Does Ginger Break a Fast? Your Questions Answered
Many people consume ginger for its amazing health benefits. This type of root vegetable has been known to aid weight loss, so can it do the same for intermittent fasting? We discuss this question and whether you should eat it during the fasting window.
There are certain foods that ruin your intermittent fasting progress.
Anything containing calories, carbs, and sugars has a chance of stopping the fat-burning mechanisms in your body.
Ginger is one of the healthiest vegetables you can have while losing weight. People believe this miracle food treats various chronic conditions, especially inflammatory diseases. You might be thinking – will ginger break intermittent fasting and push my results back?
Of course, ginger still has calories, so it’s better to go more in-depth with this vegetable. In this article, you’ll discover if ginger can break your fast.
Does Ginger Break a Fast?
Yes, ginger can break a fast due to the number of carbohydrates and calories. This depends on how you eat the product. For example, 100 grams of raw ginger root contains 80 calories and 15.8 grams of net carbs, making it unsuitable for your fasting window.
People usually stick to the 10-calorie rule while practicing intermittent fasting. Anything above that amount can stop the fat-burning process, which ultimately slows down weight loss. Since fresh ginger root has more than 10 calories, it’s best to avoid the food completely during a long fast.
However, just remember that drinking ginger tea is acceptable for the fasting period. You could add just 2–3 grams of ginger to some hot water and drink that whenever you want. This will only contain 1.6 calories, which isn’t enough to trigger an insulin response when fasting.
Does Ginger Spike Insulin?
Eating ginger with or without meals won’t spike insulin levels. The active compound, gingerol, increases the glucose uptake in your cells. Although it doesn’t raise insulin production, it can still break a fast due to the high amount of calories and carbs.
Just because ginger root isn’t suitable for intermittent fasting doesn’t mean it’s not healthy. There are lots of benefits that derive from this vegetable. One study suggests that even though ginger boosts insulin production, it can actually reduce lipids and increase insulin sensitivity.
You should try to consume ginger during your eating window. This means you’ll still gain the amazing health benefits of this root without triggering an insulin response. It’s always better to drink lots of water, black coffee, or plain tea throughout the fast to lose more stubborn weight.
Would Ginger in Hot Water Break Your Fast?
No, soaking ginger in hot water will not break your fast. Adding small amounts of this root vegetable (around 2–3 grams) can keep blood sugar levels at bay. Boiling fresh ginger root actually takes away some minerals that contribute to the calories.
Ginger tea is a popular option to have during a fast. Soaking this root can release some of the carbohydrates and sugars that would raise the calorie content. You should drink ginger tea to alleviate stomach problems, prevent blood pressure spikes, and achieve long-term weight loss.
Some people also believe that unsweetened ginger tea can help you lose weight, especially if you drink it regularly. This is because ginger contains gingerols and shogaols – active compounds that may help your body digest food quickly, resulting in an anti-obesity effect.
Do Ginger Shots Break Your Fast?
Yes, ginger shots usually contain lots of ginger, which will break a fast. Any type of ginger shot found in the grocery store also has sweeteners and preservatives that spike insulin levels. You should avoid this product if you want to lose weight while fasting.
Most ginger shots don’t just contain ginger only, but lemon, turmeric, and apple as well. These ingredients will increase the net carbohydrates and break your fasting period. If you do want to have these small drinks, consume them in your designated eating window.
You could have ginger lemon tea in your intermittent fasting diet. A small amount of lemon juice, ginger root, and hot water may not break a fast. However, drinking any calories means you’re dirty fasting, which refers to calorie consumption of up to 50 calories per fast.
One thing to note is that lemon can strengthen your metabolic rate. People with a fast metabolism usually burn more calories throughout the day. Pairing lemon water with ginger root extract could encourage the body to burn fat and slow down fat cell production.
Does Ginger Affect Your Fast?
Eating ginger could break a fast, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid it. This food may reduce blood sugar levels in those who are practicing intermittent fasting. People with lower blood sugar have less glucose in their system, which prevents any excess fat cells.
Of course, you know by now that eating fresh ginger isn’t suitable for a fast. However, you can still consume ginger during the eating window. Adding ginger to plain tea can boost your immune system, energy levels, digestive system, and overall health while intermittent fasting.
Better health means your intermittent fasting journey will be more successful. You may also feel mentally prepared to go a few hours on an empty stomach. Even though ginger contains too many net carbohydrates, you can still enjoy the vegetable in popular beverages like matcha tea.
A Word From Our MD
Ginger contains a high amount of calories and carbs, so it’s not something that should be a part of your fast. Instead, drink zero-calorie beverages like plain water and black coffee. Try to avoid eating food while doing intermittent fasting, as this could set back your progress.
You could still mix ginger with some of the best teas in today’s wellness industry. Don’t forget that this food won’t harm your results during the eating window. Chai tea or green tea are great options for those who need extra flavor and want to keep their blood sugars stable.
Always check with a doctor if intermittent fasting is suitable for your health. Certain health conditions might not work well with this lifestyle. You can also talk to a registered dietitian about eating ginger and whether this food can break your fasting window.
Raw ginger can break your fast, but you should still eat it during the non-fasting period. This is because ginger has many benefits that could improve weight loss results. If you do want to make tea, add a very small amount of ginger to hot water and avoid sweeteners and additives.