your walks, you begin to lose centimeters rapidly in your abdomen.

You are feeling more energetic

Increased blood circulation to the body tissues and brain, along with a diet that provides you with the proper nutrients and allows you to feel more energetic to perform your daily tasks.

Reduced blood pressure

Walking at a brisk pace strengthens your heart, which allows it to send blood to all your organs with less effort, thus controlling blood pressure. Walking allows a healthy weight loss, which also controls blood pressure and decreases cardiovascular risk.

Other Ways to Promote Weight Loss by Walking

Combine your walks with a proper diet as it is important how many calories you eat to lose weight. Plus, you can implement these tricks to burn more body fat and boost your results:

Wear a weight vest

You don’t have to do great feats or achieve long distances when just starting to walk. Eventually, you can add some elements like a weight vest that will allow you to increase the effort through resistance training and burn more calories to lose weight while strengthening your muscles.

Change your walking route

To achieve great health changes, you must take different routes than the ones you have been following, and that applies to walking to burn calories as well.

Walking through different mountains helps you lose more weight due to the effort you will make because of the inclination of the hills. Keeping your balance between big rocks and bumpy terrain will increase the difficulty of the exercise, favoring the strengthening of your muscles.

Give yourself the opportunity to get to know new paths to enjoy the landscapes, it is a good way to get to know your city better and appreciate nature while you lose body fat.

Practice Nordic walking

Walk uphill regularly as it is great resistance training that helps you lose weight. Walking using poles similar to ski poles not only strengthens your legs but also activates your upper body and abdominal muscles as well as improves limb coordination. By activating more muscles, you burn calories faster.

This type of walking is beneficial even for older adults because it works the core and provides greater stability to the spine. The different surfaces with varying inclines and difficulty make it a complete workout that improves the quality of life and allows you to enjoy the outside world.

You can also try walking barefoot as this not only improves walking posture but also might relieve joint pain.

A Word From Our Coach

Walking to lose weight has its tricks. To increase your walking results and lose fat, calculate your maximum heart rate and try to walk until you reach 70% of your capacity.

You obtain this by subtracting your age from 220 and then multiplying the result by 0.7. This means that the maximum capacity of a 35-year-old individual is 185 heartbeats per minute, and 70% of that number is 129 heartbeats.

Try to measure your palpitations during your brisk walking with a sports watch or manually by feeling your pulse on your wrist. Maintaining that intensity will allow you to stay in the fat-burning zone, achieve weight loss, and get the most out of every minute of your workout.

Combining brisk walking with a low-calorie diet that makes it possible for you to lose fat can also reduce insulin resistance, which lowers the risk of diabetes mellitus.


The benefits of walking for the human body are extraordinary. As you increase calorie burn, you lose weight, but you also notice changes in your energy level and mental capacity that make you feel great.

The more you practice this activity, the better results you will see in your overall health, especially when you add to your training some variations such as wearing a weight vest and changing the routes to take advantage of the different inclines of the land.

To burn calories more efficiently, walk at a brisk pace and you will see your belly fat disappear, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you enjoy walking and make it part of your daily routine, you won’t be in a hurry to see the results because sooner or later, weight loss will be a positive consequence of your healthy habits.

Written by Isabel Mayfield
Isabel Mayfield is a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is passionate about self-improvement and loves to help people improve their sense of self-worth through education and support in meeting their fitness goals.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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  1. user
    28 Feb, 2023 at 11:25 am

    Good information for maintaining good health

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