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Home arrow Nutrition arrow Intermittent Fasting arrow Does MCT Oil Break a Fast? Reap the Benefits of Both

Does MCT Oil Break a Fast? Reap the Benefits of Both

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 26, 2023
3 min read 2067 Views 0 Comments
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Does MCT Oil Break A Fast

Intermittent fasting is a great method to lose weight, gain health benefits, and feel more energetic, but breaking a fast can be problematic. So, does taking MCT oil break a fast? In short, consuming the oil will not break a fast, as long as the amount is small enough.

Because supplements are just as important to your journey into the health and fitness world as healthy fats and balanced meals, you can safely use an MCT oil supplement within the intermittent fasting lifestyle and still see results! 

Read on for more information on MCT oil and how it can be added to your fasting windows and cycle eating pattern.

Does MCT Oil Break a Fast?

Because of their composition, medium-chain triglycerides or MCT oils are a fat source and do not contain zero calories.

And while you may ask how MCT oil fits into a deficit calorie intake during fasting periods, quality fats are still important for the body to digest.

So, no MCT oil does not truly break a fast.

Small amounts of calories and fat portions will not destroy the progress you made during your fasting period, nor should it prompt an insulin-induced response like eating a spoonful of sugar would.

Instead of a direct insulin response, consuming a small amount of MCT oil can give you an energy boost and increase fat burning within the body while helping you feel fuller for longer.

What Is MCT Oil?

MCT oil (or medium-chain triglyceride oil) is an important substance for many health reasons.

Produced from coconuts, MCT oil is formed of three fatty acids grouped together. Because its chain of fatty acids is shorter than long-chain triglycerides consumption in pure coconut oil or processed fats, MCT oil is much easier to digest and break down within the body.

That means you can absorb MCT oils much faster than long-chain fatty acids, with the body’s natural processes turning MCT into energy to burn body fat, called ketones.

As such, MCT oil is popular for a variety of very popular diet plans, including the ketogenic diet or those practicing intermittent fasting. Taking this oil can be beneficial for weight loss, upping daily energy intake, and quelling hunger pangs.

However, MCT oil does have a caloric value, as well as a percentage of fat, so consuming MCT oil adds to your total caloric intake.

This can be problematic during a fasting period, as fat loss requires calorie deficits that kickstart your body’s use of fat stores instead of glucose.

But there are ways to add MCT oil to your eating period and fasting window and gain the other additional health benefits that come along with it.

How to Use MCT Oil While Fasting

So, MCT oil can be implemented into an intermittent fasting plan while reaping the potential benefits past just weight loss. But how much MCT oil can you consume?

This oil is a powerful tool in your health and wellness arsenal when taken in the right amounts, just like other fats like bone broth, which are also good for you.

For example, one tablespoon of MCT oil has 100 calories but also contains 14g of beneficial fats to help your body be energized. So, if you have half a tablespoon of MCT oil, it’s only 50 calories – something that most fasting periods can withstand.

A great way to take MCT oil without increasing the rest of your food intake is within liquids, like a cup of morning coffee, which is already virtually a calorie-free beverage. Just avoid adding artificial sweeteners or dairy products!

You can experiment with other ways to take MCT oil.

Benefits of MCT Oil

It’s important to add good fats like MCT oil into your diet, even during intermittent fasting plans.

It gives the body fuel and other significant benefits, including better brain function, cardiovascular health, and enhancing your primary energy source thanks to the production of ketones that come with MCT fatty acids.

Other benefits of MCT oil include quieting your hunger hormones’ response and making you feel fuller for longer, which helps with losing weight and extending your fasting period for longer, comfortably.

And there is a myriad of other health advantages that come for the entire body when taking MCT oil!

Those suffering from blood sugar issues, problematic insulin levels, or troubles with their digestion process can benefit from MCT oil, as the cell reproduction of an optimized autonomous nervous system contributes to overall health.

A Word From Our RD

Adding MCT oil to your daily routine couldn’t be easier! You can put MCT oil into black coffee, add it to smoothies, or mix it in vinaigrettes or salad dressings. The oil has no noticeable smell or taste, so it’s highly adaptable for recipes.

Expect higher energy levels when taking MCT oil and even heightened exercise performance, as those fatty acids can assist with burning fat during workouts.

We also recommend a balanced diet around it, including plenty of lean protein, vegetables, and other good fats to promote weight loss, because as always, better health is about the whole picture!


Having MCT oil in small amounts, without consuming calories elsewhere, does not truly break your fast.

The body’s response to the oil is not to spike blood sugar levels but to produce more energy and encourage burning fat instead of glucose. So, MCT oil’s many benefits can be gained by taking a conservative amount without ruining all the hard work you’ve already done.

Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel’s goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.
The article was fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
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Written by Edibel Quintero, RD
Fact checked by Rosmy Barrios, MD
Last update: April 26, 2023
3 min read 2067 Views 0 Comments

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